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现代大学英语精读(第2版)第六册:U4 Nettles(11)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I tried to turn around then I had an urge that I had not felt before,
  • 后来我试图转过身来——我有种从未感觉过的冲动,
  • to run I out of the bushes and head for the clubhouse. But I could not move.
  • 冲出灌木丛一直奔向俱乐部会所。但我动不了。
  • It was I hard enough to stand up—out in the open the wind would have knocked you down at once.
  • 能站着就很艰难了——在野外这种狂风能把人迅速击倒。
  • Stooping, butting his head through the weeds and against the wind,
  • 迈克弯着腰,用头顶过杂草迎着风,
  • Mike I got around in front of me, all the time holding on to my arm.
  • 转到我前面,一直扶着我的胳膊。
  • Then he faced me, with his body between me and the storm.
  • 然后他面向我,把身体挡在我和暴风雨之间。
  • He said something, right into my face, but I couldn't hear him:
  • 他说了些什么,正对我的脸,可我听不见。
  • He had hold of both my arms now, and he worked his hands down to my wrists and held them tight.
  • 现在他抱住了我的双臂,双手向下紧紧握住了我的手腕。
  • He pulled me down—both of us staggering, the moment we tried to make
  • 他把我拽到——我们两个都摇摇晃晃的了,当时我们都试图
  • any change of position so that we were crouched close to the ground.
  • 换个位置——那样我们就能紧靠地面蹲下来。
  • So close together that we could not look at each other—we could only
  • 我们靠得太近几乎都看不到对方了——我们只能
  • look down at the crushed plants and our soaked shoes,
  • 看着下面被压扁了的植物和我们已经浸透了的鞋子。
  • and the miniature rivers already breaking up the earth around our feet.
  • 暴雨形成的小河冲散了我们脚下的泥土。
  • Then he released my wrists and clamped his hands on my shoulders.
  • 这时,迈克松开了我的手腕,用双手紧紧扣住了我的肩膀。
  • His touch was still one of restraint more than comfort.
  • 他的触碰更像种管制而不是安慰。
  • We remained like this until the wind passed over.
  • 我们一直保持这样,直到狂风过去。
  • That could not have been more than five minutes, perhaps only two or three.
  • 这一切不超过5分钟,也许只有两三分钟。
  • Rain still fell, but now it was ordinary heavy rain.
  • 雨仍在下着,但现在只是普通的大雨了。
  • He took his hands away, and we stood up, shakily.
  • 他松开了手,我们颤颤巍巍地站了起来。
  • Our shirts and slacks were stuck fast to our bodies.
  • 我们的衬衫和裤子紧紧地贴在身上。
  • We tried to smile, but had hardly the strength for it.
  • 我们试图微笑,可几乎连一丁点儿力气都没有了。
  • Then we kissed and pressed together briefly, was more of a ritual,
  • 后来我们简单地拥抱亲吻了对方。我们相拥与其说是出于身体的渴望,
  • a recognition of survival rather than of our bodies' inclinations.
  • 还不如说是庆祝劫后余生的一种仪式性的表示。
  • Our lips slid against each other, slick and cool, and the pressure of the embrace
  • 我们的唇相互间轻轻滑过,润滑且冰凉。拥抱的压力
  • made us slightly chilly, as fresh water was squished out of our clothing.
  • 使我们轻轻地颤抖,雨水从我们的衣服中被挤落。
  • Every minute, the rain grew lighter. We made our way unsteadily
  • 渐渐地,雨开始变小了。我们在几乎在
  • through the half-flattened weeds, then between the thick and drenching bushes.
  • 被压平的杂草中艰难地行进,后来又经过被雨水浸透的茂密的灌木丛。
  • Big tree branches had been hurled all over the golf course.
  • 大树枝被刮得满高尔夫球场都是,
  • The rain had almost stopped, and air brightened.
  • 雨几乎停了,天晴了。
  • I felt the heat of the sun strike my shoulders before I looked up into its festival light.
  • 在我抬头仰望那令人欢快的阳光之前,我已经感受到它的光热正照射在我的肩膀上。


I tried to turn around then I had an urge that I had not felt before, to run I out of the bushes and head for the clubhouse. But I could not move. It was I hard enough to stand upout in the open the wind would have knocked you down at once.

Stooping, butting his head through the weeds and against the wind, Mike I got around in front of me, all the time holding on to my arm. Then he faced me, with his body between me and the storm. He said something, right into my face, but I couldn't hear him: He had hold of both my arms now, and he worked his hands down to my wrists and held them tight. He pulled me downboth of us staggering, the moment we tried to make any change of position so that we were crouched close to the ground. So close together that we could not look at each otherwe could only look down at the crushed plants and our soaked shoes, and the miniature rivers already breaking up the earth around our feet. Then he released my wrists and clamped his hands on my shoulders. His touch was still one of restraint more than comfort.
We remained like this until the wind passed over. That could not have been more than five minutes, perhaps only two or three. Rain still fell, but now it was ordinary heavy rain. He took his hands away, and we stood up, shakily. Our shirts and slacks were stuck fast to our bodies. We tried to smile, but had hardly the strength for it. Then we kissed and pressed together briefly, was more of a ritual, a recognition of survival rather than of our bodies' inclinations. Our lips slid against each other, slick and cool, and the pressure of the embrace made us slightly chilly, as fresh water was squished out of our clothing.
Every minute, the rain grew lighter. We made our way unsteadily through the half-flattened weeds, then between the thick and drenching bushes. Big tree branches had been hurled all over the golf course. The rain had almost stopped, and air brightened. I felt the heat of the sun strike my shoulders before I looked up into its festival light.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
restraint [ri'streint]


n. 抑制,克制,束缚

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

urge [ə:dʒ]


vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促
vi. 极力主

soaked [səukt]


adj. 湿透的 动词soak的过去式和过去分词

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

ritual ['ritjuəl]


n. 仪式,典礼,宗教仪式,固定程序

embrace [im'breis]


v. 拥抱,包含,包围,接受,信奉
n. 拥抱

miniature ['miniətʃə]


n. 缩图,小画像
adj. 小型的

recognition [.rekəg'niʃən]


n. 认出,承认,感知,知识

slick [slik]


adj. 光滑的(巧妙的,完全的,老一套的,第一流的)





