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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Supplementary -- suspect Surrender or die As the surgeon surveyed the surrounding scene,
  • 投降还是灭亡外科医生环视了一下 周围情况,
  • He knew that the only solution was surrender. They had used up their surplus of supplies hours ago
  • 他知道惟一的出路 就是投降.几个小时前他们就把 剩余的补给用完了,
  • And numerous surgeries were on hold. If he wanted any of these men to survive, surrender was the only surefire way.
  • 可还有很多外科 手术等着要做.只要他想让其中任何一 个人活下.来, 投降是 惟一稳妥的办法.
  • He raced from the door of his tent, Past the empty supply tent, and over to the major.
  • 他从自己的帐篷门 跑出来, 经过空荡荡的补给帐蓬 来到少校面前.
  • Bring the supplementary troops up to the left! He was yelling into a radio.
  • 把后援部队带到 左边来!少校对着一部无线电 大声喊道,
  • Don't suppress fire and we'll surpass this surge in the lines! Major, the surgeon yelled,
  • 别压住火力, 咱们命 中会挺过这一劫的!少校, 医生大声说道
  • We have to surrender! Our men will die if we don't. Nonsense, Doctor. This is the supreme test of our forces.
  • 我们得投降, 不然 我们的入都会死的!胡说, 医生.这是 对我们实力的 绝好考验.
  • If we can surmount the next 15 minutes, our survival will be ensured! But the injured men are most susceptible to death right now!
  • 如果我们能再克服 15分钟的话, 我们 活下去就有了保障!但伤员很可能马上 就会死!
  • Hang in there, Doc. I suspect all of our men would die rather than surrender! Go back to your tent.
  • 别泄气, 医生. 我认为我们的人 都会宁死不屈的!回你的帐篷去,
  • Your supposedly valiant attempt to force a surrender has been noted. With that, the major returned to yelling in his radio.
  • 你那据说很英勇的迫使 我们投降的尝试已经 引起了注意.说完, 少校又回去继续 对着无线电大喊起来.
  • When a large surface missile landed near them They both ducked and waited for the dust to subside.
  • 一枚很大的地面导弹 落在附近, 他们俩都躲起来 等灰尘消失掉.
  • The supply tent was now gone. The surgeon raced back to the medical tent,
  • 补给帐蓬炸没了.医生跑回到医疗帐蓬,
  • Which had a large red cross painted on it so that the enemy wouldn't bomb it. He would do all he could to help these men survive the next moments
  • 医疗帐蓬上面漆了一个 很大的十字, 这样敌人 就不会轰炸这个帐篷了他会尽全力帮助那些 伤员挺过接下来 的那些时刻,
  • And pray for victory for the major. Hopefully it would all turn out all right.
  • 同时祈祷少校能够取胜但愿最后一切都好.


Supplementary -- suspect Surrender or die As the surgeon surveyed the surrounding scene,

投降还是灭亡外科医生环视了一下 周围情况,

He knew that the only solution was surrender. They had used up their surplus of supplies hours ago

他知道惟一的出路 就是投降.几个小时前他们就把 剩余的补给用完了,

And numerous surgeries were on hold. If he wanted any of these men to survive, surrender was the only surefire way.

可还有很多外科 手术等着要做.只要他想让其中任何一 个人活下.来, 投降是 惟一稳妥的办法.

He raced from the door of his tent, Past the empty supply tent, and over to the major.

他从自己的帐篷门 跑出来, 经过空荡荡的补给帐蓬 来到少校面前.

Bring the supplementary troops up to the left! He was yelling into a radio.

把后援部队带到 左边来!少校对着一部无线电 大声喊道,

Don't suppress fire and we'll surpass this surge in the lines! Major, the surgeon yelled,

别压住火力, 咱们命 中会挺过这一劫的!少校, 医生大声说道

We have to surrender! Our men will die if we don't. Nonsense, Doctor. This is the supreme test of our forces.

我们得投降, 不然 我们的入都会死的!胡说, 医生.这是 对我们实力的 绝好考验.

If we can surmount the next 15 minutes, our survival will be ensured! But the injured men are most susceptible to death right now!

如果我们能再克服 15分钟的话, 我们 活下去就有了保障!但伤员很可能马上 就会死!

Hang in there, Doc. I suspect all of our men would die rather than surrender! Go back to your tent.

别泄气, 医生. 我认为我们的人 都会宁死不屈的!回你的帐篷去,

Your supposedly valiant attempt to force a surrender has been noted. With that, the major returned to yelling in his radio.

你那据说很英勇的迫使 我们投降的尝试已经 引起了注意.说完, 少校又回去继续 对着无线电大喊起来.

When a large surface missile landed near them They both ducked and waited for the dust to subside.

一枚很大的地面导弹 落在附近, 他们俩都躲起来 等灰尘消失掉.

The supply tent was now gone. The surgeon raced back to the medical tent,


Which had a large red cross painted on it so that the enemy wouldn't bomb it. He would do all he could to help these men survive the next moments

医疗帐蓬上面漆了一个 很大的十字, 这样敌人 就不会轰炸这个帐篷了他会尽全力帮助那些 伤员挺过接下来 的那些时刻,

And pray for victory for the major. Hopefully it would all turn out all right.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
surgeon ['sə:dʒən]


n. 外科医生

missile ['misail]


n. 导弹,投射物

numerous ['nju:mərəs]


adj. 为数众多的,许多

surplus ['sə:pləs]


adj. 多余的,过剩的
n. 过剩,剩余物,

suppress [sə'pres]


vt. 镇压,使 ... 止住,禁止

susceptible [sə'septəbl]


adj. 易受外界影响的,易受感染的

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

valiant ['væljənt]


adj. 勇敢的,英勇的
n. 勇士,勇敢的人

surpass [sə'pɑ:s]


vt. 超越,凌驾,胜过

surrender [sə'rendə]


v. 投降,让与,屈服
n. 投降,屈服,放弃





