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现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U11B Secrets(17)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Even though it was a warm evening there was a fire in the large fireplace.
  • 尽管这是一个暖和的夜晚,大壁炉中还烧着火。
  • Even though it was a warm evening there was a fire in the large fireplace.
  • 尽管这是一个暖和的夜晚,大壁炉中还烧着火。
  • His mother had asked him to light it so that she could clear out Aunt Mary's stuff.
  • 是他妈妈让他点燃的,这样她可以清理玛丽叔祖母的遗物。
  • His mother had asked him to light it so that she could clear out Aunt Mary's stuff.
  • 是他妈妈让他点燃的,这样她可以清理玛丽叔祖母的遗物。
  • The room could then be his study, she said.
  • 她说,以后那个房间会成为他的书房。
  • The room could then be his study, she said.
  • 她说,以后那个房间会成为他的书房。
  • She took the keys from her pocket, opened the bureau and began turning papers and cards.
  • 她从自己的□袋里拿出了钥匙,打开书桌,开始翻阅那些文件和明信片。
  • She took the keys from her pocket, opened the bureau and began turning papers and cards.
  • 她从自己的□袋里拿出了钥匙,打开书桌,开始翻阅那些文件和明信片。
  • She glanced quickly at each one before she flicked it into the fire.
  • 每一个她都快速瞥一眼,然后把它扔入火中,
  • She glanced quickly at each one before she flicked it into the fire.
  • 每一个她都快速瞥一眼,然后把它扔入火中,
  • "Who was Brother Benignus?" he asked.
  • “贝尼格纳斯兄弟是谁? ”他问道。
  • "Who was Brother Benignus?" he asked.
  • “贝尼格纳斯兄弟是谁? ”他问道。
  • His mother stopped sorting and said, "I don't know.
  • 他妈妈停止了整理,说:“我不知道。
  • His mother stopped sorting and said, "I don't know.
  • 他妈妈停止了整理,说:“我不知道。
  • Your aunt kept herself very much to herself."
  • 你的叔祖母一直都不太与别人来往。”
  • Your aunt kept herself very much to herself."
  • 你的叔祖母一直都不太与别人来往。”
  • She went on burning the cards.
  • 她继续烧着明信片。
  • She went on burning the cards.
  • 她继续烧着明信片。
  • They built into strata, glowing red and black.
  • 它们都被烧成了一层一层的,散发着火红和黑色的光。
  • They built into strata, glowing red and black.
  • 它们都被烧成了一层一层的,散发着火红和黑色的光。
  • Now and again she broke up the pile with the poker, sending showers of sparks up the chimney.
  • 她会时不时地用拨火棍拨弄火堆,激起的火星儿升向烟囱。
  • Now and again she broke up the pile with the poker, sending showers of sparks up the chimney.
  • 她会时不时地用拨火棍拨弄火堆,激起的火星儿升向烟囱。
  • He saw her come to the letters.
  • 他看到她走向那些信。
  • He saw her come to the letters.
  • 他看到她走向那些信。
  • She took off the elastic band and began dealing the envelopes into the fire.
  • 她取下橡皮筋,然后开始把那些信扔入火中。
  • She took off the elastic band and began dealing the envelopes into the fire.
  • 她取下橡皮筋,然后开始把那些信扔入火中。


Even though it was a warm evening there was a fire in the large fireplace. His mother had asked him to light it so that she could clear out Aunt Mary's stuff. The room could then be his study, she said.

She took the keys from her pocket, opened the bureau and began turning papers and cards. She glanced quickly at each one before she flicked it into the fire.
"Who was Brother Benignus?" he asked.
“贝尼格纳斯兄弟是谁? ”他问道。
His mother stopped sorting and said, "I don't know. Your aunt kept herself very much to herself."
She went on burning the cards. They built into strata, glowing red and black. Now and again she broke up the pile with the poker, sending showers of sparks up the chimney. He saw her come to the letters. She took off the elastic band and began dealing the envelopes into the fire.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

elastic [i'læstik]


adj. 有弹性的,灵活的,可变的
n. 橡皮

glowing ['gləuiŋ]


adj. 灼热的,热情的,强烈的 动词glow的现在分词

chimney ['tʃimni]


n. 烟囱





