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  • Conversation One. I think I've finally decided what to write in my paper.
  • 对话一 我想我决定好论文写什么了。
  • It's a new museum right near the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.
  • 就写华盛顿国会大厦附近的那座新博物馆。
  • Really? I picked a museum too, a science museum up in Alberta, Canada. They look sort of like spaceship.
  • 真的吗?我也选了写博物馆,加拿大亚伯达的一座科技博物馆。它看上去像太空飞船。
  • Say, I read about that. It was built about 20 years ago
  • 哈,我听说过那个博物馆。它是在20年前建成的,
  • and I think by the same architect who designed the building I'm interested in Douglas Cardinal.
  • 好像和我感兴趣的这座博物馆出自同一名建筑师之手——道格拉斯·卡迪纳尔。
  • That's him! But I can't imagine Cardinal designing anything in the traditional classical style of the Capitol.
  • 就是他!但是我难以想象卡迪纳尔设计出和国会大厦一样传统古典风格的东西。
  • Well, this new structure has to fit in with the architecture of the Capitol, but its style is anything but traditional.
  • 呃,这座新建筑必须和国会大厦的建筑风格相融合,但是它的建筑风格绝非传统。
  • I don't mean that it's one of those big glass boxes they call modern architecture though.
  • 但我也并不是说它是那种被称为现代建筑的大玻璃盒子。
  • Instead of rectangles and straight lines, this building has rounded free form shapes and sweeping curves.
  • 这座建筑形状圆润丰满,曲线流畅,而不是用直线勾画出分明的棱角。
  • It's supposed to represent the natural forms like the Canyon cliffs in the western states, rock formations that were shaped by water and the wind.
  • 它的设计意图是呈现出像美国西部州的峡谷被风水打磨出来的自然形态。
  • Sounds fantastic. But I wonder why that sort of style would be chosen for a building in Washington D.C.
  • 听上去很厉害。但是我不明白为什么华盛顿特区的建筑会选择这种风格。
  • That's easy. This place is called National Museum of the American Indian.
  • 这很简单。这座建筑就是国立美洲印第安人博物馆。
  • And it's devoted to exhibits of Native American cultures, including those of the west.
  • 是一个专门介绍美洲印第安人文化,包括西部文化的博物馆。
  • And for Cardinal this is his own family heritage too.
  • 而对于卡迪纳尔来说,这也相当于是他故乡的遗址。
  • And in designing this museum he was careful to respect the various Native American values and traditions,
  • 在博物馆的设计过程中卡迪纳尔十分注意尊重美洲印第安人的价值观和传统,
  • like paying attentions to the directions of winds and the position of the sun in different seasons of the year.
  • 比如对一年四季中风向和太阳位置的把握。
  • Wow, an untraditional building, designed to showcase some of North American's oldest traditions. Interesting!
  • 喔,用非传统建筑展示南美洲最古老的传统。有趣!
  • Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  • 问题1至问题4是基于刚才你所听到的这段对话
  • Question 1. What is the discussion mainly about?
  • 问题1 对话主要是关于什么的?
  • Question 2. What do the two museums mentioned in the conversation have in common?
  • 问题2 对话中提到的两座博物馆有何共同之处?
  • Question 3. What does the new building designed by Cardinal look like?
  • 问题3 卡迪纳尔设计的新博物馆外形像什么?
  • Question 4. What kind of traditions are represented in Cardinal's new building?
  • 问题4 卡迪纳尔的设计的新建筑呈现了怎样的传统?


Conversation One


W: I think I've finally decided what to write in my paper. It's a new museum right near the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

M: Really? I picked a museum too, a science museum up in Alberta, Canada. They look sort of like spaceship.
W: Say, I read about that. It was built about 20 years ago and I think by the same architect who designed the building I'm interested in. Douglas Cardinal.
M: That's him! But I can't imagine Cardinal designing anything in the traditional classical style of the Capitol.
W: Well, this new structure has to fit in with the architecture of the Capitol, but its style is anything but traditional. I don't mean that it's one of those big glass boxes they call modern architecture though. Instead of rectangles and straight lines, this building has rounded free form shapes and sweeping curves. It's supposed to represent the natural forms like the Canyon cliffs in the western states, rock formations that were shaped by water and the wind.
M: Sounds fantastic. But I wonder why that sort of style would be chosen for a building in Washington D.C.
W: That's easy. This place is called National Museum of the American Indian. And it's devoted to exhibits of Native American cultures, including those of the west. And for Cardinal this is his own family heritage too. And in designing this museum he was careful to respect the various Native American values and traditions, like paying attentions to the directions of winds and the position of the sun in different seasons of the year.
M: Wow, an untraditional building, designed to showcase some of North American's oldest traditions. Interesting!

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 1. What is the discussion mainly about?
问题1 对话主要是关于什么的?
Question 2. What do the two museums mentioned in the conversation have in common?
问题2 对话中提到的两座博物馆有何共同之处?
Question 3. What does the new building designed by Cardinal look like?
问题3 卡迪纳尔设计的新博物馆外形像什么?
Question 4. What kind of traditions are represented in Cardinal's new building?
问题4 卡迪纳尔的设计的新建筑呈现了怎样的传统?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
devoted [di'vəutid]


adj. 投入的,深爱的 v. 投入 vbl. 投入

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

canyon ['kænjən]


n. 峡谷

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

cardinal ['kɑ:dinl]


n. 红衣主教,鲜红色,基数,北美红雀

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

architect ['ɑ:kitekt]


n. 建筑师





