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E英语教程(智慧版)第三册:Unit2 Reading B(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Lady Gaga
  • 雷迪卡卡
  • The main elements of the Lady Gaga story are too well-known for us to have much need of repeating them here.
  • 我们都非常了解雷迪卡卡故事的主要元素,所以这里就不再重复了。
  • You will, if nothing else, have seen or heard of the meat dress, the towering Alexander McQueen shoes, and the astonishing hats.
  • 诸位如果不了解其他什么的话,也至少看到过或听说过生肉裙、亚历山大·麦昆设计的恨天高以及那些令人惊讶的帽子。
  • I was first introduced to Gaga by a friend in April 2010—
  • 2010年4月,一个朋友把我介绍给卡卡,这是我第一次接触她——
  • around the time "Bad Romance" played on every radio station and in every hair salon in the world.
  • 那时,《罗曼死》正在世界各地的各个电台、发廊热播。
  • But more than a year passed before we finally got a chance to sit down and have a good chat.
  • 但一年多以后,我们才有机会坐下来好好聊天。
  • "You seem quite happy to be a self-conscious spokesman for the dispossessed, the marginal, the outsider,
  • “你似乎很高兴能成为一个发言人,为那些流离失所之人、边缘人、局外人、
  • the one who doesn't fit in, the one who feels outside the tribe, if you like ..."
  • 无法融入社会的人和不合群的人发声,如果你想的话……”
  • "It could be anybody ..."
  • “这可能是任何人……”
  • "Yes ... I suppose we're all outsiders really. It's just that some of us are better at hiding it."
  • “嗯……我认为我们都是局外人,只是我们中的有些人更善于隐藏这一点。”
  • "Some of us can wear the mask.
  • “我们中的一些人戴上了面具。
  • And this new album, Born This Way, is about being able to be reborn over and over again throughout your life.
  • 这张新专辑《天生如此》说的是贯穿于一生中的不断重生。
  • It's about being reborn again and again until you find the identity inside yourself that defines you best for who you are and that makes you feel like a champion of life."
  • 它讲的是一次又一次的重生,直到你找到内心深处的自我,那个自我最能定义你自己,也使你感觉自己是人生赢家。”


Lady Gaga

The main elements of the Lady Gaga story are too well-known for us to have much need of repeating them here. You will, if nothing else, have seen or heard of the meat dress, the towering Alexander McQueen shoes, and the astonishing hats.
I was first introduced to Gaga by a friend in April 2010—around the time "Bad Romance" played on every radio station and in every hair salon in the world. But more than a year passed before we finally got a chance to sit down and have a good chat.
"You seem quite happy to be a self-conscious spokesman for the dispossessed, the marginal, the outsider, the one who doesn't fit in, the one who feels outside the tribe, if you like ..."
"It could be anybody ..."
"Yes ... I suppose we're all outsiders really. It's just that some of us are better at hiding it."
"Some of us can wear the mask. And this new album, Born This Way, is about being able to be reborn over and over again throughout your life. It's about being reborn again and again until you find the identity inside yourself that defines you best for who you are and that makes you feel like a champion of life."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
towering ['tauəriŋ]


adj. 高耸的,激烈的,杰出的 动词tower的现在分

identity [ai'dentiti]


n. 身份,一致,特征

astonishing [əs'tɔniʃiŋ]


adj. 惊人的 动词astonish的现在分词

champion ['tʃæmpjən]


n. 冠军,优胜者,拥护者,勇士
vt. 保卫

marginal ['mɑ:dʒinəl]


adj. 边际的,末端的,仅以微弱多数获胜的,微小的

mask [mɑ:sk]


n. 面具,面罩,伪装
v. 戴面具,掩饰,遮





