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2021年全国大学生英语竞赛试题B类初赛 Section C 新闻

编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Section C: In this section, you will hear five short news items. Each item will be read only once.
  • 第三节:在本节中,你将听到五段短新闻。每段新闻只读一遍。
  • After each item, there will be a fifteen-second pause.
  • 每段新闻后有15秒钟的停顿。
  • During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.
  • 在停顿期间,阅读问题和A、B、C、D四个选项,并选出最佳答案。
  • Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.
  • 然后在答题纸上用一条线标出相应的字母,线划在字母的中间。
  • 16. There is a good way to get some extra cash for people with a sweet tooth.
  • 16.对于喜欢吃甜食的人来说,有一个赚外快的好方法。
  • A candy company wants people to test its original sweets.
  • 一家糖果公司希望人们对其原装糖果进行测试。
  • It will pay $30 an hour.
  • 每小时30美元。
  • The Candy Funhouse requires “candyologists” to give feedback on its candies and chocolates.
  • Candy Funhouse要求“糖果专家”对其糖果和巧克力给出反馈。
  • It has a huge range of 3,000 products but is always making new sweets.
  • 它有3000种产品,但总是在生产新的糖果。
  • The candyologists will decide on new candies for the company’s branded sweets.
  • 糖果专家将为该公司的品牌糖果选择新的糖果。
  • It hopes to improve its global reputation.
  • 它希望提高自己的全球声誉。
  • The successful applicants must have some basic qualifications.
  • 成功的申请者必须具备一些基本资格。
  • They must be enthusiastic, they must give honest opinions on the products they test, and they will also have to write a short description for each product they test.
  • 他们必须热情,他们必须对他们测试的产品提出诚实的意见,他们还必须为他们测试的每一种产品写一份简短的描述。
  • 17. The year 2020 has been a tumultuous one for educators.
  • 17.对教育工作者来说,2020年是动荡的一年。
  • Hundreds of thousands of teachers across the globe had to get to grips with online platforms to deliver their lessons.
  • 全球数十万教师不得不在在线平台上授课。
  • Millions of students were stuck at home doing their lessons via websites like Zoom.
  • 数百万学生被困在家里通过Zoom等网站上课。
  • The Education Ministry in Malaysia has rolled out a new initiative to help underprivileged children.
  • 马来西亚教育部推出了一项帮助贫困儿童的新倡议。
  • Around 150,000 eligible pupils from 500 schools will receive a device to enable them to participate in online lessons.
  • 来自500所学校的约15万名符合条件的学生将收到一台设备,使他们能够参加在线课程。
  • The Education Minister hopes to build on the success of this initial roll-out to expand the programme.
  • 教育部长希望在这一初步推广成功的基础上扩大该计划。
  • He said: “Apart from assisting pupils and schools in need, this pilot project is to find the best implementation method before it is proposed for expansion.”
  • 他说:“除了帮助有需要的学生和学校外,这项试验计划在扩大前会先找出最佳的推行方法。”
  • The plans include enhancing educational television programming for students with no Internet access, and employing sign language interpreters to help the hard of hearing.
  • 这些计划包括为无法上网的学生加强教育电视节目,并雇用手语翻译来帮助有听力障碍的学生。
  • 18. Astronomers predict 2021 will be great for space exploration.
  • 18.天文学家预测,2021年将是太空探索的好日子。
  • More organisations are investing in technology to explore space.
  • 越来越多的组织正在投资于探索太空的技术。
  • Entrepreneurs are setting their sights on space tourism and on going to Mars.
  • 企业家们正将目光投向太空旅游和火星之旅。
  • Science fiction is now becoming space fact.
  • 科幻小说现在正在成为太空现实。
  • Many advances in technology no longer surprise us.
  • 许多技术进步不再令我们感到惊讶。
  • These include things like mining for asteroids, colonising Mars, or taking weekend breaks to the Moon.
  • 其中包括小行星采矿,火星殖民,或者周末去月球度假。
  • This year will start with a NASA project to help us understand the universe.
  • 今年,美国宇航局将启动一个帮助我们了解宇宙的项目。
  • A probe will study the collision of small particles in space to find out how planets formed.
  • 探测器将研究太空中小粒子的碰撞,以找出行星是如何形成的。
  • A NASA rover will also land on Mars to test for signs of microbial life.
  • 美国宇航局的一辆探测车也将登陆火星,以测试微生物生命的迹象。
  • 19. A huge iceberg heading towards South Georgia in the southern Atlantic has split into three chunks.
  • 19.一座巨大的冰山正在向南大西洋向的南乔治亚岛移动,它已经分裂成三大块。
  • NASA scientists are tracking the main berg, called A68a.
  • 美国宇航局的科学家们正在追踪这座名为A68a的大冰山。
  • It split from an ice shelf in 2017 and has been floating north ever since.
  • 它于2017年从冰架上分离出来,此后一直向北漂浮。
  • A fast-moving stream of water in the Southern Antarctic has put the chunks on a course that could see them run aground off the South Georgia coast.
  • 南极洲南部的一股快速流动的水流将大块这些冰山推到了一条可能导致它们在南乔治亚海岸搁浅的路线上。
  • Scientists say the three fragments are about 2,600 square kilometres in size.
  • 科学家表示,这三块碎片的大小约为2600平方公里。
  • The size of the chunks is a big threat to the South Georgia wildlife.
  • 大块的冰山对南乔治亚岛的野生动物构成了巨大威胁。
  • It could be an environmental catastrophe.
  • 这可能是一场环境灾难。
  • If they hit the seabed, they could block penguins and seals from looking for fish.
  • 如果它们撞到海床,它们可能会阻止企鹅和海豹捕食鱼类。
  • 20. Singapore approved the consumption of meat made in a lab.
  • 20.新加坡批准食用实验室制造的肉类。
  • This could revolutionise the way we eat.
  • 这可能会彻底改变我们的饮食方式。
  • Cultured meat is grown in a laboratory, but it is real meat—real chicken to be precise.
  • 人造肉是在实验室里培育出来的,但它是真正的肉——准确地说是真正的鸡肉。
  • It looks and tastes like real chicken.
  • 它看起来和尝起来都像真正的鸡肉。
  • The meat is from the company Eat Just.
  • 这些肉来自Eat Just公司。
  • The “just” in the company’s name means “fair”.
  • 公司名称中的“just”意为“公平”。
  • No animals are killed to make the meat.
  • 没有动物被宰杀来制作肉。
  • This could change the meat industry.
  • 这可能会改变肉类行业。
  • It could badly affect chicken and livestock farming.
  • 这可能会严重影响养鸡业和畜牧业。
  • Singapore’s green light is just the start of a revolution.
  • 新加坡的绿灯只是一场革命的开始。
  • Many companies worldwide will get approval to grow meat.
  • 世界各地的许多公司都将获准生产肉类。
  • This could reduce the environmental impact of livestock farming and change the world for the better.
  • 这可以减少畜牧业对环境的影响,让世界变得更好。
  • We could see disease-free meat, an end to the use of drugs in meat, and an end to animal cruelty.
  • 我们可以看到没有疾病的肉类,停止在肉类中使用药物,停止虐待动物。


Section C: In this section, you will hear five short news items. Each item will be read only once.


After each item, there will be a fifteen-second pause.


During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.


Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.


16. There is a good way to get some extra cash for people with a sweet tooth.


A candy company wants people to test its original sweets.


It will pay $30 an hour.


The Candy Funhouse requirescandyologiststo give feedback on its candies and chocolates.

Candy Funhouse要求“糖果专家”对其糖果和巧克力给出反馈。

It has a huge range of 3,000 products but is always making new sweets.


The candyologists will decide on new candies for the companys branded sweets.


It hopes to improve its global reputation.


The successful applicants must have some basic qualifications.


They must be enthusiastic, they must give honest opinions on the products they test, and they will also have to write a short description for each product they test.


17. The year 2020 has been a tumultuous one for educators.


Hundreds of thousands of teachers across the globe had to get to grips with online platforms to deliver their lessons.


Millions of students were stuck at home doing their lessons via websites like Zoom.


The Education Ministry in Malaysia has rolled out a new initiative to help underprivileged children.


Around 150,000 eligible pupils from 500 schools will receive a device to enable them to participate in online lessons.


The Education Minister hopes to build on the success of this initial roll-out to expand the programme.


He said: “Apart from assisting pupils and schools in need, this pilot project is to find the best implementation method before it is proposed for expansion.”


The plans include enhancing educational television programming for students with no Internet access, and employing sign language interpreters to help the hard of hearing.


18. Astronomers predict 2021 will be great for space exploration.


More organisations are investing in technology to explore space.


Entrepreneurs are setting their sights on space tourism and on going to Mars.


Science fiction is now becoming space fact.


Many advances in technology no longer surprise us.


These include things like mining for asteroids, colonising Mars, or taking weekend breaks to the Moon.


This year will start with a NASA project to help us understand the universe.


A probe will study the collision of small particles in space to find out how planets formed.


A NASA rover will also land on Mars to test for signs of microbial life.


19. A huge iceberg heading towards South Georgia in the southern Atlantic has split into three chunks.


NASA scientists are tracking the main berg, called A68a.


It split from an ice shelf in 2017 and has been floating north ever since.


A fast-moving stream of water in the Southern Antarctic has put the chunks on a course that could see them run aground off the South Georgia coast.


Scientists say the three fragments are about 2,600 square kilometres in size.


The size of the chunks is a big threat to the South Georgia wildlife.


It could be an environmental catastrophe.


If they hit the seabed, they could block penguins and seals from looking for fish.


20. Singapore approved the consumption of meat made in a lab.


This could revolutionise the way we eat.


Cultured meat is grown in a laboratory, but it is real meatreal chicken to be precise.


It looks and tastes like real chicken.


The meat is from the company Eat Just.

这些肉来自Eat Just公司。

Thejustin the companys name meansfair”.


No animals are killed to make the meat.


This could change the meat industry.


It could badly affect chicken and livestock farming.


Singapores green light is just the start of a revolution.


Many companies worldwide will get approval to grow meat.


This could reduce the environmental impact of livestock farming and change the world for the better.


We could see disease-free meat, an end to the use of drugs in meat, and an end to animal cruelty.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
shelf [ʃelf]


n. 架子,搁板

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

revolution [.revə'lu:ʃən]


n. 革命,旋转,转数

fiction ['fikʃən]


n. 虚构,杜撰,小说

participate [pɑ:'tisipeit]


vt. 分享
vi. 参加,参与

heading ['hediŋ]


n. 标题,题目,航向

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

exploration [.eksplɔ:'reiʃən]


n. 探险,踏勘,探测

expansion [iks'pænʃən]


n. 扩大,膨胀,扩充





