CRI News Report:How Unhealthy ar
How Unhealthy are Soft Drinks?They're drunk by billions of people across the world everyday, but just how unhealthy are sugary fizzy drinks? Recent research in the United States has linked a c...2011-07-31 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:High Definition
High Definition Imagery Used in Photoing InsectsHigh-tech photography is helping scientists get closer than ever to the world of insects. Australian experts are sharing their unique collection of spe2011-07-30 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:Gold Prices Cont
Gold Prices Continue to Surge Above 1600 Dollars Per OunceGold prices have been continuously going up even after they set a record high of 1,600 US Dollars per ounce earlier this month. The boiling-h2011-07-29 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:Rail Accidents L
Rail Accidents Lead to a Host of Negative ConsequencesFollowing the rear-end collision of two bullet trains near Wenzhou city on July 23, several other break-downs have also occurred along high-speed2011-07-28 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:Accident Insurance&nb
Accident Insurance Compensation after the Wenzhou Train Collision The rear-collision of the bullet trains near Wenzhou City has been a tragedy for the families who lost relatives. The accident has on2011-07-27 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:China's Top
China's Top Leadership Calls for All-out Efforts to Save Lives Following Train Crash China's top leadership has called for all-out efforts to rescue passengers and making rescue work a pr...2011-07-26 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:Puree Liquor Sol
Puree Liquor Sold OnlineLuzhou Lao Jiao Spirits Company is selling 200 tons of puree liquor for a month from July 19th to August 19th on the Jin Ma Jia Transaction Online Platform of Beijing Equity E2011-07-25 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:WWF-protecting the&nb
WWF-protecting the Finless PorpoiseThe deterioration of aquatic environments along the Yangtze River has led to a decline in the populations of many species. The finless porpoise, a kind of freshwate2011-07-24 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:Competitive Industrie
Competitive Industries with Local Features Keep Expanding in TibetThis year marks the 60th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet. Before the liberation, there was no modern industry in Tibe2011-07-23 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:The Murdochs Reg
The Murdochs Regret but Deny Responsibility for Phone Hacking Besieged media tycoon Rupert Murdoch has expressed regret about News of the World phone hacking scandal, during his grilling by MP'...2011-07-21 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:BMW X Tour
BMW X Tour Ready to Take off AgainStarting from 2006, BMW China has been running its Destination X-Tour for five consecutive years. Enrollment for this year's X-Tour is now began. What's ...2011-07-20 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:Mobile Phone and
Mobile Phone and Quitting SmokingMobile phones can spearhead the battle against smoking according to scientists. They say using specially-designed texts make smokers twice as likely to quit the habit2011-07-19 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:China Raises Rar
China Raises Rare Earth Export Quota Chinese authorities announced its second batch of rare earth export quotas for this year, totaling 15,738 tons.The quota is almost double the corresponding caps s2011-07-18 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:Thousands March
Thousands March to Support Palestinian StatehoodThousands of left-wing activists marched in Jerusalem on Friday afternoon. Both Israelis and Palestinians joined the rally as the Palestinian Authority2011-07-17 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
CRI News Report:Chinese Firms St
Chinese Firms Still Battling AbroadRecent surveys by the European and American Chambers of Commerce show many multinational firms operating in China believe they face unfair competition with domestic2011-07-16 编辑:qihui 标签: 我来听写
南方各州是美国最贫穷的地方,而富豪大多居住在东北部和大西洋中部地区。 -
周一,美国,日本和其他十个国家签署了庞大的贸易协议。该协议将降低贸易壁垒 - 3
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