[金融快讯] 金融英语:苹果亚洲最大店落户王府井
本周六,一个面积达2300多平方米、上下三层的苹果零售店将在王府井大街apm(原新东安市场)开业。这也是苹果公司在亚洲最大的零售店。昨天上午记者进入该店提前探营,发现现场摆放的iPhone手机、iPad平板电脑和Macbook笔记本电脑都已经联网,静候顾客上门体验。 面积2300平方米 亚洲最大 苹果王府井零售店位于王府井步行街的北端,apm(原新东安市场)的西北角。这家门店拥有2012-10-22 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:中国投资为美国人带去2.7万个饭碗
How Many U.S. Jobs Has China Created? Rhodium Offers an Estimate With China playing a front-and-center role in the2012-10-18 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:李宁将向非凡中国出售25%股份
Li Ning to Sell 25% Stake to Sports TalentFirm 中国运动服装巨头李宁有限公司将把25%的股份出售给非凡中国控股有限公司。在中国服装市场竞争加剧之际,李宁公司正努力进行大规模业务整顿。 香港证券交易所公告显示,由李宁公司创始人李宁控股的非凡中国将出价13.6亿港元(合1.2012-10-18 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:南非不再是吸引投资的金砖(双语)
The contrasting fortunes of South Africa and Zambia in thepast month have raised awkward questions for the former2012-10-17 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:数据显示中国经济有望好转(双语)
Money data raise hopes for China revival Predictions of the Chinese economy’s imminent recovery haveproved overly optimistic2012-10-17 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:个人护理用品行业高速增长
China's beauty and personal care sector will continue to see robust growth in the next four years, according&2012-10-15 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:奢侈品行业不景气挫伤手表零售商
Ticking Off the Problems in China's Luxury-Watch Market Hong Kong is the single biggest export destination for Swis2012-10-15 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:中老年消费群体渐成主力 商家发现新商机
Companies eye opportunities as spending power of nation's older people set to rise. "Show your love for your2012-10-15 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:中国人太有钱了,去欧洲当奢侈品扫货族
市民王先生刚从欧洲旅游回来,此行买了一个普拉达的包让他省了不少钱。“1270欧元,折合人民币九千多元,国内要卖15000元,省了不少钱呢。”王先生的算法,是按照欧元兑人民币八元多算的,如果是去年去欧洲,他省不了这么多钱。今年的9月28日,欧元兑人民币中间价为8.1815元,而去年的4月28日,欧元兑人民币中间价为9.6445元。和去年相比,同样花费1270欧元,王先生省了1858.01元。2012-10-12 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:招商银行开拓"手机钱包"市场
China MerchantsBank Co Ltd, or CMB, and the Taiwanesecell phone manufacturerHTC Corp together released the mobile-payment&n2012-10-12 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:经济金融术语英汉对照
A 安全网 safety net按可比口径 on comparable basis按轻重缓急 to prioritize暗补 implicit subsidy暗亏 hidden loss B 颁发营业执照 to license; to grant&2012-10-12 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:人民币反弹 收复年内大部分失地(双语)
China's yuan in recent weeks has clawed back almost all of theyear's losses against the dollar, in a2012-09-29 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:三星新广告继续大肆嘲笑苹果
Samsung may have lost the most recent round in the UnitedStates in its legal fight with Apple over cel2012-09-29 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:比亚迪核心业务前景遭质疑(双语)
Car Maker BYD's Health Faces Skeptics Chinese auto maker BYD Co. ─investor Warren Buffett'shighest-profile China investme2012-09-28 编辑:Amy 标签:
[金融快讯] 金融英语:香港内地奢侈消费冷热两重天(双语)
今年的节日期间,香港的手表生意可能会变得冷清。 There may be fewer watches exchanged in Hong Kong during this year's holiday season. 据公关公司罗德公关(Ruder&nb2012-09-28 编辑:Amy 标签: