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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • There are probably subcategories of ultra-processed foods that are perfectly fine, maybe even good for you, and others that might be particularly damaging.
  • 超加工食品的一些子类别可能是完全无害的,甚至可能对身体有益,而另一些子类别则可能危害极大。
  • We just haven't pinned down what those are yet.
  • 我们只是还没有确定是哪些子类别。
  • But the middle ground seems to be, “Well, there are a whole bunch of studies linking these foods to poor health, so there’s something serious going on.”
  • 不过,关于超加工食品的中间立场似乎是,“嗯,有一大堆研究表明这些食物与身体状况不佳有关,因此,正在发生严重的事情。”
  • So, since these foods can be addictive, and they may have negative effects on our health, what should we do about it?
  • 既然这些食物会让人上瘾,而且还可能会对我们的健康有负面影响,那么,我们应该怎么做呢?
  • I think it’s pretty unrealistic to say we’re gonna cut out a big chunk of the food supply.
  • 我觉得将食物供应的一大部分削减掉相当不现实。
  • Not everyone can have a private chef or a garden full of homegrown vegetables, and there’s a reason why we reach for ultra-processed foods.
  • 不是每个人都能拥有私人厨师,也不是每个人都能拥有种满自家蔬菜的菜园,我们选择超加工食品是有原因的。
  • More often than not, they’re cheaper, more convenient to prepare and sometimes, they’re the only thing available to us.
  • 通常情况下,超加工食品更便宜,做起饭来更方便。有时,超加工食品也是我们唯一可用的东西。
  • Is there any country that’s trying to regulate these foods?
  • 有没有哪个国家试图对这些食品进行监管?
  • In terms of regulation – there are some places that have done it well.
  • 就监管而言,有些地方做得很好。
  • In Chile and Columbia, they introduced taxes on ultra-processed foods, and restricted their marketing, especially to kids. That worked to decrease sales.
  • 在智利和哥伦比亚,他们对超加工食品征税,而且还限制它们营销,特别是针对儿童的营销。这就导致了销量的下降。
  • But it’s really a matter of cost and convenience — and that problem hasn’t really been addressed yet in the U.S.
  • 但这实际上是一个成本和便利性的问题,而这个问题在美国还没有真正得到解决。
  • What can I do individually if I do want to eat less of these foods?
  • 从个人角度看,如果我想少吃这些食物,我能做些什么呢?
  • There are some things you could think about if you want to limit your intake as an individual — for example there are a whole bunch of minimally processed things that make your life easier while preparing meals.
  • 作为个人,如果想限制自己的摄入量,可以考虑一些事情——例如,有很多经过最低限度加工的食物,它们可以让准备饭菜变得简单。
  • Like pre-chopped veggies, and premixed salads or stir fries that you just need to put in a pan and heat up.
  • 比如只需放在平底锅里加热的预先切碎的蔬菜,预先拌好的沙拉、炒菜。
  • And in some cases, ultra-processed foods may provide necessary nutrients for some people, like those with chronic diseases who have trouble keeping weight on, and need extra calories from protein shakes, for example.
  • 在某些情况下,超加工食品可能为某些群体提供必要的营养,比如那些患有慢性疾病、难以维持体重、且需要从蛋白质奶昔中获取额外卡路里的人。
  • Of course, and I think it’s really important we don’t demonize people’s food choices here.
  • 当然,我觉得不要妖魔化人们的食物选择很重要。
  • Think about baby formula for example—that’s ultra processed! But in no way are we suggesting that it should be cut out.
  • 以婴儿配方奶粉为例,它是超加工食品,但我们绝不是建议不吃它。
  • Totally. Lori, thanks so much for coming on the show. I learned a lot!
  • 太对了,洛莉,非常感谢你来参加节目。我学到了很多!
  • Thanks for having me!
  • 谢谢你邀请我!
  • Even if we try to eat less processed foods, it’s practically impossible to avoid them entirely.
  • 即使我们尽量少吃加工食品,也几乎不可能完全不吃。
  • Plus, what’s a life without ice cream?
  • 而且,没有冰淇淋的生活算什么?
  • Your Health, Quickly is produced by Tulika Bose, Jeff DelViscio, Kelso Harper, Carin Leong, and by us. It’s edited by Elah Feder and Alexa Lim. Our music is composed by Dominic Smith.
  • “科学快播” 栏目由图里卡·博斯、杰夫·德尔维西奥、凯尔索·哈珀、卡林·梁制作,我们也参与了制作。由以拉·菲德尔和亚历克莎·林编辑,由多米尼克·史密斯编曲。
  • Our show is a part of Scientific American’s podcast, Science, Quickly. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. If you like the show, give us a rating or review!
  • 我们的节目是《科学美国人》播客“科学快播”的一部分。无论你从哪里收听播客,都可以订阅我们的节目。如果你喜欢这个节目,请给我们评分、留下评论吧!
  • And if you have ideas for topics we should cover, send us an email at That’s your health quickly at S-C-I-A-M dot com.
  • 如果大家对我们报道的话题有什么想法,请发邮件至。
  • I’m Tanya Lewis. I’m Josh Fischman. See you next time.
  • 我是谭雅·刘易斯。我是乔希·费什曼。我们下期节目见。


There are probably subcategories of ultra-processed foods that are perfectly fine, maybe even good for you, and others that might be particularly damaging.


We just haven't pinned down what those are yet.


But the middle ground seems to be, “Well, there are a whole bunch of studies linking these foods to poor health, so theres something serious going on.”


So, since these foods can be addictive, and they may have negative effects on our health, what should we do about it?


I think its pretty unrealistic to say were gonna cut out a big chunk of the food supply.


Not everyone can have a private chef or a garden full of homegrown vegetables, and theres a reason why we reach for ultra-processed foods.


More often than not, theyre cheaper, more convenient to prepare and sometimes, theyre the only thing available to us.


Is there any country thats trying to regulate these foods?


In terms of regulationthere are some places that have done it well.


In Chile and Columbia, they introduced taxes on ultra-processed foods, and restricted their marketing, especially to kids. That worked to decrease sales.


But its really a matter of cost and convenienceand that problem hasnt really been addressed yet in the U.S.


What can I do individually if I do want to eat less of these foods?


There are some things you could think about if you want to limit your intake as an individualfor example there are a whole bunch of minimally processed things that make your life easier while preparing meals.


Like pre-chopped veggies, and premixed salads or stir fries that you just need to put in a pan and heat up.


And in some cases, ultra-processed foods may provide necessary nutrients for some people, like those with chronic diseases who have trouble keeping weight on, and need extra calories from protein shakes, for example.


Of course, and I think its really important we dont demonize peoples food choices here.


Think about baby formula for examplethats ultra processed! But in no way are we suggesting that it should be cut out.


Totally. Lori, thanks so much for coming on the show. I learned a lot!


Thanks for having me!


Even if we try to eat less processed foods, its practically impossible to avoid them entirely.


Plus, whats a life without ice cream?


Your Health, Quickly is produced by Tulika Bose, Jeff DelViscio, Kelso Harper, Carin Leong, and by us. Its edited by Elah Feder and Alexa Lim. Our music is composed by Dominic Smith.

“科学快播” 栏目由图里卡·博斯、杰夫·德尔维西奥、凯尔索·哈珀、卡林·梁制作,我们也参与了制作。由以拉·菲德尔和亚历克莎·林编辑,由多米尼克·史密斯编曲。

Our show is a part of Scientific Americans podcast, Science, Quickly. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. If you like the show, give us a rating or review!


And if you have ideas for topics we should cover, send us an email at Thats your health quickly at S-C-I-A-M dot com.


Im Tanya Lewis. Im Josh Fischman. See you next time.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
convenience [kən'vi:njəns]


n. 适宜,便利,便利设施,方便的时间,舒适

composed [kəm'pəuzd]


adj. 镇静的,沉着的

regulate ['regju.leit,'regjuleit]


vt. 管理,调整,控制

convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的

chronic ['krɔnik]


adj. 长期的,慢性的,惯常的

chef [ʃef]


n. 厨师,主厨

unrealistic [.ʌnriə'listik]


adj. 不切实际的,不实在的

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

stir [stə:]


n. 感动(激动,愤怒或震动), 搅拌,骚乱

formula ['fɔ:mjulə]


n. 公式,配方,规则;代乳品
adj. (赛





