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胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第4课:The price of an affluent society

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  • The price of an affluent society
  • 富裕社会付出的代价
  • "An affluent society cannot afford advocates of its own destruction.
  • "一个富裕的社会是承 受不起自我毁灭的倡导 者的.
  • A society that can destroy itself is an aggravated society suffering from an ailment that needs to be cured."
  • 能自我毁灭的社会 一般都病情恶化. 需要整治."
  • These were the thoughts of the secret agent
  • 特工一边这样想.
  • as he prepared to afflict harm on Hamilton Smith.
  • 一边做着加害 汉密尔顿.史密斯 的准备.
  • the leader of a prominent government advisory committee.
  • 史密斯是大名鼎鼎的政 府顾问委员会的领导.
  • Mr.Smith was determined to affect the course of history by affirming a new order.
  • 他一心想通过肯定一种 新秩序来影响历史进程
  • He wanted to destroy all that was good
  • 他要把一个好端端的社 会摧毁掉.
  • and begin again with how he thought a country should run.
  • 按照他的治国思想 从头再来.
  • This agenda was unacceptable to the top-secret agency that really ruled the country.
  • 对于真正统治整个国家 的绝密情报处来说这个 议程是无法接受的
  • And it was this agency that found an agreeable agent
  • 正是这个情报处找了个 合适的特工
  • to sacrifice himself for his country
  • 来为国捐躯、
  • by murdering Hamilton Smith in front of the world.
  • 当着世人的面刺杀 汉密尔顿.史密斯.
  • The affluence of all would only continue thanks to this agent.
  • 多亏了这名特工.大家 的富裕生活将一如既往
  • even though there would never be any affection
  • 尽管到时人们想起他时 谁也不会有任何感情.
  • for his memory or any desire to be affiliated with his tainted name.
  • 谁也不愿意将自己与 他的恶名联系在一起.
  • As he hung from the bars of the ceiling of the conference hall.
  • 悬吊在会议大厅天花板 的横梁上
  • the agent was glad he was an aerobics teacher in his spare time.
  • 特工庆幸自己在业余时 间做过有氧健身教师.
  • Without all of his physical training this task would have been pure agony.
  • 如果没有那些体能训练 执行这项任务就会变得 十分痛苦.
  • He smiled when he imagined the world's reaction
  • 想到世界将会做出的反 应.他不由笑了起来
  • to his killing Hamilton Smith.
  • 对自己刺杀 汉密尔顿'史密斯.
  • There was a certain aesthetic that only a few would appreciate.
  • 这件事有种只有少数 人会欣赏的美感.
  • As he looked down he could see that
  • 特工朝下一看.
  • people were agglomerating around Hamilton Smith
  • 人们早已将他围成一团
  • already as he was entering the room.
  • 发现汉密尔顿.史密斯 走进房间的时候.
  • This aggregation of people was a problem
  • 那么多人聚在那里是 够麻烦的.
  • but there was nothing the agent couldn't deal with.
  • 但是没有这位特工搞 不定的事情.
  • It would make the event even more impressive.
  • 这将使整个事件更加引 人注目.
  • When he finally saw Hamilton's head he pulled his gun up to aim.
  • 等到他终于看到汉密尔 顿的脑袋.他拔出枪来 进行瞄准.
  • It was show time!
  • 是表演的时候了!



The price of an affluent society


"An affluent society cannot afford advocates of its own destruction.

"一个富裕的社会是承 受不起自我毁灭的倡导 者的.

A society that can destroy itself is an aggravated society suffering from an ailment that needs to be cured."

能自我毁灭的社会 一般都病情恶化. 需要整治."

These were the thoughts of the secret agent


as he prepared to afflict harm on Hamilton Smith.

一边做着加害 汉密尔顿.史密斯 的准备.

the leader of a prominent government advisory committee.

史密斯是大名鼎鼎的政 府顾问委员会的领导.

Mr.Smith was determined to affect the course of history by affirming a new order.

他一心想通过肯定一种 新秩序来影响历史进程

He wanted to destroy all that was good

他要把一个好端端的社 会摧毁掉.

and begin again with how he thought a country should run.

按照他的治国思想 从头再来.

This agenda was unacceptable to the top-secret agency that really ruled the country.

对于真正统治整个国家 的绝密情报处来说这个 议程是无法接受的

And it was this agency that found an agreeable agent

正是这个情报处找了个 合适的特工

to sacrifice himself for his country


by murdering Hamilton Smith in front of the world.

当着世人的面刺杀 汉密尔顿.史密斯.

The affluence of all would only continue thanks to this agent.

多亏了这名特工.大家 的富裕生活将一如既往

even though there would never be any affection

尽管到时人们想起他时 谁也不会有任何感情.

for his memory or any desire to be affiliated with his tainted name.

谁也不愿意将自己与 他的恶名联系在一起.

As he hung from the bars of the ceiling of the conference hall.

悬吊在会议大厅天花板 的横梁上

the agent was glad he was an aerobics teacher in his spare time.

特工庆幸自己在业余时 间做过有氧健身教师.

Without all of his physical training this task would have been pure agony.

如果没有那些体能训练 执行这项任务就会变得 十分痛苦.

He smiled when he imagined the world's reaction

想到世界将会做出的反 应.他不由笑了起来

to his killing Hamilton Smith.

对自己刺杀 汉密尔顿'史密斯.

There was a certain aesthetic that only a few would appreciate.

这件事有种只有少数 人会欣赏的美感.

As he looked down he could see that


people were agglomerating around Hamilton Smith


already as he was entering the room.

发现汉密尔顿.史密斯 走进房间的时候.

This aggregation of people was a problem

那么多人聚在那里是 够麻烦的.

but there was nothing the agent couldn't deal with.

但是没有这位特工搞 不定的事情.

It would make the event even more impressive.

这将使整个事件更加引 人注目.

When he finally saw Hamilton's head he pulled his gun up to aim.

等到他终于看到汉密尔 顿的脑袋.他拔出枪来 进行瞄准.

It was show time!


重点单词   查看全部解释    
afflict [ə'flikt]


vt. 使苦恼,折磨

destruction [di'strʌkʃən]


n. 破坏,毁灭,破坏者

agenda [ə'dʒendə]


n. 议事日程

agreeable [ə'gri:əbəl]


adj. 愉快的,和蔼可亲的,欣然同意的,一致的

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

agony ['ægəni]


n. 极度的痛苦,挣扎

affluence ['æfluəns]


n. 富裕;丰富;流入;汇聚

tainted ['teintid]


adj. 污染的;感染的

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的





