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E英语教程(智慧版)第三册:Unit8 Reading B(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I wondered what Garrett's first impression of the students had been, and he said,
  • 我想知道加勒特对这里学生的第一印象是什么,他说:
  • "I thought most looked normal, but some did look odd. But I'm used to it now. It's not such a big deal."
  • “我觉得大多数学生看上去都很正常,但有些人看上去确实很奇怪。但我现在已经习惯了,这没什么大不了的。”
  • When outsiders enter this college, they will probably think everyone is weird, and dress inappropriately.
  • 当外人进入这所大学时,他们可能会认为每个人都很奇怪,而且穿着不当。
  • Garrett added, "Many people look different because they do not want to look like everyone else, and so are trying to be creative with their looks."
  • 加勒特补充说:“许多人之所以看起来与众不同,是因为他们不想看起来和其他人一样,所以他们尝试着通过外表来进行创新。”
  • They are not trying to give others a bad impression. They are just setting themselves outside the norm.
  • 他们并不是要给别人留下不好的印象,只是不想墨守成规。
  • Isn't it true that when little children are at the shop with their parents, they are told to stay away from the scary-looking guy?
  • 小孩和父母逛商店时,父母难道不会叮嘱他们远离那些外貌吓人的家伙吗?
  • Or, that the older generations often make rude comments about what our society is becoming?
  • 或者,老一辈人经常对我们社会的变化说出粗鄙的言论?
  • Then again, in school we are taught that society should accept people for who they are and give everyone a chance.
  • 学校的老师教导我们,社会应该接纳所有人,而且要给所有人一个机会。
  • Many do not give art students a chance because of how they look.
  • 出于艺术生的外表,许多人并没有给他们一个机会。
  • They are just like everyone else who are trying to do something with their lives.
  • 他们就像所有人一样,用一生来做一件事。
  • The only difference is that they are only trying to impress themselves.
  • 唯一的区别是,他们只是想打动自己。
  • We have certain expectations of what everyone should look like and if someone chooses to dress or look different, he or she is labeled "different."
  • 我们总是期望每个人的外表应该是什么样子,如果有人选择不同的打扮或看起来与众不同,他或她就会被贴上“另类”的标签。
  • People need to stop worrying about what is "normal" and start recognizing others based on their personality and who they are.
  • 人们不需要再担心什么是“正常的”,而是要开始根据性格和身份来识别他人。


I wondered what Garrett's first impression of the students had been, and he said, "I thought most looked normal, but some did look odd. But I'm used to it now. It's not such a big deal." When outsiders enter this college, they will probably think everyone is weird, and dress inappropriately. Garrett added, "Many people look different because they do not want to look like everyone else, and so are trying to be creative with their looks." They are not trying to give others a bad impression. They are just setting themselves outside the norm.

Isn't it true that when little children are at the shop with their parents, they are told to stay away from the scary-looking guy? Or, that the older generations often make rude comments about what our society is becoming? Then again, in school we are taught that society should accept people for who they are and give everyone a chance. Many do not give art students a chance because of how they look. They are just like everyone else who are trying to do something with their lives. The only difference is that they are only trying to impress themselves.
We have certain expectations of what everyone should look like and if someone chooses to dress or look different, he or she is labeled "different." People need to stop worrying about what is "normal" and start recognizing others based on their personality and who they are.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
impress [im'pres]


n. 印象,特徵,印记
v. 使 ... 有印

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙

creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

norm [nɔ:m]


n. 标准,规范

impression [im'preʃən]


n. 印象,效果





