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We always knew what our boss, Amanda, was thinking. Right off the bat, as soon as she walked through the door, she'd let you know what she wanted you to do. Her style was clear, direct, and open. She always put her cards on the table.

If you did something wrong or said something inappropriate, Amanda told you that you were off base. If she thought you were doing well and on the ball, she told you that, too. And when she said no, she meant no. No dice. Not many people argued with her and won. But I think she really enjoyed people who would stand up to her and give their own opinions. I think she secretly got a kick out of it.

Amanda是一个行事风格clear, direct and open清晰,直接,公开的老板。每一次,Right off the bat, 这个和球拍有关的习语意思相当于immediately, without delay 立刻马上,毫不耽误的,每次,当她走进们,就立刻告诉你她需要你做什么。的确是一个总是put her cards on the table的人。把自己的牌放在桌子上让别人看,也就是,毫不隐瞒,清楚的解释情况的意思。再比如:Let me put my cards on the table. Either we sell more or we'll have to close the business. 让我把话说明白了吧。要么我们多卖一些货,要么我们关门大吉。

做错了事情,Amanda会告诉你你off base,base有棒球比赛的“球垒”之意,off base没有跑到垒上,也就是not correct,“不正确”之意。再比如:You're off base with that answer. Try again. 你的答案是错误的。再做一次。

做错了要指出,相反,如果做得好,on the ball,她也会提出表扬。On the ball,勤奋的,有见识的。比如: Sophie is an excellent manager. She realy knows how to organize things and get things done. She is really on the ball. Sophie是个出色的经理。她知道如何组织和实施。她真是太能干了。

接下来,如果Amanda说不行的事儿,那就是不行了。No dice。Dice,骰子。No dice, 不给你扔骰子得出别的结论的可能。所以,No dice,just mean “No.” 例如:Tom wanted the party to be at my apartment, but I said no dice. Tom希望在我的公寓开Party,但我不同意。

除了以上所说的种种特点之外,Amanda还有一个宝贵的优点,希望每个人都不仅仅是应声虫,而是能够表达自己的观点。并且she secretly got a kick out of it. 私底下她是kick out of it的。这个短语意思相当于 “enjoy something a lot, like something a lot”。非常喜欢。再比如: I really get a kick out of Lisa's jokes. She always makes me laugh. 我太喜欢Lisa的笑话了。她总能让我发笑。

OK, our goodbye question: If you are on the ball, do you do things well? See you next time.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
inappropriate [.inə'prəupriit]


adj. 不适当的,不相称的

organize ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

base [beis]


n. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱

delay [di'lei]


v. 耽搁,推迟,延误
n. 耽搁,推迟,延期





