Chapter IV Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Procedure
第四章 案件管辖、法律适用和程序
Article 40 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have jurisdiction over cases concerning offences under this Law, except under the circumstances specified in Article 55 of this Law.
第四十条 香港特别行政区对本法规定的犯罪案件行使管辖权,但本法第五十五条规定的情形除外。
Article 41 This Law and the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall apply to procedural matters, including those related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of penalty, in respect of cases concerning offence endangering national security over which the Region exercises jurisdiction.
第四十一条 香港特别行政区管辖危害国家安全犯罪案件的立案侦查、检控、审判和刑罚的执行等诉讼程序事宜,适用本法和香港特别行政区本地法律。
No prosecution shall be instituted in respect of an offence endangering national security without the written consent of the Secretary for Justice. This provision shall not prejudice the arrest and detention of a person who is suspected of having committed the offence or the application for bail by the person in accordance with the law.
Cases concerning offence endangering national security within the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be tried on indictment.
The trial shall be conducted in an open court. When circumstances arise such as the trial involving State secrets or public order, all or part of the trial shall be closed to the media and the public but the judgment shall be delivered in an open court.
Article 42 When applying the laws in force in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region concerning matters such as the detention and time limit for trial, the law enforcement and judicial authorities of the Region shall ensure that cases concerning offence endangering national security are handled in a fair and timely manner so as to effectively prevent, suppress and impose punishment for such offence.
第四十二条 香港特别行政区执法、司法机关在适用香港特别行政区现行法律有关羁押、审理期限等方面的规定时,应当确保危害国家安全犯罪案件公正、及时办理,有效防范、制止和惩治危害国家安全犯罪。
No bail shall be granted to a criminal suspect or defendant unless the judge has sufficient grounds for believing that the criminal suspect or defendant will not continue to commit acts endangering national security.
Article 43 When handling cases concerning offence endangering national security, the department for safeguarding national security of the Police Force of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may take measures that law enforcement authorities, including the Hong Kong Police Force, are allowed to apply under the laws in force in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in investigating serious crimes, and may also take the following measures:
第四十三条 香港特别行政区政府警务处维护国家安全部门办理危害国家安全犯罪案件时,可以采取香港特别行政区现行法律准予警方等执法部门在调查严重犯罪案件时采取的各种措施,并可以采取以下措施:
(1) search of premises, vehicles, vessels, aircraft and other relevant places and electronic devices that may contain evidence of an offence;
(2) ordering any person suspected of having committed an offence endangering national security to surrender travel documents, or prohibiting the person concerned from leaving the Region;
(3) freezing of, applying for restraint order, charging order and confiscation order in respect of, and forfeiture of property used or intended to be used for the commission of the offence, proceeds of crime, or other property relating to the commission of the offence;
(4) requiring a person who published information or the relevant service provider to delete the information or provide assistance;
(5) requiring a political organisation of a foreign country or outside the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao of the People’s Republic of China, or an agent of authorities or a political organisation of a foreign country or outside the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao of the People’s Republic of China, to provide information;
(6) upon approval of the Chief Executive, carrying out interception of communications and conducting covert surveillance on a person who is suspected, on reasonable grounds, of having involved in the commission of an offence endangering national security; and
(7) requiring a person, who is suspected, on reasonable grounds, of having in possession information or material relevant to investigation, to answer questions and furnish such information or produce such material.
The Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be responsible for supervising the implementation of the measures stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article by law enforcement authorities including the department for safeguarding national security of the Hong Kong Police Force.
The Chief Executive shall be authorised, in conjunction with the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, to make relevant implementation rules for the purpose of applying the measures under the first paragraph of this Article.
Article 44 The Chief Executive shall designate a number of judges from the magistrates, the judges of the District Court, the judges of the Court of First Instance and the Court of Appeal of the High Court, and the judges of the Court of Final Appeal, and may also designate a number of judges from deputy judges or recorders, to handle cases concerning offence endangering national security. Before making such designation, the Chief Executive may consult the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal. The term of office of the aforementioned designated judges shall be one year.
第四十四条 香港特别行政区行政长官应当从裁判官、区域法院法官、高等法院原讼法庭法官、上诉法庭法官以及终审法院法官中指定若干名法官,也可从暂委或者特委法官中指定若干名法官,负责处理危害国家安全犯罪案件。行政长官在指定法官前可征询香港特别行政区维护国家安全委员会和终审法院首席法官的意见。上述指定法官任期一年。
A person shall not be designated as a judge to adjudicate a case concerning offence endangering national security if he or she has made any statement or behaved in any manner endangering national security. A designated judge shall be removed from the designation list if he or she makes any statement or behaves in any manner endangering national security during the term of office.
The proceedings in relation to the prosecution for offences endangering national security in the magistrates’ courts, the District Court, the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal shall be handled by the designated judges in the respective courts.
Article 45 Unless otherwise provided by this Law, magistrates’ courts, the District Court, the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal shall handle proceedings in relation to the prosecution for offences endangering national security in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
第四十五条 除本法另有规定外,裁判法院、区域法院、高等法院和终审法院应当按照香港特别行政区的其他法律处理就危害国家安全犯罪案件提起的刑事检控程序。
Article 46 In criminal proceedings in the Court of First Instance of the High Court concerning offences endangering national security, the Secretary for Justice may issue a certificate directing that the case shall be tried without a jury on the grounds of, among others, the protection of State secrets, involvement of foreign factors in the case, and the protection of personal safety of jurors and their family members. Where the Secretary for Justice has issued the certificate, the case shall be tried in the Court of First Instance without a jury by a panel of three judges.
第四十六条 对高等法院原讼法庭进行的就危害国家安全犯罪案件提起的刑事检控程序,律政司长可基于保护国家秘密、案件具有涉外因素或者保障陪审员及其家人的人身安全等理由,发出证书指示相关诉讼毋须在有陪审团的情况下进行审理。凡律政司长发出上述证书,高等法院原讼法庭应当在没有陪审团的情况下进行审理,并由三名法官组成审判庭。
Where the Secretary for Justice has issued the certificate, the reference to “a jury” or “a verdict of the jury” in any provision of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region applicable to the related proceedings shall be construed as referring to the judges or the functions of the judge as a judge of fact.
Article 47 The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall obtain a certificate from the Chief Executive to certify whether an act involves national security or whether the relevant evidence involves State secrets when such questions arise in the adjudication of a case. The certificate shall be binding on the courts.
第四十七条 香港特别行政区法院在审理案件中遇有涉及有关行为是否涉及国家安全或者有关证据材料是否涉及国家秘密的认定问题,应取得行政长官就该等问题发出的证明书,上述证明书对法院有约束力。