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现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U15A A Letter to American Jews (and Other Friends of Israel)(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But the throw-us-into-the-sea paradigm immediately found new fields for play.
  • 但是那个“要把我们扔进海里”的范式立刻又找到了新的发挥作用的领域。
  • There was an inconvenient reality on the Northern border,
  • 在北部边境有一件麻烦事。
  • and even though the forces on the other side had strictly adhered to a secret cease-fire for about a year, they were Arabs and therefore could not be trusted.
  • 虽然,在近一年的时间里,边界另一边的武装力量一直严格遵守秘密的停火协议,但他们是阿拉伯人,因此是信不过的。
  • So we talked ourselves into invading Lebanon and setting up a friendlier regime there.
  • 于是我们说服我们的武装力量入侵黎巴嫩,在那里建立了一个更加友好的政权。
  • The mastermind was defense minister Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres, then leader of the opposition, voted together with his party in favor of the invasion.
  • 这件事的主谋是国防部长阿里埃勒·沙龙。当时的反对党领袖西蒙?佩雷斯及反对党成员都投票支持这次入侵。
  • Only later, when it turned sour, and after many refuseniks already sat in jail, would the main opposition turn against the whole affair.
  • 只是后来事情却变了味,很多反战联 盟成员被抓入狱,这时反对党才反对这整个事件。
  • For me at 16 it was also a turning point.
  • 这对16岁的我来说也是一个转折点。
  • When I understood that the government had lied to me in order to sell me this war, I turned from "center-rightist" to "leftist."
  • 当我明白政府为了让我接受这场战争而向我说了谎时,我就从“中右派”变成了“左派”。
  • Sadly enough, it has taken me almost 20 more years, in a slow and painful process, to understand how deeply the lies and self-delusion are rooted in our collective perception of reality.
  • 可悲的是,我又花了几乎20年的时间,才慢慢痛苦地认识到,这些谎言和自我欺骗是如何深深植根于我们集体对现实的理解之中的。


But the throw-us-into-the-sea paradigm immediately found new fields for play. There was an inconvenient reality on the Northern border, and even though the forces on the other side had strictly adhered to a secret cease-fire for about a year, they were Arabs and therefore could not be trusted. So we talked ourselves into invading Lebanon and setting up a friendlier regime there. The mastermind was defense minister Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres, then leader of the opposition, voted together with his party in favor of the invasion. Only later, when it turned sour, and after many refuseniks already sat in jail, would the main opposition turn against the whole affair. For me at 16 it was also a turning point. When I understood that the government had lied to me in order to sell me this war, I turned from "center-rightist" to "leftist." Sadly enough, it has taken me almost 20 more years, in a slow and painful process, to understand how deeply the lies and self-delusion are rooted in our collective perception of reality.

但是那个“要把我们扔进海里”的范式立刻又找到了新的发挥作用的领域。在北部边境有一件麻烦事。虽然,在近一年的时间里,边界另一边的武装力量一直严格遵守秘密的停火协议,但他们是阿拉伯人,因此是信不过的。于是我们说服我们的武装力量入侵黎巴嫩,在 那里建立了一个更加友好的政权。这件事的主谋是国防部长阿里埃勒•沙龙。当时的反对党领袖西蒙•佩雷斯及反对党成员都投票支持这次入侵。只是后来事情却变了味,很多反战联 盟成员被抓入狱,这时反对党才反对这整个事件。这对16岁的我来说也是一个转折点。当我明白政府为了让我接受这场战争而向我说了谎时,我就从“中右派”变成了“左派”。可悲的是,我又花了几乎20年的时间,才慢慢痛苦地认识到,这些谎言和自我欺骗是如何深深植根于我们集体对现实的理解之中的。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
jail [dʒeil]


n. 监牢,监狱,拘留所
vt. 监禁,下狱

paradigm ['pærədaim]


n. 范例,示范,典范,[语]词形变化表

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

inconvenient [.inkən'vi:njənt]


adj. 不方便的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

invasion [in'veiʒən]


n. 侵入,侵略

collective [kə'lektiv]


adj. 集体的,共同的
n. 集体

opposition [.ɔpə'ziʃən]


n. 反对,敌对,在野党

border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

strictly ['striktli]


adv. 严格地





