"That's the way I feel," she said. "I just can't understand people being narrow-minded. Why, I absolutely think it's a privilege to meet a man like Walter Williams. Yes, I do. I haven't any feeling at all. Well, my goodness, the good Lord made him, just the same as He did any of us. Didn't He?"
"Surely," said her host. "Yes, indeed."
"That's what I say," she said. "Oh, I get so furious when people are narrow-minded about colored people. It's just all I can do not to say something. Of course, I do admit when you get a bad colored man, they're simply terrible. But as I say to Burton, there are some bad white people, too, in this world. Aren't there?"
"I guess there are," said her host.
"Why, I'd really be glad to have a man like Walter Williams come to my house and sing for us some time!" she said. "Of course, I couldn't ask him on account of Burton, but I wouldn't have any feeling about it at all. Oh. Can't he sing! Isn't it marvelous, the way they all have music in them? It just seems to be right in them. Come on, let's go on over and talk to him. Listen, what shall I do when I'm introduced? Ought I to shake hands? Or what?"
"Why, do whatever you want," said her host.