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高考英语作文满分范文背诵(MP3+中英字幕) 第47期:英国

编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The United Kingdom, Great Britain, is an island.
  • 大英帝国是一个岛国。
  • They lies after Northwest coast of Europe.
  • 它位于欧洲的西北海岸。
  • The nearest country is France from which Great Britain is separated by the English channel.
  • 离它最近的国家是法国,英国海峡将法国和英国分离开来。
  • The Ireland is surrounded by the Atlantic ocean to the west and the north sea to the east.
  • 爱尔兰由西面的大西洋所环绕,东面是北海。
  • It consists of the mainlands of England, Wales and Scotland.
  • 英国包括英格兰、威尔士以及苏格兰。
  • That is three countries.
  • 这是三个地区。
  • Scotland is in the north while Wales is in the west.
  • 苏格兰位于北面,威尔士在西面。
  • Ireland which is also an island lies of the west coast of Great Britain.
  • 爱尔兰也是一个岛国,它位于英国西海岸上。
  • It consists of Northern Ireland and the Irish republic.
  • 爱尔兰包括爱尔兰共和国以及北爱尔兰。
  • Great Britain together with northern Ireland constitutes the United Kingdom.
  • 英国加上北爱尔兰才是大英帝国。
  • Thus, the United Kingdom is made up of four countries.
  • 英国总共有4个地区。
  • The largest of these is England.
  • 其面积最大的部分是英格兰。
  • The capital city is London which situated in the southest of England.
  • 其首都是伦敦,它处在英格兰的东南方向。


The United Kingdom


The United Kingdom, Great Britain, is an island. They lies after Northwest coast of Europe. The nearest country is France from which Great Britain is separated by the English channel. The Ireland is surrounded by the Atlantic ocean to the west and the north sea to the east. It consists of the mainlands of England, Wales and Scotland. That is three countries. Scotland is in the north while Wales is in the west. Ireland which is also an island lies of the west coast of Great Britain. It consists of Northern Ireland and the Irish republic. Great Britain together with northern Ireland constitutes the United Kingdom. Thus, the United Kingdom is made up of four countries. The largest of these is England. The capital city is London which situated in the southest of England.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
channel ['tʃænl]


n. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法

separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开





