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  • International negotiators are meeting in Canada's capital to discuss writing a treaty to control plastic and pollution linked to it.
  • 国际谈判代表正在加拿大首都开会,讨论起草一项控制塑料和与之相关的污染的条约。
  • The meeting in Ottawa is part of the United Nations Environmental Programme and is to last until April 29.
  • 在渥太华举行的会议是联合国环境规划署的一部分,将持续到4月29日。
  • Supporters say the agreement would be the biggest related to carbon gas creation and environmental protection since the 2015 Paris Agreement.
  • 支持者表示,该协议将是自2015年《巴黎协议》以来与碳排放和环境保护相关的最大协议。
  • In that agreement, about 195 parties agreed to keep average world temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times.
  • 在该协议中,约195个缔约方同意控制全球平均气温与工业化前相比上升不超过1.5摄氏度。
  • But delegates to the negotiations on plastics are divided over what the treaty should include.
  • 但是参加塑料谈判的代表们在条约应该包括什么内容上存在分歧。
  • At the U.N Environmental Assembly in 2022, nations agreed to develop an agreement with the force of law, or a treaty, on plastics.
  • 在2022年的联合国环境大会上,各国同意制定一项关于塑料的具有法律效力的协议或条约。
  • The goal was to have a treaty by the end of 2024.
  • 目标是在2024年底之前达成一项协议。
  • Negotiators aim to make rules about plastics throughout the life of plastic products.
  • 谈判者的目标是在塑料产品的整个生命周期内制定关于塑料的规则。
  • That includes when they are produced, how they are used, and how they are thrown away.
  • 这包括它们何时生产,如何使用,以及如何丢弃。
  • Plastic waste has become a world problem on land and in the sea.
  • 在陆地和海洋上,塑料垃圾已经成为一个世界性的问题。
  • Supporters of a treaty also say producing plastics involves releasing greenhouse gases.
  • 条约的支持者还表示,生产塑料涉及温室气体排放。
  • The U.S. federal Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California recently released a report on plastic pollution.
  • 位于加利福尼亚州的美国联邦劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室最近发布了一份关于塑料污染的报告。
  • The report said the plastics industry now produces five percent of the world's carbon gases.
  • 报告说,塑料工业现在产生的碳气体占世界总量的5%。
  • But the U.S. government laboratory said that the industry's share of carbon gases could grow a lot if its current growth models behave as expected.
  • 但美国政府实验室表示,如果目前的增长模式符合预期,该行业的碳排放份额可能会大幅增长。
  • Reuters news service says plastic production is estimated to triple by 2060 without production limits.
  • 路透社说,在没有限产的情况下,到2060年塑料产量预计将增加两倍。
  • Most new chemicals for plastics are made from petroleum.
  • 大多数塑料的新化学品都是从石油中提炼出来的。
  • This week's talks are set to be the biggest yet and include 3,500 people registered to attend including lobbyists, business leaders, scientists and environmental nonprofit groups.
  • 本周的会谈将是迄今为止规模最大的一次,有3500人登记参加,其中包括游说者、商界领袖、科学家和环保非营利组织。
  • But countries are divided on the issues after three earlier rounds of talks.
  • 但在前三轮会谈后,各国在这些问题上存在分歧。
  • They were held in Punta del Este, Uruguay; Paris; and most recently in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • 三轮会谈分别在乌拉圭的埃斯特角、巴黎以及最近在肯尼亚的内罗毕举行。
  • At the talks in Nairobi in November, the proposed treaty expanded from 30 to 70 pages.
  • 在11月于内罗毕举行的会谈中,拟议的条约从30页扩大到70页。
  • Some countries objected to measures like production limits and requiring a halt to production of some products.
  • 一些国家反对限产并且要求某些产品停产等措施。
  • Countries hope to find common ground before final negotiations are held in December in Busan, South Korea.
  • 各国希望在12月在韩国釜山举行最终谈判之前找到共同点。
  • Many countries that produce plastics and countries that produce chemicals for plastics opposed production limits.
  • 许多生产塑料的国家和生产塑料化学品的国家反对限产。
  • Those countries include Saudi Arabia, Iran, and China.
  • 这些国家包括沙特阿拉伯、伊朗和中国。
  • They are collectively known as the group of "Like-Minded Countries.
  • 它们统称为“志同道合的国家”集团。
  • They have blocked other countries from calling for production limits, chemical disclosures, or reduction timelines after last year's meeting in Nairobi.
  • 在去年的内罗毕会议之后,他们阻止了其他国家呼吁限制生产、披露化学物质或制定减排时间表。
  • A group of 60 nations wants to end plastic pollution by 2040.
  • 一个由60个国家组成的集团希望在2040年之前结束塑料污染。
  • They are called the "High-Ambition Coalition.
  • 他们被称为“雄心壮志联盟”。
  • " The group includes European Union countries, island nations, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates.
  • 该组织包括欧盟国家、岛国、日本和阿拉伯联合酋长国。
  • Some environmental groups support the "High-Ambition Coalition.
  • 一些环保组织支持“远大抱负联盟”。
  • " It has called for agreements to limit and reduce the production and use of plastics to "sustainable" levels.
  • 该组织呼吁达成协议,限制和减少塑料的生产和使用,使其达到“可持续”的水平。
  • It also is proposing measures to end the use of "problematic" single-use plastics over time and to ban some chemicals that might carry health risks.
  • 它还提出了一些措施,随着时间的推移,停止使用“有问题的”一次性塑料,并禁止一些可能带来健康风险的化学品。
  • The United States says it also wants to end plastic pollution by 2040.
  • 美国表示,该联盟还希望在2040年之前结束塑料污染。
  • But unlike the "High-Ambition Coalition," it wants countries to set their own plans.
  • 但与“雄心壮志联盟”不同的是,“远大抱负联盟”希望各国制定自己的计划。
  • In addition, the U.S. wants countries to regularly inform the U.N.of their plans
  • 此外,美国希望各国定期通知联合国他们的计划。
  • The trade group Global Partners for Plastics Circularity represents major producers of chemicals used in plastics.
  • 行业组织全球塑料循环伙伴代表了塑料所用化学品的主要生产商。
  • It includes members of the American Chemical Council and Plastics Europe.
  • 其中包括美国化学理事会和欧洲塑料协会的成员。
  • The group argues that production limits would lead to higher prices for buyers.
  • 该组织辩称,限产将导致买家的价格更高。
  • It says that the treaty should deal with plastics only after they are made.
  • 表示,该条约只应在塑料制造后才处理它们。
  • The chemical companies support the reuse or recycling of plastics.
  • 化工公司支持塑料的再利用或回收。
  • They support developing the market for burning plastics for fuel.
  • 他们支持发展燃烧塑料作为燃料的市场。
  • Additionally, the group said companies should be permitted to release information about chemical processes voluntarily.
  • 此外,该组织表示,应该允许公司自愿发布有关化学过程的信息。
  • However, a Reuters investigation in July of 2021 said that many attempts by big oil companies to recycle plastics were not successful.
  • 然而,路透社在2021年7月进行的一项调查显示,大型石油公司回收塑料的许多尝试都没有成功。
  • More than 200 companies including PepsiCo and Walmart have joined a group called the Business Coalition for a Plastics Treaty.
  • 包括百事可乐和沃尔玛在内的200多家公司加入了一个名为塑料条约商业联盟的组织。
  • Like the petrochemical industry, these companies depend on plastic containers for their products.
  • 与石化行业一样,这些公司的产品也依赖塑料容器。
  • They have been involved in the negotiations.
  • 他们已经参与了谈判。
  • In a statement, the coalition said it supports a treaty that includes production limits and uses "restrictions and phase-outs.
  • 在一份声明中,该联盟表示,它支持一项包括限产和使用“限制和逐步淘汰”的条约。
  • " Additionally, the group said it supported reuse policies, product design requirements, increased producer responsibility and policies for dealing with waste.
  • 此外,该组织表示,其支持再利用政策、产品设计要求、增加生产者的责任以及处理废物的政策。
  • I'm Jill Robbins.
  • 我是吉尔·罗宾斯。
  • And I'm Andrew Smith.
  • 我是安德鲁·史密斯。


International negotiators are meeting in Canada's capital to discuss writing a treaty to control plastic and pollution linked to it.


The meeting in Ottawa is part of the United Nations Environmental Programme and is to last until April 29.


Supporters say the agreement would be the biggest related to carbon gas creation and environmental protection since the 2015 Paris Agreement.


In that agreement, about 195 parties agreed to keep average world temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times.


But delegates to the negotiations on plastics are divided over what the treaty should include.


At the U.N Environmental Assembly in 2022, nations agreed to develop an agreement with the force of law, or a treaty, on plastics.


The goal was to have a treaty by the end of 2024.


Negotiators aim to make rules about plastics throughout the life of plastic products.


That includes when they are produced, how they are used, and how they are thrown away.


Plastic waste has become a world problem on land and in the sea.


Supporters of a treaty also say producing plastics involves releasing greenhouse gases.


The U.S. federal Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California recently released a report on plastic pollution.


The report said the plastics industry now produces five percent of the world's carbon gases.


But the U.S. government laboratory said that the industry's share of carbon gases could grow a lot if its current growth models behave as expected.


Reuters news service says plastic production is estimated to triple by 2060 without production limits.


Most new chemicals for plastics are made from petroleum.


This week's talks are set to be the biggest yet and include 3,500 people registered to attend including lobbyists, business leaders, scientists and environmental nonprofit groups.


But countries are divided on the issues after three earlier rounds of talks.


They were held in Punta del Este, Uruguay; Paris; and most recently in Nairobi, Kenya.


At the talks in Nairobi in November, the proposed treaty expanded from 30 to 70 pages.


Some countries objected to measures like production limits and requiring a halt to production of some products.


Countries hope to find common ground before final negotiations are held in December in Busan, South Korea.


Many countries that produce plastics and countries that produce chemicals for plastics opposed production limits.


Those countries include Saudi Arabia, Iran, and China.


They are collectively known as the group of "Like-Minded Countries.


They have blocked other countries from calling for production limits, chemical disclosures, or reduction timelines after last year's meeting in Nairobi.


A group of 60 nations wants to end plastic pollution by 2040.


They are called the "High-Ambition Coalition.


" The group includes European Union countries, island nations, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates.


Some environmental groups support the "High-Ambition Coalition.


" It has called for agreements to limit and reduce the production and use of plastics to "sustainable" levels.


It also is proposing measures to end the use of "problematic" single-use plastics over time and to ban some chemicals that might carry health risks.


The United States says it also wants to end plastic pollution by 2040.


But unlike the "High-Ambition Coalition," it wants countries to set their own plans.


In addition, the U.S. wants countries to regularly inform the U.N.of their plans


The trade group Global Partners for Plastics Circularity represents major producers of chemicals used in plastics.


It includes members of the American Chemical Council and Plastics Europe.


The group argues that production limits would lead to higher prices for buyers.


It says that the treaty should deal with plastics only after they are made.


The chemical companies support the reuse or recycling of plastics.


They support developing the market for burning plastics for fuel.


Additionally, the group said companies should be permitted to release information about chemical processes voluntarily.


However, a Reuters investigation in July of 2021 said that many attempts by big oil companies to recycle plastics were not successful.


More than 200 companies including PepsiCo and Walmart have joined a group called the Business Coalition for a Plastics Treaty.


Like the petrochemical industry, these companies depend on plastic containers for their products.


They have been involved in the negotiations.


In a statement, the coalition said it supports a treaty that includes production limits and uses "restrictions and phase-outs.


" Additionally, the group said it supported reuse policies, product design requirements, increased producer responsibility and policies for dealing with waste.


I'm Jill Robbins.


And I'm Andrew Smith.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

release [ri'li:s]


n. 释放,让渡,发行
vt. 释放,让与,准

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

inform [in'fɔ:m]


v. 通知,告诉,向 ... 报告,告发

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

reduction [ri'dʌkʃən]


n. 减少,缩小,(化学)还原反应,(数学)约分

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

treaty ['tri:ti]


n. 条约,协定





