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沪教牛津版初中英语(九年级上册):Unit5 More practice

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • We love the Film Park!
  • 我们爱电影公园!
  • What was the best part of your visit, Julia and Roddy?
  • Julia 和 Roddy,你们觉得在你们的参观中,哪部分是最精彩的?
  • The tour of the Film Park.
  • 电影公园的游览(最精彩)。
  • What did you like most about the Film Park tour?
  • 电影公园之旅中你最喜欢什么?
  • The Dinosaur Jungle was my favourite. It was hot and smelt like a real jungle.
  • 恐龙丛林是我的最爱。这是热得像一个真正的热带丛林。
  • We saw some baby dinosaurs. Then a really big one appeared.
  • 我们看到了一些小恐龙,然后出现了一个非常大的。
  • Although it was only a model, it looked very real! I almost jumped out of my skin!
  • 虽说只是一个模型,但它看起来太真实了!可真把我吓了一大跳!
  • I really liked the Great Wave. It was wonderful.
  • 我真的很喜欢巨浪,真是太棒了。
  • Everything was quiet. Then suddenly we saw a huge wave coming towards us.
  • 四周一片寂静,然后突然我们看到一个巨大的浪向我们扑过来。
  • There was a terrible noise, and the wave seemed to come over the top of us, but we didn't get wet at all!
  • 伴随着可怕的声响,巨浪仿佛没过我们的头顶,但我们一点也没有被淋湿!
  • I don't know how they did it.
  • 不知道他们是如何做到的。
  • Did you see any famous stars at the film park?
  • 在电影公园你没有看到什么名人明星吗?
  • No, we didn't but we did visit a film set after the tour.
  • 没有,我们没有,但是之后我们参观了一个电影拍摄场。
  • The crew were shooting a scene showing some students in a school. They needed some more actors for the scene.
  • 他们在拍摄一幕一些学生在学校的场景。他们现场需要一些演员。
  • To cut a long story short, the director chose me to appear in the film.
  • 长话短说,导演选中了我出现在影片中。
  • Oh, really? Did you enjoy working as an actor, Roddy?
  • 哦,真的吗?你喜欢作为一个演员的工作吗,Roddy?
  • Yes, I did. It was really interesting.
  • 是的,我喜欢,真的很有趣。
  • Did you have any difficulty in acting?
  • 你演戏中有什么困难吗?
  • To be honest, it was a piece of cake!
  • 说实话,那是小菜一碟!


We love the Film Park!

Reporter: What was the best part of your visit, Julia and Roddy?
Julia and Roddy: The tour of the Film Park.
Reporter: What did you like most about the Film Park tour?
Julia: The Dinosaur Jungle was my favourite. It was hot and smelt like a real jungle.
- We saw some baby dinosaurs. Then a really big one appeared.
- 我们看到了一些小恐龙,然后出现了一个非常大的。
- Although it was only a model, it looked very real! I almost jumped out of my skin!
- 虽说只是一个模型,但它看起来太真实了!可真把我吓了一大跳!
Roddy: I really liked the Great Wave. It was wonderful.
- Everything was quiet. Then suddenly we saw a huge wave coming towards us.
- 四周一片寂静,然后突然我们看到一个巨大的浪向我们扑过来。
- There was a terrible noise, and the wave seemed to come over the top of us, but we didn't get wet at all!
- 伴随着可怕的声响,巨浪仿佛没过我们的头顶,但我们一点也没有被淋湿!
- I don't know how they did it.
- 不知道他们是如何做到的。
Reporter: Did you see any famous stars at the film park?
Roddy: No, we didn't but we did visit a film set after the tour.
- The crew were shooting a scene showing some students in a school. They needed some more actors for the scene.
- 他们在拍摄一幕一些学生在学校的场景。他们现场需要一些演员。
- To cut a long story short, the director chose me to appear in the film.
- 长话短说,导演选中了我出现在影片中。
Reporter: Oh, really? Did you enjoy working as an actor, Roddy?
Roddy: Yes, I did. It was really interesting.
Reporter: Did you have any difficulty in acting?
Roddy: To be honest, it was a piece of cake!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演





