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- Helen Fair was the first woman who walked to North Pole alone.
- 海伦·费尔是第一个独自走到北极的女人。
- Helen was born in New Zeland and she lived there when she was a girl.
- 海伦出生在新泽兰,她小时候就住在那里。
- Now she lives in the United States. When she was 50,she had a dream, she wanted to walk to the North Pole alone.
- 现在她住在美国。她50岁时,有一个梦想,她想独自走到北极。
- And she decided to do it. On her journey, Helen didn't have any help.
- 她决定这么做。在旅途中,海伦没有得到任何帮助。
- She was completely alone except for her dog, Charlie.
- 除了她的狗查理之外,她完全是一个人。
- The journey was very difficult. She walked 345 miles in freezing weather conditions.
- 旅途非常艰难,她在寒冷的天气里走了345英里。
- Once seven polar bears wanted to eat Helen and Charlie.
- 曾经有七只北极熊想吃海伦和查理。
- Charlie saved Helen's life.
- 查理救了海伦的性命。
- Helen is a hero because she had a dream and she tried very hard to make it come true even in very dangerous and difficult situations.
- 海伦是位英雄,因为她有一个梦想,即使在非常危险和困难的情况下,她也非常努力地去实现自己的梦想。
Helen Fair was the first woman who walked to North Pole alone.
Helen was born in New Zeland and she lived there when she was a girl.
Now she lives in the United States. When she was 50,she had a dream, she wanted to walk to the North Pole alone.
And she decided to do it. On her journey, Helen didn't have any help.
She was completely alone except for her dog, Charlie.
The journey was very difficult. She walked 345 miles in freezing weather conditions.
Once seven polar bears wanted to eat Helen and Charlie.
Charlie saved Helen's life.
Helen is a hero because she had a dream and she tried very hard to make it come true even in very dangerous and difficult situations.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/chuzhong/202005/609862.shtml
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