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  • Spectacular spot A witch or not
  • 是不是巫婆
  • Let the testing of the witch begin!
  • 对巫婆的测试 现在开始!
  • Shouted a spokesman from the church in a very spiritual voice.
  • 教堂里一位发言人用非 常神圣的声音喊道.
  • If this woman floats like sponge,
  • 如果这个女人像海绵 一样浮在水面上,
  • Then she is a witch who has cast a spell on the water.
  • 那她就是个巫婆,因为 她给水面施了魔法.
  • If she sinks, then we know she is normal!
  • 如果她沉下去,我们就 会知道她是正常人!
  • Everyone looked to the spot where the witch was standing in a boat.
  • 女巫站在一条船上, 每个人都看着那个地方
  • The spectators hoped she would float! Wouldn't that be spectacular!
  • 围观的人都希望她会浮 在水上.那不是很 壮观吗?
  • Others speculated
  • 其他人推测,
  • That maybe another witch would rescue her and split the boat in two,
  • 或许会有另外一个巫婆 来救她,把船劈成两半
  • Spoil the test and whisk the woman away on a speedy broom!
  • 毁掉这次测试,用一个 速度很快的扫把 把巫婆带走.
  • A whole spectrum of possibilities was discussed.
  • 整个一系列的可能性 都被讨论到了.
  • And then they heard the splash !
  • 然后他们听到了溅泼声
  • Her sponsor, a young man that many thought loved her,
  • 她的援助者是个年轻男 人很多人都认为他爱她
  • Had jumped in to the water from a barrel of spices that he had been hiding in.
  • 他一直藏在一桶香料里 这时他跳入水中.
  • But he wouldn't be able to rescue her.
  • 但他救不了她,
  • The men in the boat just paddled away.
  • 因为船里的人将船划走 了
  • But she's innocent. He yelled to the crowd as he walked from the water.
  • 可她是无辜的. 从水 中走出来的时候 他朝人群喊道.
  • The splint he had been wearing on his leg was gone and his leg seemed fine.
  • 他的腿上一直绑着的夹 板夹不见了,并且他的 腿看起来没什么问题.
  • Couldn't you tell me that the evidence against her was sporadic?
  • 你们就看不出对她不 利的证据都是零散的 吗?
  • It was all made up!
  • 它们全都是 捏造出来的!
  • Then let her sink! Said one person acting as a spokesperson for the crowd.
  • 那就让她沉下去吧! 人群中一位发言人说道
  • How did your leg get better?
  • 你的腿是怎么好的?
  • Did you come under the sphere of her influence to get healed? Another yelled
  • 是不是处于她的法力影 响范围之内才变好的? 又一个人喊道.
  • The young man shifted his body to spin around and respond
  • 年轻人换了个姿势转过 身来准备回话,
  • But instead tripped over the spillage from the spice bucket.
  • 却被香料桶溢出的 东西给绊倒了.
  • He was just getting up when everyone heard another splash.
  • 他正要站起来,这时大家又听到 了一次溅泼声。
  • The woman was sinking!
  • 那个女人正在沉入水中


Spectacular spot A witch or not


Let the testing of the witch begin!

对巫婆的测试 现在开始!

Shouted a spokesman from the church in a very spiritual voice.

教堂里一位发言人用非 常神圣的声音喊道.

If this woman floats like sponge,

如果这个女人像海绵 一样浮在水面上,

Then she is a witch who has cast a spell on the water.

那她就是个巫婆,因为 她给水面施了魔法.

If she sinks, then we know she is normal!

如果她沉下去,我们就 会知道她是正常人!

Everyone looked to the spot where the witch was standing in a boat.

女巫站在一条船上, 每个人都看着那个地方

The spectators hoped she would float! Wouldn't that be spectacular!

围观的人都希望她会浮 在水上.那不是很 壮观吗?

Others speculated


That maybe another witch would rescue her and split the boat in two,

或许会有另外一个巫婆 来救她,把船劈成两半

Spoil the test and whisk the woman away on a speedy broom!

毁掉这次测试,用一个 速度很快的扫把 把巫婆带走.

A whole spectrum of possibilities was discussed.

整个一系列的可能性 都被讨论到了.

And then they heard the splash !


Her sponsor, a young man that many thought loved her,

她的援助者是个年轻男 人很多人都认为他爱她

Had jumped in to the water from a barrel of spices that he had been hiding in.

他一直藏在一桶香料里 这时他跳入水中.

But he wouldn't be able to rescue her.


The men in the boat just paddled away.

因为船里的人将船划走 了

But she's innocent. He yelled to the crowd as he walked from the water.

可她是无辜的. 从水 中走出来的时候 他朝人群喊道.

The splint he had been wearing on his leg was gone and his leg seemed fine.

他的腿上一直绑着的夹 板夹不见了,并且他的 腿看起来没什么问题.

Couldn't you tell me that the evidence against her was sporadic?

你们就看不出对她不 利的证据都是零散的 吗?

It was all made up!

它们全都是 捏造出来的!

Then let her sink! Said one person acting as a spokesperson for the crowd.

那就让她沉下去吧! 人群中一位发言人说道

How did your leg get better?


Did you come under the sphere of her influence to get healed? Another yelled

是不是处于她的法力影 响范围之内才变好的? 又一个人喊道.

The young man shifted his body to spin around and respond

年轻人换了个姿势转过 身来准备回话,

But instead tripped over the spillage from the spice bucket.

却被香料桶溢出的 东西给绊倒了.

He was just getting up when everyone heard another splash.

他正要站起来, 这时大家又听到 了一次溅泼声.

The woman was sinking!


重点单词   查看全部解释    
rescue ['reskju:]


vt. 营救,援救
n. 营救,救援

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

spice [spais]


n. 药料,香料,情趣
vt. 用香料调味

spectacular [spek'tækjulə]


adj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的
n. 惊人之举,

spectrum ['spektrəm]


n. 光谱,范围,系列

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

sporadic [spə'rædik]


adj. 不定时发生的,零星的

spin [spin]


v. (使)旋转,疾驰,纺织,结网,眩晕

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明





