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现代大学英语精读(第2版)第六册:U6 The Museum(9)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I would hear 'prayer is better than sleep'and just go back to sleep.
  • 我听到‘唱礼比睡觉要好’,然后就又回去睡觉了。
  • I never got up to pray." She looked down at her hands on the table.
  • 我从不起来祷告。”她看着她在桌子上的手。
  • There was no relief in confessions, only his smile, young, and something like wonder in his eyes.
  • 这样的告解毫无任何的解脱感可言,仅仅有他年轻的微笑,以及他眼中类似于惊讶的东西。
  • We did Islam in school, he said. "Ah went on a trip to Mecca."He opened out his palms on the table.
  • “我们在学校读过伊斯兰教,”他说,“我也曾去过麦加。”说着,他把手掌在桌子上摊开来。
  • What!
  • “什么!”
  • "In a book."
  • “在书里去过。”
  • "Oh."
  • “哦。”
  • The coffee was finished. They should go now. She should go to the library before the next lecture and photocopy the previous exam paper.
  • 咖啡喝完了。他们要离开了。莎迪雅要赶在下一节课前去图书馆,还要把以前考试的卷子复印出来。
  • What is your religion? she asked.
  • “你信什么宗教?”
  • Dunno, nothing I suppose.
  • 没有,我想没有。”
  • That's terrible! That's really terrible! Her voice was too loud, concerned.
  • “那太可怕了,真的太可怕了!”她的声音很大,又充满着担忧。
  • His face went red again and he tapped his spoon against the empty mug.
  • 他的脸又变红了,他用勺子轻轻敲着空咖啡杯。
  • Waive all politeness, make him dislike her. Badr had said, even before his windows got smashed,
  • 她必须要放弃她的礼貌,让他不喜欢她。在巴德尔的玻璃被砸碎之前,他就曾经说过,
  • that here in the West they hate Islam. Standing up to go, she said flippantly,
  • 在西方,他们仇视伊斯兰教。她站起来,轻率地说,
  • "Why don't you become a Muslim then?"
  • “你成为一个穆斯林怎么样?”
  • He shrugged. Ah wouldnae mind travelling to Mecca, I was keen on that book."
  • 他耸耸肩。“我不介意去麦加旅行,我对那本书很感兴趣。”
  • Her eyes filled with tears. They blurred his face when he stood up. In the West they hate Islam and he…
  • 她的眼中充满了泪水。当他站起来的时候她看不清他的脸了。在西方,他们仇视伊斯兰教,而他……
  • She said, "Thanks for the coffee, "and walked away, but he followed her.
  • 她说:“谢谢你的咖啡,”说着就要离开,他很快跟上她。
  • Shadiya, Shadiya, he pronounced her name wrongly, three syllables instead of two,
  • “莎迪雅拉,莎迪雅拉,”他叫错了她的名字,两个音节的名字被他说成了三个音节,
  • "there's this museum about Africa. I've never been before. If you'd care to go, tomorrow…"
  • “在博物馆有个关于非洲的展览。我从来没有去过。如果你想去,明天……”
  • Tomorrow she need not to show up at the Museum, even though she said that she would.
  • 明天她不需要在博物馆出现,即使她说她会去。
  • She should have told Bryan she was engaged to be married, mentioned it casually.
  • 她本应该告诉布莱恩她已经订婚了,在不经意间告诉他。
  • What did he expect from her? Europeans had different rules, reduced, abrupt customs.
  • 他从她身上还想要得到什么?欧洲人的规则不同,他们的风俗习惯是降了格的,唐突的。
  • If Fareed knew about this… her secret thoughts like snakes…
  • 如果法瑞德知道这些……她的秘密想法就像蛇一样缠绕着她。
  • It was strange to leave her desk lock her room and go out on a Saturday.
  • 奇怪的是周六的时候,她离开桌子,锁上房门准备出去了。
  • In the hall the telephone rang. It was Fareed. If he knew where she was going now…
  • 走廊上的电话响了,是法瑞德。如果法瑞德知道她现在要去哪里……
  • Guilt was llke a hard-boiled egg stuck in her chest. A large cold egg.
  • 她的内疚就像一颗煮透的鸡蛋噎住胸口。
  • "Shadia, I want you to buy some of the fixtures for the bathrooms.
  • “莎迪雅,我想让你买一些卫生间的设施。
  • Taps and and the towel hangers. I'm going to send you a list of money…"
  • 水龙头还有毛巾架。我给你发一张我想要买的东西的清单,还有钱……”
  • I can't, I can't.
  • “不行,我不行。”


I would hear 'prayer is better than sleep'and just go back to sleep. I never got up to pray." She looked down at her hands on the table. There was no relief in confessions, only his smile, young, and something like wonder in his eyes.

We did Islam in school, he said. "Ah went on a trip to Mecca."He opened out his palms on the table.
"In a book."
The coffee was finished. They should go now. She should go to the library before the next lecture and photocopy the previous exam paper.
What is your religion? she asked.
Dunno, nothing I suppose.
That's terrible! That's really terrible! Her voice was too loud, concerned.
His face went red again and he tapped his spoon against the empty mug.
Waive all politeness, make him dislike her. Badr had said, even before his windows got smashed, that here in the West they hate Islam. Standing up to go, she said flippantly, "Why don't you become a Muslim then?"
He shrugged. Ah wouldnae mind travelling to Mecca, I was keen on that book."
Her eyes filled with tears. They blurred his face when he stood up. In the West they hate Islam and he… She said, "Thanks for the coffee, "and walked away, but he followed her.
Shadiya, Shadiya, he pronounced her name wrongly, three syllables instead of two, "there's this museum about Africa. I've never been before. If you'd care to go, tomorrow…"
Tomorrow she need not to show up at the Museum, even though she said that she would. She should have told Bryan she was engaged to be married, mentioned it casually. What did he expect from her? Europeans had different rules, reduced, abrupt customs. If Fareed knew about this… her secret thoughts like snakes…
It was strange to leave her desk lock her room and go out on a Saturday. In the hall the telephone rang. It was Fareed. If he knew where she was going now… Guilt was llke a hard-boiled egg stuck in her chest. A large cold egg.
"Shadia, I want you to buy some of the fixtures for the bathrooms. Taps and and the towel hangers. I'm going to send you a list of money…"
I can't, I can't.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
keen [ki:n]


adj. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的,精明的,热衷的 <

dislike [dis'laik]


v. 不喜欢,厌恶
n. 不喜爱,厌恶,反感

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

spoon [spu:n]


n. 匙,调羹,匙状物
vt. 以匙舀起

guilt [gilt]


n. 罪行,内疚

pronounced [prə'naunst]


adj. 显著的,断然的,明确的 pronounce的过

relief [ri'li:f]


n. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比

prayer [prɛə]


n. 祈祷,祷告,祷文
v. 祷告,祷文

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的





