Andy loved Coca-Cola. He thought "Why shouldn't a bottle of Coke be a work of art?" And the next thing he did was so crucial in his development as an artist because he created this. And look, you can tell at once that suddenly here's a much stronger, bolder style that's all his own. It might not seem like much, but deciding to depict a commercial object on the canvass, and deciding to present it in this very clean, graphic, and mechanical mode, was a huge deal in the art world at the time. And this turned Andy into the pioneer of a new movement called "Pop art."
Artists have always painted things from their everyday lives, like hay carts, vases of flowers, bowls of fruit. What "Pop art" said was that stuff from the commercial world and popular culture could also be art. And that's how 32 cans of soup made onto the walls of MOMA, America's most important modern art museum.
With these soup cans Andy finally managed to break into the fine art world, with a landmark solo exhibition in 1962.