CRI News Report:Japan's factory output drops 0.1 pct
30 killed in train fire in southern IndiaAt least 47 people are confirmed dead and another 25 others injured in a train fire in southern India.The fire broke out on an express train in Andhra Pradesh -
CRI News Report:China launches its largest patrol ve
China tests new engine for its long March-5 carrier rocketChina on Sunday successfully conducted tests on its new 120-tonne-thrust liquid oxygen (LOX) and kerosene engine for its new generation carri -
CRI News Report:Yi Jianlian to carry flag for Team C
Beijing getting prepared for more rain heading into the weekendAuthorities here in Beijing have been taking precautionary measures as more rain is expected to soak the capital heading into the weeken -
CRI News Report:Mayor of Sansha city elected
Chinese president stands firm on reform, opening-upChinese President Hu Jintao is issuing a new call to carry forward the reform and opening-up policy.President Hu made the comments at a meeting atte -
CRI News Report:Bomb blasts rock Iraq
Death toll from Beijing weekend downpours rises to 37The death toll from Saturday's torrential rains in the Chinese capital Beijing has risen to 37.The city municipal government says that 25 -
CRI News Report:3 NATO soldiers killed in E. Afghani
China to seek "early, proper" solution with Russia on detained Chinese shipsChina has voiced the will to maintain close contacts with Russia for an early and proper solution of the dispute -
CRI News Report:UN chief condemns Damascus bombing
President Hu attends China-Africa meetingChinese President Hu Jintao has attended the opening ceremony of the Fifth Ministerial Meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.The opening session wa -
CRI News Report:HSBC apologizes for rogue behavior
Ban Ki-moon in ChinaUN chief Ban Ki-moon is now in Beijing on a three-day visit.He is set to meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao this (Wednesday) morning.The UN chief is also scheduled to attend a -
CRI News Report:Heavy fighting reported in Damascus
China supports Russian version of extension plan of UN mission in SyriaChina's UN ambassador Li Baodong says China supports the plan proposed by Russia on the extension of the UN monitoring m -
CRI News Report:Red Cross says Syria in state of civ
Chinese fishing fleet arrives in South China SeaA Chinese fleet of some 30 fishing boats has arrived at an area just off the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea.It is the largest fishing fleet ever -
CRI News Report:China's Liu Xiang to be ready for Ol
Premier Wen urges efforts to boost dynamism of economic growthPremier Wen Jiabao has called for greater efforts to strengthen the vitality and dynamism of economic growth.Speaking during an inspectio -
CRI News Report:ATM expands single withdraw request
Chinese FM vows to foster frienship,partnership with ASEAN neighborsThe Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has reaffirmed China's commitment to the peaceful development andfostering of frie -
CRI News Report:Kofi Annan in Tehran for Syria crisi
Japan buying Diaoyu Island not tolerable: Chinese militaryChina says it will not permit Japan to purchase the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea.Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said at a regu -
CRI News Report:China's Youku inks deal with NBCU
China formally rejects request by the US, EU and Japan to examine China's rare earthChina has formally rejected a request by the US, European Union and Japan to have a World Trade Organizatio -
CRI News Report:Greek coalition gov't wins confidenc
8 rescued from flooded mine in central ChinaEight miners have been rescued after being trapped for over three days under a flooded mine in Hunan.The miners have been rushed to hospital for further tr
南方各州是美国最贫穷的地方,而富豪大多居住在东北部和大西洋中部地区。 -
周一,美国,日本和其他十个国家签署了庞大的贸易协议。该协议将降低贸易壁垒 - 3
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