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经典900句突击雅思口语高分 常考话题1-70:变化(1)

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 4.What are the major social changes in China?
  • 4.中国主要的社会变化是什么?
  • The major social changes in China,in my opinion,lie in the following aspects.
  • 中国主要的社会变化,在我看来,在于以下几方面。
  • In politics, today's people enjoy democracy to a greater extent; in economy, people are more independent and therefore richer;
  • 政治上,今天的人民享受更大程度上的民主;经济上,人民更独立因此也更富裕;
  • in culture,people have more opportunities to enjoy all kinds of entertainment; in education, people's educational level has been raised.
  • 文化上,人民有更多机会去享受各种娱乐;教育上,人民的教育水平更高了。
  • 5.What are the changes in family structure?
  • 5.家庭结构有什么变化?
  • Firstly,the family size is becoming smaller than before.
  • 第一,家庭规模比以前变小了。
  • Twenty years ago,there were at least four people in one family.
  • 20年前一个家庭至少有4个人,
  • It was common that some of the families were composed of seven or eight people.
  • 一些由7个或8个人组成的家庭很普遍,
  • But because of the family policy,now it's popular for one family to have three people: one couple and one child.
  • 但是因为家庭政策,现在很普遍的是3口之家,一对夫妇一个孩子。
  • Secondly, labor division in the family has changed.
  • 第二,家庭劳动分工改变了。
  • Bread-winners no longer refer only to men,
  • 养家糊口的人不再只是男人,
  • and in some families it is the mother who supports he whole family, while the father acts as Mr. Mom.
  • 而且在一些家庭是由妈妈来抚养整个家庭,而男人则扮演妈妈先生。
  • In the meantime ,the kitchen is not the place only for women.
  • 同时,厨房也不只是女人们的领地。
  • 6.Do you think that everything is changing fast these years?
  • 6.你认为这些年一切事物都在快速改变吗?
  • What are the changes around you?
  • 你周围的变化是什么?
  • Yes,I think the changes happening in our society are so fast that you can't believe your eyes.
  • 是的,我认为我们的社会在发生变化,而且变化如此之快以至你都不敢相信自己的眼睛。
  • Some people exclaim that they are unable to keep up with the rapid development.
  • 一些人叫喊着他们不能跟上快速的发展。
  • If you leave a familiar place for a period of time, say, half a year,the chances are that you will get lost when you come back.
  • 如果你离开一个熟悉的地方一段时间,假定是半年,可能你回来的时候将会迷路。
  • You'll always find something new.
  • 你总能发现一些新事物。
  • The people, the buildings and the whole environment,everything is changing around you.
  • 人们、建筑以及整个环境,一切你身边的东西都在变化。


4. What are the major social changes in China?

4. 中国主要的社会变化是什么
The major social changes in China,in my opinion,lie in the following aspects. In politics, today's people enjoy democracy to a greater extentin economy, people are more independent and therefore richerin culture,people have more opportunities to enjoy all kinds of entertainmentin education, people's educational level has been raised.
5. What are the changes in family structure?
5. 家庭结构有什么变化
Firstly,the family size is becoming smaller than before. Twenty years ago,there were at least four people in one family. It was common that some of the families were composed of seven or eight people. But because of the family policy,now it's popular for one family to have three peopleone couple and one child. Secondly, labor division in the family has changed. Bread-winners no longer refer only to men,and in some families it is the mother who supports he whole family, while the father acts as Mr. Mom. In the meantime ,the kitchen is not the place only for women.
6. Do you think that everything is changing fast these years? What are the changes around you?
6. 你认为这些年一切事物都在快速改变吗?你周围的变化是什么
Yes, I think the changes happening in our society are so fast that you can't believe your eyes. Some people exclaim that they are unable to keep up with the rapid development. If you leave a familiar place for a period of time, say, half a year,the chances are that you will get lost when you come back. You'll always find something new. The people, the buildings and the whole environment,everything is changing around you.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
independent [indi'pendənt]


adj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的
n. 独立

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

composed [kəm'pəuzd]


adj. 镇静的,沉着的

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

exclaim [iks'kleim]


v. 大叫,呼喊,大声叫

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

democracy [di'mɔkrəsi]


n. 民主,民主制,民主国家

entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐





