The Door of an Office Building
The new office building of our township is so situated: its south faces a main road, on its east are a path and wheat fields, and on its north is a small river. It's most suitable for the door facing the south, but the township leader thinks otherwise, deeming it would bring a lot of noise from the road. He directs the construction company to have the door open towards the east. This creates much inconvenience for all who have to enter it, but none dares to complain.
Not long after a new leader takes over. He frowns at the position of the door, "How could it be so arranged? Facing the east actually makes it a side door that gives an impression of woefulness." Everybody is happy at his remarks, thinking it possible for the door to face the main road. But what turns out is beyond people's expectation. The leader orders the door be changed towards the north, i.e. facing the river. That's even worse than before, for it brings greater inconvenience. But this is the leader's decision; nobody dares to protest.
Soon afterwards the leader is replaced by a new one. On his arrival he shows a great dislike about the direction of the door. "How is it to let the door open northward? Don't you mean to go by a back door?" Then he resolutely decides to change it into a southward one: facing the main road. This decision is warmly supported by all. Everyone is contented and regards the leader as a wise official.
That's not the end of the story. One day truth is eventually revealed when Mr. Liu, chief of the township office lets slip, as a result of drunkenness, the secret motives of the three successive leaders. The first leader is named Niu, meaning "cattle", so he likes the door opening towards the east where wheat fields are situated, implying "plenty of grass for the cattle to graze". The second is named Pang, a homophone to "crab" in Chinese. As the crab lives where there is water, he then wants to the door to face the river. The third is named Ma, meaning "horse." Since the horse likes to gallop on highways he naturally chooses the south as the suitable position of the door.
Liu's remarks leaves all of us amazed and stunned.