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剑桥雅思教材加配套听力第一册 Unit1 Section4(1)

编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Good morning and welcome to the University of Westlands.
  • My name is Marcia Mayhew and I'm the co ordmator of the Bachelor of Social Science degree.
  • This morning I'd like to tell you about the structure of the university and about some of the requirements of the degree that you're about to enter.
  • The Bachelor of Social Science is in one faculty within the university, that is the faculty where I Q32 work,
  • known as Arts and Social Sciences.
  • Here on this campus we also have the faculties of Architecture, Law and Science and Technology among others.
  • It's important to know something about the structure of the faculty because, as you go through your course,
  • you may need to call on members of the staff to help you.
  • At the top of the faculty we have a dean and below the dean we have three Q33 divisions; each division has a divisional head and your degree is located in the Division of Social Sciences.
  • Within each of the divisions, there are the departments and each of these offers the different degrees.
  • For instance two of the departments which offer the major subjects for your award are Sociology and Psychology.
  • Each has a departmental head but for practical purposes the people you are going to see the most of are myself as co ordinator of the social sciences degree and the actual lecturers who are teaching the subjects that you are taking.
  • For instance in the first semester you 'll be doing four subjects psychology sociology history and Q34 economics.
  • If you have any problems or difficulties, not that I'm anticipating you will, but you never know,
  • then you should go and see your lecturers.
  • For instance, you may find that you can not meet a deadline for an essay or perhaps you re having Q35 problems with attendance.
  • These seem to be the two most common problems that Q36 students face.



Lecturer: Good morning and welcome to the University of Westlands.

My name is Marcia Mayhew and I'm the co-ordmator of the Bachelor of Social Science degree.

This morning I'd like to tell you about the structure of the university and about some of the requirements of the degree that you're about to enter.

The Bachelor of Social Science is in one faculty within the university, that is the faculty where I Q32 work, known as Arts and Social Sciences.

Here on this campus we also have the faculties of Architecture, Law and Science and Technology among others.

It's important to know something about the structure of the faculty because, as you go through your course, you may need to call on members of the staff to help you.

At the top of the faculty we have a dean and below the dean we have three Q33 divisions; each division has a divisional head and your degree is located in the Division of Social Sciences.

Within each of the divisions, there are the departments and each of these offers the different degrees.

For instance two of the departments which offer the major subjects for your award are Sociology and Psychology.

Each has a departmental head but for practical purposes the people you are going to see the most of are myself as co-ordinator of the social sciences degree and the actual lecturers who are teaching the subjects that you are taking.

For instance in the first semester you'll be doing four subjects psychology sociology history and Q34 economics.

If you have any problems or difficulties, not that I'm anticipating you will, but you never know, then you should go and see your lecturers.

For instance, you may find that you can't meet a deadline for an essay or perhaps you re having Q35 problems with attendance.

These seem to be the two most common problems that Q36 students face.




