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1. 翻译硕士英语 — 同济考的题型和样题很不一样,没有语法、改错、完形这样的题型。只有阅读和写作。阅读考了大概三篇,前两篇比较容易也很短,第一篇5个选择题,第二篇10个选择题。第三篇比较长也有点难度,要求写一篇summary。考了就忘了是啥题目了,要不然还能搜搜原文,然后是两篇作文,第一篇500字以上,说的是现代生活压力比较大,要怎样live with stresses 这样的;第二篇600字以上,说的是不同场合有不同礼仪,中外也有不同,评论下,后面给了好多种情况,比如遇到老师应该打招呼啊,公共场合吸烟呀之类的。

2. 翻译 — 考了两篇英翻中,第一篇To Google or not to Google

Kamila Shamsie The Guardian, Saturday 27 June 2009 Article history"

I want you to come and talk to my class about Burnt Shadows," an academic friend said to me earlier this year while I was on a book tour in America. "But first you have to promise me one thing: you won't tell the students you did most of the research for your novel via Google."

"Not even if I say I used Google to find books or journal articles which I then checked out of libraries?"

"Not even then."

"What if I say I used Google Images to find photographs of Nagasaki before the bomb?"


"And Google Earth to help me visualise places I was writing about but had never visited."

"Well, OK."

"And YouTube to understand how to dismantle an AK-47?"

"Hmm ... "

I did use Google, Google Images and YouTube for all the reasons mentioned. It was straightforward research, using the tools at my disposal. But when it came to Google Earth - the program that allows you to view all parts of the world via satellite imagery, from different angles - my first encounter left me somewhat distressed.

I had spent months, up to this point, researching Nagasaki before the bomb. All the images I'd looked at, the stories I'd sought out, the details I'd accumulated about history, land ownership, artistic production and so on started around the 15th century, and then came to a halt just days after 9 August 1945. So it was with a peculiar sensation, close to outrage, that I zoomed into Google Earth's images and saw a 21st-century city labelled Nagasaki.


Help yourself 请自便

Customers are working for companies free of charge, and they like it 顾客免费为公司工作,而且他们喜欢 AMERICANS worried that cheap labour in faraway countries threatens jobs at home should redirect their gaze to the mirror. Yes, companies are outsourcing jobsto their customers. They are steering ever greater numbers to ATMs instead of tellers, websites instead of telephone hotlines and automated checkouts instead of manned registers. The recession is making them even keener. 担心别国廉价劳动力威胁他们本国工作的美国人应当好好审视他们自己。是的,公司正将他们的工作外包给他们的顾客。他们正鼓励越来越多的人使用 ATM 机,网络在线服务和自动打卡,以取代人工服务,电话热线和正式签到。经济衰退使得他们发展自助服务的愿望更加迫切。 Self-service is on the rise in industries from retailing and entertainment to travel and telecommunications. According to VDC Research Group, retailing, hospitality and health-care firms spent $2.8 billion on self-service technology in 2008. Between now and 2013 their investment will grow by around 15% a year. Speech-recognition technology, which permits automated responses to telephone calls, is also faring well. Datamonitor Group, a consultancy, expects spending on that to rise by around 8% in 2009. 从零售和娱乐,到旅游和通信,自助服务在逐渐普及。根据 VDC Research Group 的研究,在 2008 年,零售业,旅馆业和医疗公司在自助服务技术上投入了 28 亿美元。从现在起至 2013 年,他们的该项支出将以每年 15% 的速度增长。可以自动回复来电的语音识别技术也正在取得成功。咨询公司 Datamonitor Group 预测 2009 年其支出将增长大约 8%。 Firms that embrace self-service technology like to talk about the joys ofcustomer empowerment”. Customers have grown increasingly used to self-service devices, whether they like them or not. A lot of consumers would still like to speak to a human being. But many people, especially younger ones who grew up with the internet, like doing things themselves. Gartner, a research firm, estimates that nearly 60% of customers prefer to check themselves whether an item is in stock at a store, oftenthrough a self-service kiosk or their mobile phone, instead of relying on an employee. 使用自助服务技术的公司喜欢谈论“授权给客户”。不管顾客是不是喜欢这些自助设备,他们已经逐渐的熟悉了他们。不少顾客仍然想和人交流。但是很多人,特别是伴随互联网成长的年轻人,喜欢亲自动手实践。研究公司 Gartner 估计,在想查看一件货物是否在仓库有存货的顾客中,60% 的人通过自助服务平台或他们的手机而不是去问员工。 When done well, self-service can even increase customer loyalty. According to NCR, which makes self-service technology, 85% of consumers prefer brands that offer several forms of self-service: online, at kiosks and via mobiles, for example. Sometimes self-service can be more personal, not less. Many speech-recognition services store customersinformation and greet them by name when they call. Companies that provide up-to-the-minute online account statements, including some mobile-phone and cable-television firms, appeal to those wanting to keep a close eye on their spending amid the recession. 当做的好的时候,自助服务甚至能增加客户忠诚度。根据开发自助服务技术的 NCR 公司的数据,85% 的消费者更喜欢能提供多种自助服务形式的品牌,例如,既支持自助平台又支持手机的在线服务。有时自助服务能更个性化。很多语音识别服务存储顾客的信息,当他们打电话时使用顾客姓名进行问候。一些公司,包括移动电话和有线电视业务的公司,提供新潮的网上结帐服务,这项业务吸引了那些在经济衰退期间特别注意开销的公司。 The main reason why companies are so keen on self-service, however, is cost. On average, transactions performed through kiosks cost a tenth of what they would have had an employee handled them, according to Summit Research Associates, a consultancy. Comverse, a technology firm, reckons savings from online self-service can be even greater: it costs $7 to answer a query through a call centre, but only ten cents to deal with one online. Comverse says one of its clients deflects 200,000 calls a week through its online self-service portal, saving it around $52m a year. The savings come chiefly from replacing employees with machines, which do not require healthbenefits or a salary. According to Francie Mendelsohn, the president of Summit Research Associates, each self-service checkout at a grocery store replaces around 2.5 employees. 不过,公司热衷于自助服务的主要原因还是费用。咨询机构 Summit Research Associates 认为,通过自助服务处理事务的开销是雇佣专门员工的费用的十分之一。科技公司 Comverse 则估计,在线自助服务能节省更多的开支:电话中心回答一个咨询需要 7 美元,但是在线服务仅花费 10 美分。Comverse 说,他的一个客户通过便携式在线自助服务每周减少了 200,000 个电话,因此每年节省了 5200 万美元。节省的钱主要是因为机器取代了雇员,而这些机器不需要医疗补贴或者薪水。Summit Research Associates 总裁 Francie Mendelsohn 认为,如果一家便利店使用自助服务,相应减少的工时相当于大约 2.5 名员工。 The extra convenience that self-service affords can also bring in new customers. Blockbuster, a video-rental firm, plans to set up 3,000 kiosks by the end of the year at supermarkets and convenience stores in order to reach people who do not come to its own stores. Pitney Bowes, which makes franking machines, has set up self-service mailing kiosks in shops and office buildings and is sharing revenue with the United States Postal Service, which is facing dramatic declines in mail volume. Pitney Bowess research suggests that people who might otherwise not have bothered mailing packages or letters are now doing so. 自助服务的额外好处是他能吸引新客户。录像租赁公司 Blockbuster 计划今年在超市和便利店设立 3000 个柜台,这样人们不用到 Blockbuster 门店就能享受服务。制作标记打印机的公司 Pitney Bowes 已经在商店和办公大楼设立了自助式邮递柜台,处于邮件业务大幅下滑窘境的美国邮政管理局 (United States Postal Service) 也因此项举措受益。Pitney Bowes 的研究表明,那些原来可能用别的方式但不讨厌邮递包裹或信件的人现在也使用邮寄了。 The recession has made the savings from self-service especially welcome. Companies claim they do not fire employees but redeploy them to do more important work. But in a slow economy they are likely to get the boot. Self-service technology may provide other ways of helping companies throughstraitened times. Retailers, for example, are eagerly awaiting near-field communication (NFC) chips, which would store credit-card information in mobiles and so allow customers to use them instead of cards to make purchases. The technology would also help retailers keep track of customersspending habits and advertise special offers. Brad Fick of Direct Source, which sells self-service technology, says NFC devices will be introduced in the next year or two. For retailers that last until then, that is good news. 经济衰退使得自助服务带来的费用节省特别受欢迎。公司声称他们不会裁员,而只将他们重新安排到更重要的岗位。但是,在经济减速的背景下,他们很可能被解雇。也许,自助服务技术能提供其它帮助公司度过经济危机的办法。例如,零售商急切的盼望能及早应用在手机中存储身份信息的NFC 芯片技术,这项技术使得顾客能用手机购物从而取代信用卡。这项技术也会有助于销售商跟踪用户的消费习惯,以及投放折扣广告。Direct Source 公司的 Brad Fick 销售自助服务技术,他认为 NFC 设备将在明年或后年得到应用,对能坚持到那时候的零售商而言,这是个好消息。

这是别人翻译的,有些地方不对,我就不一一指出了。自己可以去网上搜原文,有个economics 的中文原文网站



一个是No smoking, wet paint翻译成禁止吸烟和油漆未干,用了什么理论,这个我也不大清楚,我没复习理论,哈哈~

第二个是to kill two birds with one stone有翻译成一石二鸟和一箭双雕的,用理论分析两种翻译有何不同。

第三个是——What flower does everybody have?——Tulips (Tulips= two lips)——人人都有的花是什么花——泪花Tulips是郁金香。用的翻译理论。这个理论问题是用中文回答的。

3. 百科和汉语写作 — 百科是选择题,相对于兄弟院校来说比较简单了,题目如:1965年成立的自治区是哪个?莎士比亚的四大传奇剧是?四书是?基督教传入中国的时间是?什么恩格尔系数在0.多少之间时表明人民生活幸福?藏在文渊阁(貌似是这个阁)的清朝巨著是?就能想到这些了,呃~~



重点单词   查看全部解释    
encounter [in'kauntə]


n. 意外的相见,遭遇
v. 遇到,偶然碰到,

sensation [sen'seiʃən]


n. 感觉,感知力,激动,轰动

ownership ['əunəʃip]


n. 所有权

entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

embrace [im'breis]


v. 拥抱,包含,包围,接受,信奉
n. 拥抱

academic [.ækə'demik]


adj. 学术的,学院的,理论的

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

convenience [kən'vi:njəns]


n. 适宜,便利,便利设施,方便的时间,舒适

straightforward [streit'fɔ:wəd]


adj. 笔直的,率直的

summit ['sʌmit]


n. 顶点;最高阶层
vi. 参加最高级会议,


关键字: 真题 MTI 同济大学 2010




