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美文串记考研英语词汇:第4课 每天都行走在成功路上

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Walking on the road of success every day
  • 每天都行走在成功路上
  • Stevenson was born of inferior origin, living in a basement of a remote county in Scotland with his family.
  • 史蒂文森出身卑贱,他们一家人常年住在苏格兰一个偏远小县的一间地下室里。
  • As a little boy, his greatest wish was an ice-cream in summer or a pair of gloves in winter.
  • 他小时候最大的愿望就是有夏天可以吃到冰淇淋,冬天有双手套来取暖。
  • Later His father became disabled on the limb in an accident.
  • 后来,父亲在一次事故中致残,
  • After the unemployment (layoff) of his father, the family was on the border of famine.
  • 父亲失业以后,家里的生活更是举步维艰,
  • A loaf of bread could be the supper of the whole family.
  • 常常一条面包便是一家人的晚餐。
  • His twin sisters died early for the deficiency of protein, he also fully tasted the plague of life.
  • 两个姐姐都因营养不良而先后夭折,他也饱尝艰辛。
  • His parents borrowed tuition to send Stevenson to school when he was 10 years old.
  • 10岁时,家里借钱把他送到学校,
  • Although he only studied in school for a semester, he mastered good spelling.
  • 虽然只上了一学期,但是他的拼写学得非常好。
  • For the sake of living, he worked as a porter, an operator, a receptionist, a salesman and a postman.
  • 为了谋生,他当过搬运工,接线员,招待员,邮递员,
  • He baked bricks, sold steaks in a bakery and learnt from barbers and carpenters.
  • 烧过砖,在面包店卖过牛排,曾拜理发师和木匠学艺。
  • Once for a 2-shilling fee, he acted as a clown in costumes in a comedy.
  • 曾经为了赚一点小费,他还在喜剧片里装扮过小丑。
  • Every night, when he lodged in the small cell, thinking of the deception and insults that he suffered,
  • 每到夜晚的时候,他蜷缩在小屋里,想着自己受到的种种屈辱的欺骗,
  • he swore he would employ every means to make money in spite of the difficulties.
  • 他就发誓,不管有多辛苦一定要想尽一切办法赚钱。
  • At that time, making money was his only motive and he dreamed of having a deposit in the bank.
  • 那时候,赚钱养家是他唯一的动力,他做梦也想在银行里有自己的存款。
  • When he was 28 years old, he turned to be a typist and shorthand writing in a broadcasting bureau.
  • 28岁那年,他在一家广播站当上了打字员。
  • He worked hard, eating crusts (biscuits) and napping on the couch beside the typewriter usually.
  • 他很勤奋,饿了吃点干面包片,困了就睡在打字机旁的长凳上。
  • He also made efforts to practice his handwriting, writing advertisements and headlines of news.
  • 他练习书法,学写广告和新闻摘要。
  • However, in comparison with other staffs, he was still so humble;
  • 但是比起同事来,他还是太卑微了。
  • he spoke in dialect and had no diploma.
  • 他说着方言,又没有文凭。
  • Everybody laughed at him, scorned his bluntness and conversely he shrugged, spurring himself to work even harder.
  • 人们都嘲笑他,他反而耸耸肩,把这当作鼓舞自己斗志的动力。
  • When he was 41, a journal paid for good essays.
  • 41岁那年,有家杂志举办有奖散文征文活动,
  • The bonus of the first prize was 3,000 pounds.
  • 一等奖3千英镑。
  • He tried and his first work entitled Heroic Surrender won the third prize, earning him 1,000 pounds.
  • 他想碰碰运气,结果,他的一篇名为《英雄败北》的处女作获得了第三名,奖金1000英镑。
  • From then on, good luck seemly embraced him.
  • 从此,幸运降临了。
  • He published more than 20 fictions and dramas subsequently in the following decades.
  • 接下来的几十年中,他接连发表了20多部小说和戏剧。
  • His satire works won him the reputation overseas for the subtle feelings and insightful philosophy.
  • 他的作品以感情细腻,深刻,富有哲理而享誉海外。
  • Some of his works, particularly indispensable Sore, The Era of Bet and Extraordinary Booklet were translated into several versions in different languages.
  • 特别是《不能承受之痛》、《赌之年代》、《宝书》等,被翻译成几国文字。
  • Once a journalist asked him as a productive author,
  • 成名后,有记者问他:
  • "Mr. Stevenson, it is said that your striking success is owing to Heroic Surrender.
  • “史蒂文森先生,有人把你的成功归功于那次征文。
  • Assuming there was no such a try, would you still live on slim wages?"
  • 如果没有第一次的尝试,恐怕您现在仍然靠微薄的工资生活吧?”
  • Then Stevenson smiled.
  • 史蒂文森笑了,
  • "Regarding success". He said,"Life is always a process of voyage.
  • 他说:“说到成功,生活就如同航行,
  • Someone paces quickly, while others slowly.
  • 虽然有的人快一些,有的人慢上些,
  • But stretches of episodes in life constitute our success; we are walking on the road of success every day."
  • 但人生的每一个历程都是成功的基石,我们每天都走在成功的路上!”?


Walking on the road of success every day

Stevenson was born of inferior origin, living in a basement of a remote county in Scotland with his family. As a little boy, his greatest wish was an ice-cream in summer or a pair of gloves in winter. Later His father became disabled on the limb in an accident. After the unemployment(layoff) of his father, the family was on the border of famine. A loaf of bread could be the supper of the whole family. His twin sisters died early for the deficiency of protein, he also fully tasted the plague of life. His parents borrowed tuition to send Stevenson to school when he was 10 years old. Although he only studied in school for a semester, he mastered good spelling.
For the sake of living, he worked as a porter, an operator, a receptionist, a salesman and a postman. He baked bricks, sold steaks in a bakery and learnt from barbers and carpenters. Once for a 2-shilling fee, he acted as a clown in costumes in a comedy. Every night, when he lodged in the small cell, thinking of the deception and insults that he suffered, he swore he would employ every means to make money in spite of the difficulties. At that time, making money was his only motive and he dreamed of having a deposit in the bank.


When he was 28 years old, he turned to be a typist and shorthand writing in a broadcasting bureau. He worked hard, eating crusts(biscuits) and napping on the couch beside the typewriter usually. He also made efforts to practice his handwriting, writing advertisements and headlines of news. However, in comparison with other staffs, he was still so humble; he spoke in dialect and had no diploma. Everybody laughed at him, scorned his bluntness and conversely he shrugged, spurring himself to work even harder.

When he was 41, a journal paid for good essays. The bonus of the first prize was 3,000 pounds. He tried and his first work entitled Heroic Surrender won the third prize, earning him 1,000 pounds. From then on, good luck seemly embraced him. He published more than 20 fictions and dramas subsequently in the following decades. His satire works won him the reputation overseas for the subtle feelings and insightful philosophy. Some of his works, particularly indispensable Sore, The Era of Bet and Extraordinary Booklet were translated into several versions in different languages.
Once a journalist asked him as a productive author, “Mr. Stevenson, it is said that your striking success is owing to Heroic Surrender. Assuming there was no such a try, would you still live on slim wages?” Then Stevenson smiled. “Regarding success”. He said, “Life is always a process of voyage. Someone paces quickly, while others slowly. But stretches of episodes in life constitute our success; we are walking on the road of success every day.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
productive [prə'dʌktiv]


adj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的

inferior [in'fiəriə]


adj. 次等的,较低的,不如的

deficiency [di'fiʃənsi]


n. 缺乏,不足,缺点

dialect ['daiəlekt]


n. 方言

motive ['məutiv]


adj. 发动的,运动的,积极的,动机的

typewriter ['taip.raitə]


n. 打字机,打字员

bonus ['bəunəs]


n. 奖金,红利

remote [ri'məut]


adj. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的,(感情等)距离很大

employ [im'plɔi]



insightful ['in,saitful]


adj. 有深刻见解的,富有洞察力的





