It is the terror of Occupation, of humiliation on a personal and collective basis, of deprivation and legalized robbery, of alternating exploitation and starvation.
In the meanwhile, I refuse to be a terrorist in my tribe's name. Because that's what it is: not a "war against terror," as our propaganda machine tries to sell it. This is a war OF terror, a war in which, in return for Palestinian guerrilla and terror attacks, we employ the IDF in two types of terror. One type is quite visible: violent acts of killing and destruction, those which some people still try to explain away as "surgical acts of defense." But the worse type of terror is the silent one, which has continued unabated since 1967 and through the entire Oslo process. It is the terror of Occupation, of humiliation on a personal and collective basis, of deprivation and legalized robbery, of alternating exploitation and starvation. This is the mass of the iceberg, the terror that is itself a long-term greenhouse for counter-terror. And I simply refuse to be a terrorist and criminal, even if the entire tribe denounces me.