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现代大学英语精读(第2版)第六册:U5 At War with the Planet(11)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • However, judged only in ecological terms, global warming can be
  • 但是若仅从生态方面判断,全球变暖
  • regarded merely as a change in the structure of the global ecosystem
  • 尽管更迅速些,但又仅仅是一种全球生态系统的变化,
  • similar to the warming that accompanies the last postglacial period, albeit more rapid.
  • 这与伴随上一个后世纪冰川时代的变暖现象相似。
  • Viewed in this way, there is no more reason to oppose global warming
  • 从这一点上看,便没有理由再去大力反对全球变暖,
  • than to be unhappy about the last ice age and the rise in global temperature that ended it.
  • 而应一如既往地仅仅对冰川时代和全球温度的最终上升表示不快。
  • At its farthest reach, this nonhumanist position becomes antihumanist,
  • 再远点说,正如一个叫“地球第一!”的组织发表的一篇文章中所列举的,
  • as exemplified in an article in the publication of a group called Earth First!,
  • 这种不人道的立场还会变成反人道的。
  • which favored the spread of AIDS as a means of reducing the human population
  • 此文认为,艾滋病的传播能有效地降低人口数量
  • without threatening other animal species. Of course, at the other extreme
  • 又不会对其他物种造成威胁,因而对其大力支持。当然另一种极端看法
  • is the potentially suicidal view that the enormous value of modern production technology
  • 是未来毁灭论:认为现代生产技术
  • to human society justifies whatever damage to the ecosphere it entails.
  • 对人类社会的价值使其可以肆意破坏生态圈。
  • The ambiguity created by the dual habitat in which we live has led to a very wide range of responses.
  • 由我们生存的双重环境引发的多重问题引起了广泛的反应。
  • The extreme interpretations of the relationship between the two spheres
  • 对人类社会居住的两大世界关系的
  • that human society occupies—and a sometimes bewildering array of intermediate positions-are
  • 极端理解——以及间或很多令人费解的妥协性的立场
  • compelling evidence that we have not yet understood how the two systems have come into conflict and,
  • 有力地证明了我们仍没有正确理解两大系统的冲突,
  • as a result, are unable as yet to resolve that conflict.
  • 因而也无法解决这一冲突。
  • Understanding the war between the ecosphere and the technosphere—as
  • 理解生态圈与技术圈之间的冲突——与
  • distinct from reacting to it—is the only path to peace.
  • 对其做出反应不同——是寻求和平的唯一途径。
  • The purpose is less a lament over the war's numerous casualties
  • 这样做的目的不是深切哀悼已经造成的大量损失,
  • than an inquiry into how future casualties can be prevented.
  • 而是寻求避免将来更多损失的方法;
  • It is not so much a battle cry for one side or the other,
  • 不是声讨一方或另一方,
  • as a design for negotiating an end to this suicidal war-for making peace with the planet.
  • 而是开辟结束战争的道路——并与地球和平相处。


However, judged only in ecological terms, global warming can be regarded merely as a change in the structure of the global ecosystem similar to the warming that accompanies the last postglacial period, albeit more rapid. Viewed in this way, there is no more reason to oppose global warming than to be unhappy about the last ice age and the rise in global temperature that ended it. At its farthest reach, this nonhumanist position becomes antihumanist, as exemplified in an article in the publication of a group called Earth First!, which favored the spread of AIDS as a means of reducing the human population without threatening other animal species. Of course, at the other extreme is the potentially suicidal view that the enormous value of modern production technology to human society justifies whatever damage to the ecosphere it entails.

The ambiguity created by the dual habitat in which we live has led to a very to the ecosphere it entails. wide range of responses. The extreme interpretations of the relationship between the two spheres that human society occupies-and a sometimes bewildering array of intermediate positions-are compelling evidence that we have not yet understood how the two systems have come into conflict and, as a result, are unable as yet to resolve that conflict.
Understanding the war between the ecosphere and the technosphere-as distinct from reacting to it-is the only path to peace. The purpose is less a lament over the war's numerous casualties than an inquiry into how future casualties can be prevented. It is not so much a battle cry for one side or the other, as a design for negotiating an end to this suicidal war-for making peace with the planet.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

array [ə'rei]


n. 数组,(陈)排列,大批,一系列

dual ['dju:əl]


adj. 双重的,成双的
n. 双数

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

extreme [ik'stri:m]


adj. 极度的,极端的
n. 极端,极限

enormous [i'nɔ:məs]


adj. 巨大的,庞大的

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

threatening ['θretniŋ]


adj. 威胁(性)的,凶兆的 动词threaten的现





