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I. Choose from the five words or phrases given after the following sentences the one which most appropriately completes that sentence.

1.The Minister accuesed the farmers of the potato shortage in order to force prices up .
A. depleting B. expecting C. exploiting D. misapplying E. misappropriating

2.The stories about his wealth are quite ; he is not particularly well off
A. unproveked B. incredulous C. unfounded D. irrational E. undeserving

3.I dont really know how to the problem.
A. tackle b. cope C set in D draw E efface

4. Dont forget to well . its very cold outside.
A. dress up B wrap up C huddle up Dclose up E roll up

5.The overcrowded living conditiobns a heavy strain on the family.
A. set B put C forced D pressed E drew

6.The wind has now from south to west.
A. ranged B veered C whirled D exchanged E transferred

7. The man crept noiselessly up the stairs , but on the landing the floorboards .
A. cracked B crunched C moaned D creaked E groaned

8. He had deceived a great many people but she him at once.
A. saw into B asw round C saw through D looked through E looked into

9. Since 1945 the rivalry in military strength ebtween the worlds great powers has produced a balanced peace.
A. presently B precociously C previously D deviosly E precariously

10. The teams couch insisted on a program of training before the big match .
A. hars B. rigorous C. positive D. severe E. searching

11.I tried to a hint but you didnt notice
A. nod B. drop C. suggest D. let E. warn

12. The human voice often sounds on the telephone.
A. twisted B. irregular C. distored D. reformed E. deformed

13.What you say is true ,but you could have it more tactfully.
A. talded B. phrased C. ohzerved D. informed E. remarked

14.The police are the suburbs for the missing car.
A.seeking B. combing C.looking D. socking E. investigating

15.The climbers their greatest ambition by reaching the summit of the mountain.
A. obtained B. sustained C. maintained D. retained E. realized

16.Despite the Swiss watchmakerspredictions , micro-chip watches have not turned out to be .
A. a stab in the back B. a mine dayswonder C. a shot in the dark D. a port in a storm
E. a storm in a teacup

17.Councilor A brahams a resolution in favor of accepting the offer
A. moved B. proposed C. put D. made E. took

18.The motion was carried ,with only protest from the opposition. enthusiastc B. a tender encouraging D. a slack E. a feeble

19. The policy was directed towards unemployment
A.sparing B. declining C.shrinking D. relieving E. battering

20.The manifest to is a for the towns future.
A. white paper B. green belt C. blue film D. gree lilgt E. Bluprint

II. Indicate, by a symbol a, b or c, etc., thether the underlined verbs in the sentedces below express a, an activity, b. process that someone or something can undergo, c, a bodily sensation that someone experiences, d. a transitional event, e. a series of momentary acts, f. inert percaption or cognition, or g. a relationship.(5%)

1.I think this meat has gone bad. 2. I cant walk any farther. My leg is hurting badly. 3. Does this rule apply to everyone who applies for this post?4.Tell me if it tastes too sweet. 5. Im getting tired . Would you get me a chair?

III.Make a compound word (with byphen if necessary )according to each defimition, using the word given as the first part of the compound(6%)

1.beart a. sincere , deeply felt b. causing deep grief or distress c. suffering deeply from grief.

2. Head a. forward motion, progres b. self- willed, obstinate c. place from which(e.g. porlice or army ) operations are controlled

3.self a. selfish, never thinking of the interest of others b. obviously true, needing no proof c. convinced of ones own goodness

4. stand a. unfriendly. distant in manner b. stoppage c. thing or person to be used or called on if necessary.
IV.Explain the difference in the meaning or use of the words in italics in the pairs or groups of sentences.(4%)

1. a. Ill teach you to play tennis. b. Ill teach you to steal my apples.

2. a. He enjoyed a good education b. He enjoyed his lessons at school .

3. a. After an exhausting search, they found the missing children. b. After an exhaustive search, they found the missing children.

4. a. Undoubtedly, that is the best method to adopt. b. No doubt, that is the best method to adopt.

V. Replace the words in italics by an adjective ending inible orable, making any peccessary changes in word order(5)%

1. Many people are easily influenced by flattery.( )

2. Adolescents ofetn go through a phase when they are completely lackig in any sense of responsibility.

3. A good ear for muances is absolutely necessary if one wishes to speak a foreign language perfectly.

4. Being impatient is opposed in nature or character with being a good teacher.

VI. Show the difference in meaning between the seitences in pairs, by explaiming(the relevant part of )each sentence.(4%)

1.a. Why dont you try to hire a television set? b. Why dont you try hiring a television set?

2.a. The shop will let me know when the goods are in stock b. The shop will let me know when the goods will be in stock

3.a. She drinks tea with breakfast, as is customary in England . b. She drinks tea with breakfast, as it is customary in England.

4.a. There was no reason for him to think such a thing. b. There was, for him ,no reason for him thinking such a thing.

VII.Combine each group of sentences to form one compex sentence. you may make any necessary changes in the disposition of material and in the wording, but must mot change the sense of the original. If there are any suggested skeleton structures in brackets, you may use them as possible approaches to the synthesis(8%)

1.The English queue up for public trasport. They do so in an orderly way. Visitors from the continent are surprised at this. They innocently join the front of the queue. They do this when they first arrive in England. Angry glares are given them. They cannot understand this .(Visitorsat thein which…, and theywhen, on first …, they innocently…)

2.The Pilgrim Fathers were a group of English Puritans, They first spent some years in exile in Holland . They did this to escape religious persecution, they later sailed to America in the Mayflower, They established a colony at Plymiuth in Massachusetts.

3.A man may be pronounced guilty only by twelve of his fellow citivens. They must be left free to make their decision. They must be left to do so without influence from the judge. He may, however, direct them as to points of law . This is the jury system. It is an outstanding characteristic of British judicial procedurd(An outsandingis …, under which a man…)

4.No one was watching. The thief first made sure of . His climbed up a drainpipe. He climbed up to a window on the first floor. He succeeded in entering the house through the window. He was not observed.(Having first…, the thiefto a first-floor…, through whichunobserved.)

VIII. Punctuate the following and capitalize some letters if necessary.(5%)

1.A lawyer by training when forced by events to be a soldier he proved himself a great soldier

2.Whatever he had to do he did well naturally
3.For most of my life childhood boyhood and more we lived in the country

4.He wants independence he wants color in his life he dreams of achievements mone of which seems possible in the village his reading and he is an avid reader seems bardly relevant to his actual life.

5.Manuel Silva the oldest fisherman in Vera Cruz was photographed on the newspapers.

IX. For each of the sentences below., write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given in capital letters; this word must not be altered in any way.(15%)

1.I have a strong preference for chidless tenants.


2.He asked her whether she was agreeable to the change.


3.He didnt care about the area, but it was the price that was more significant.


4. She stressed the importance of keeping the family together.


5.Seven hundred people occupy this tenement buiding.


6.The community centre is used for many different activities.


7.Old buildings are sometimes requisitioned by the Council and renovated.


8.Motorists are jamming the streets as they slow down to see the wall paintings.


9.The pictures show the frustrations of urban society.


10.Old communities were broken up and dispersed to the suburbs, the protesters complain.


11.Rehousing drives did not always consider human nature.


12.The Council should have appreciated peoplesreal needs.


13.The authorities discourage pubs.


14.The difference between a Swedish housing eatate and a British one is the apparent lack of poverty.


15.Many people think that half the teenagers on the housing estate are heroin addicts.


X. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word.(5%)

Men live in socety not (1)they are men, but because they are animals. The social way
(2)life is a stage in the evolution of life prior (3)the appearance of the human race. (4)is distincitive about man is (5)he has developed social organisation far (6)than any other animal species, so that (7)is a giant step in complexity between the (8)elaborate non-human society and the most elementary society of men. Human society shares characteristice (9)aniaml societies: it is formed by (10)given population of individuals, all (11)to the same species, it shows an interpal as (12)tasks, (13)a hierarchical structure. Individuals interact as (14)of the same species, and possess(15)common language which (16)them apart from other species. The level of population
(17 )perpetuated by (18)of biological reproduction and by constant struggle with (19)environment. Similarities like these become conspicuous when human social orgaisation is compared with (20)of other primates.

XI. Idntify the figure(s) of speech used in each of the following sentences(3%)

1.I see also the dull. drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.(Winston S. Churchill)

2.We are creating a nation once again vibrant, robust and alive . But there are many mountains yet to climb.(Ronald Reagan)

3.Without the assistance of that Divine Being who ever attended him, I cannot succeed, With that assistance. I cannot fail(Abraham Lincoln)

4.Shap words may occasionally be spoken by umguarded or ignorant tongues. (Edward John Phelps)

XIIRead the following passage and then complete each statement by choosingA, B,C or D.(10%)

One of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today is of course the voice of the advertisers. Its strident clamour dominates our lives. It shouts at us form the television screen and the radio loudspeakers; waves to us from every page of the newspaper; plucks at our sleeves on the esclator; signals to us from the roadside billboards all day and flashes messages to us in coloured lights all night. It has forced on us a whole new concception of the successful man as a man no less than20% of whose mail consists of announcements of giant carpet sales.

Advetising has been among Englands biggest growth industries since the war, in terms of the ratio of money earnings to demonstrable achievement. Why all this fantastic expenditure?

Perhaps the answer is that advetising saves the manufacturers from having to think about the customer. At the stage of desiging and developing a product, there is quite enough to think about without worring over whether anybody will want to buy is . The designer is busy enough without adding customer-appeal to all his other problens of manhours and machine tolerances and stress factors .So they just go ahead and make the thing and leave it to the advertiser to find eleven ways of making it appeal to purchasers after they have finished it, by pretending that it confers status, or attracts love, or signifies manliness. If the advertising a gency can do this authoritatively enough, the manufacturer is in clover.

Other manufacturers find advertising saves them changing their product. And manufacturers hate change. The ideal product is one which goes on unchanged for ever. If, therefore, for one reason or another, some alteration seems called forhow much better to change the image, the pachker or the pitch made by the product, rather than go to all the inconvenience of chaning the product itself.

The advertising man has to combine. The great skill required of all , is the skill of getting people to believe in and contribute money to something which can never be logically proved . At the Bar , an essential ability is that of presenting the most persuasive case you can to a jury of ordinary people ,wih emotioal appeals masquerading as logical exposition; a case you do not necessarily have to believe in Medicine, any doctor will confirm that a large part of his job is not clinial treatment but faith healing. His apparently scientific approach enables his patients to believe right, just as advertising does- “ Run down? You need…” “No one will dance with you ? Adab of *****will make you popular.”

Advertising men use statistice rather like a drunk uses a lamppostfor support rater than illumination. They will dress anyone up in a white coat to appear like an unimpeachable authority or , failing that, they will even be happy with the announcement, “As used by 90% of the actors who play doctors on televisionTheir engaging quality is that they enjoy having their latest ruses uncovered almost as much as anyone else.

1.According to the passage modern advertising isauthoritativebecause of the way it
A. influences our image of the kind of person we ought to be liKe
B. interferes with the privacy of home life.
C. continually forces us into buying things.
D. distracts us no matter where we travel.

2.The forms of advertising mentioned in the first paragraph would have least impact
A. in the rush hours
B. during working hours.
C. before working hours.
D. after wouking hours.

3.The form of advertising which has best succeeded in conferring personal status on the individual makes use of
A. coloured lights all night.
B. roadside billboards.
C. the postal service
D. the wall space beside escalators.

4.Advertisers are appreciated by manufacturers because they
A. advise them on ways of giving a product customer-appeal.
B. accept responsibility for giving a product customer-appeal.

C. advise them on the best time to go ahead with production
D. consult them during the design and development stages.

5.According to the passage customers are attracted to a product because it appears to
A. have a sufficiently attractive design.
B. offer good value for money.
C. fulfil the manufacturers claims.
D. satisfy their personal needs.

6.The passage tells us that some manufacturers, instead of changing their product, would prefer to change its
A. production cost
B. quality.
C. market value
D. appeal

7.The advertising man is said to share with the Chruch, the bar, and Medicine, the ability to
A. conivnce people of the truth.
B. win peoples confidence.
C. accept peoples prejudices.
D. exploit peoples fears.

8.According to the text, doctors are most successful when they are
A. authoriattive
B. logical.
C. emotional
D. scientific.

9.Advertising men dress people up in white coats because
A. it makes their advertisements more conspicuous.
B. it makes their advertisements more conspicing.
C. the majority of Tvdoctors are dressed up in white coats.
D. it makes the actors take the job seriously

10. The advertisersattitude is based on the hope that consumers
A. know deep down what they really want.
B. are interested in what is being designed
C. are indifferent to what is being advertised.
D. are uncritical and easily influenced.

XIII . Read the following passage and then fulfill the requireaents which follow.

Even the social scientist who is occupied with the study of what are called institutions must draw his ultimate data(with one important exceptioned below)from the experience of the senses. Suppose, for instance, that he is engaed on a study of the role of trade unions is contempoary England . The abstract conceptiontrade unionis simply a shorthand for certain types of behavior by certain people, of which we can only be aware by sensory perception, It means men sitting in a room and making certain sounds in the conduct of atrade union meeting’, or handing over to other persons tangible objects (money ) as their subscriptions to the union, Anyone who have in their turn heard or seen records of such observations made by others).Even such comments on a union meeting as that it wasorderlyorpeacefulare fundamentally statements about its physical properties; an orderly meeting is presumably one in which people do not make noises by banging upon the table or speaking very loudly
This dependence of social studies upon sense perception is certainly a wholesome reminder of the fundamental homogeneity of the original data of science. For knoledge of the external world, whether of things of people, we continually come back to our five sense in the end . Nevertheless, if a great mass of data relevant to social science is sensory, we have, I thinks, also to admit an important collection that is notnamely the whole body of primary mental or psychological experience, Perception of mental pleasure and pain appears to have the same universality as sensory experience. At all levels of culture, sensations of simple happiness and unhappiness are as general as are the experiences of seeing and hearing. It is of course true that no person can experience the feelings of anyone other than himself ;but equally no one can see with anothers eyes or hear with anothers ears. The grounds for belidf in the sense experiences of other people and the grounds for belief our conviction that other people experience emotion from the fact that they say so, and fromanalogies between their behavior and our own: we derive our conviction hat they see and hear from exactly tha same evidence.
The irresistibility of psychological experience is perhaps slightly more disputable . If ones eyes are open and one loods in certain quarter one cannot help seeing Is it equally true that one cannot help a feeling of pleasure or pain or shock or excitement? Essentially, I should asy that it is . But it is clear that primitive emotional reations can be inhibited:one can, for example contrive not to be deressed by an event Nevertheless, if we stand back from all philsophical niceties and ask ourselves whether psychological sensation ought to be omitted from the data of the social sciences on the ground that it is doubtfullyprimitive , there cannot, I think , be much doubt about the answer, We must conchude with Bertrand Russellthat there is knowledge of private data, and there the similaritise or the differences, in this matter or the differences, in this matter or universality-plus-irresistibility, between psycholoical and sensory experience are the more impressive, we are surely bound to come down on the side of the similarities .Certainly social studies which consistently ignored human feelings would be worse than laughable.

a. the logical relation between the first sentence of the passage and the rest of paragraph1
b. the logical relation of paragraph 2to paragrph1.
c. the lpgical relation of paragraph 3to paragrph1 and 2
d. the type of prose this passage is classified as .

2.outline this passage.

3.Summarize it in about 200words.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
engaging [in'geidʒiŋ]


adj. 动人的,迷人的,有魅力的

avid ['ævid]


adj. 渴望的,贪婪的,热心的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

contrive [kən'traiv]


v. 发明,设计,图谋,设法做到

complexity [kəm'pleksiti]


n. 复杂,复杂性,复杂的事物

appreciated [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别 vi. 增值;涨价

appeal [ə'pi:l]


n. 恳求,上诉,吸引力
n. 诉诸裁决

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

fundamental [.fʌndə'mentl]


adj. 基本的,根本的,重要的
n. 基本原





