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编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • It is often said mathematics is a foundation of learning.
  • 人们通常说数学是学习的基础。
  • Communications, computer science, the arts, the Internet, space exploration all are based on underlying mathematical concepts.
  • 通信、计算机科学、艺术、网络、太空探索都建立在基本的数学概念上。
  • In its most recent international survey, the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA.)
  • 在最近的国际调查中,国际学生评估项目(PISA)
  • ranked the United States in 27th place for student performance in math.
  • 将美国学生在数学上的表现排在27名。
  • What are the causes and what is being done about it?
  • 原因是什么,对此我们又采取了什么措施?
  • Mathematics is more than arithmetic.
  • 数学不仅仅是算术。
  • Scientists and philosophers throughout history have called it the foundation of all knowledge, and praise its simple beauty.
  • 历史上科学家和哲学家把数学称为所有知识的基石,并称赞了它的简洁美。
  • Yet many Americans seem to have a problem with it.
  • 然而很多美国人似乎都学不好它。
  • In a recent survey, one in three Americans admitted that they're not good at math.
  • 在近来的一项调查中,有三分之一的美国人承认他们的数学并不好。
  • Here nationally renowned mathematician and Dean of the School of Education, Albert knows why.
  • 闻名全国的数学家及教育学校的院长艾伯特知道为什么。
  • "Elementary school teachers in this country, and Europe as well,
  • “美国和欧洲的一部分小学老师就属于数学不好的人,
  • are part of that general population and consequently they bring that dislike of mathematics subconsciously,
  • 所以他们会有意无意的在学生面前把对数学的厌倦表现出来,
  • sometimes consciously at other times, to the classroom and as a result the teaching mathematics at the elementary school level lacks motivation, lacks enthusiasm.
  • 因此小学里的数学教学缺乏动力和热情。
  • The enthusiasm of the teacher is extremely important in turning kids on to the subject matter," said Albert.
  • 老师的热情对于让孩子关注这门学科非常重要。”艾伯特说。
  • Turning kids on to math is the goal of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City.
  • 将孩子的注意力转向数学是位于纽约市的国家数学博物馆的目的。
  • It's a one-of-a-kind museum that resembles a high-tech playground with more than 30 hands-on attractions.
  • 那是一个与高科技运动场相似的博物馆,有三十多种吸引注意力的亲身体验。
  • "And as a nation we need to get kids more excited about math and about science, technology,
  • “对国家而言,我们需要让孩子对数学和科学、技术、
  • and engineering because that's our productivity, that's our workforce," said Lawrence, the Executive Director of MoMath.
  • 工程学感兴趣,因为那就是我们的生产力,是我们的劳动力。”MoMath的执行董事劳伦斯这样说。
  • Every day the museum is filled with lots of excited schoolchildren and adults.
  • 博物馆每天都有很多激动的小学生和成年人。
  • "I learn a lot more than I am learning currently,
  • “我学到的比我现在在学的要多很多,
  • but it's really just a lot of fun to see all the different things that look like just games when they're actually just math," said Sera.
  • 但是看到不同的数学问题像游戏一样真的很有趣。”塞拉说。
  • "It probably makes mathematics seem less scary than a lot of people think it is," said Lew, Sera's grandfather.
  • “它可能会让数学变得不再像人们想象中的那样可怕。”塞拉的祖父卢说。
  • Question 20. What is the foundation of all knowledge according to scientists throughout history?
  • 问题20 历史上的科学家认为知识的基础是什么?
  • Question 21. According to Albert, why does the teaching mathematics at elementary school in U.S. lack motivation and enthusiasm?
  • 问题21 根据艾伯特,美国小学的数学教学为什么缺乏动力和热情?
  • Question 22. What is the goal of the National Museum of Mathematics?
  • 问题22 国家数学博物馆的目的是什么?


It is often said mathematics is a foundation of learning. Communications, computer science, the arts, the Internet, space exploration all are based on underlying mathematical concepts. In its most recent international survey, the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA.) ranked the United States in 27th place for student performance in math. What are the causes and what is being done about it?

Mathematics is more than arithmetic. Scientists and philosophers throughout history have called it the foundation of all knowledge, and praise its simple beauty. Yet many Americans seem to have a problem with it. In a recent survey, one in three Americans admitted that they're not good at math. Here nationally renowned mathematician and Dean of the School of Education, Albert knows why.
"Elementary school teachers in this country, and Europe as well, are part of that general population and consequently they bring that dislike of mathematics subconsciously, sometimes consciously at other times, to the classroom and as a result the teaching mathematics at the elementary school level lacks motivation, lacks enthusiasm. The enthusiasm of the teacher is extremely important in turning kids on to the subject matter," said Albert.
Turning kids on to math is the goal of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City. It's a one-of-a-kind museum that resembles a high-tech playground with more than 30 hands-on attractions.
"And as a nation we need to get kids more excited about math and about science, technology, and engineering because that's our productivity, that's our workforce," said Lawrence, the Executive Director of MoMath.
Every day the museum is filled with lots of excited schoolchildren and adults.
"I learn a lot more than I am learning currently, but it's really just a lot of fun to see all the different things that look like just games when they're actually just math," said Sera.
"It probably makes mathematics seem less scary than a lot of people think it is," said Lew, Sera's grandfather.
Question 20. What is the foundation of all knowledge according to scientists throughout history?
问题20 历史上的科学家认为知识的基础是什么?
Question 21. According to Albert, why does the teaching mathematics at elementary school in U.S. lack motivation and enthusiasm?
问题21 根据艾伯特,美国小学的数学教学为什么缺乏动力和热情?
Question 22. What is the goal of the National Museum of Mathematics?
问题22 国家数学博物馆的目的是什么?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
elementary [.elə'mentəri]


adj. 基本的,初级的,元素的

underlying [.ʌndə'laiiŋ]


adj. 在下面的,基本的,隐含的

productivity [.prɔdʌk'tiviti]


n. 生产率,生产能力

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm]


n. 热情,热心;热衷的事物

foundation [faun'deiʃən]


n. 基础,根据,建立
n. 粉底霜,基

consciously ['kɔnʃəsli]


adv. 有意识地,自觉地

survey [sə:'vei]


v. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视

renowned [ri'naund]


adj. 有名的,有声誉的

dislike [dis'laik]


v. 不喜欢,厌恶
n. 不喜爱,厌恶,反感





