The Queen, the Queen. [qh]
Now, Hera was originally supposed to arrive about the same time as DART at Dimorphos at Didymos. [qh]
赫拉本该与DART航天器同一时间到达“迪莫弗斯”与“迪迪莫斯” 。[qh]
But instead, due to delays, it is now not launching until late next year, it's going to arrive sometime in 2026. [qh]
But that's still going to tell us a whole lot more about the aftermath of this epochal impact. [qh]
Now, there are other things to mention as well. [qh]
One project I'm excited about is NASA's NEO surveyor, the Near Earth Objects Surveyor Space Telescope. [qh]
令我兴奋的一个项目是美国宇航局的NEO勘测器,即近地天体勘测空间望远镜 。[qh]
That is an infrared space telescope that's meant to launch maybe sometime in 2028. [qh]
And it will be a very big step towards creating this catalog of objects, and getting a better sense of what's really out there and what the threats are. [qh]
And on the ground there’s something similar to the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. [qh]
地面上的NEO勘测器类似于薇拉·鲁宾天文台 。[qh]
One thing that's very important for this mission is it will be doing the same kind of work from the ground.[qh]
这项任务非常重要的一点是,NEO勘测器将在地面上完成同样的工作 。[qh]
It will be taking these full, panoramic, high resolution images of the sky multiple times per night, each and every night making almost a high definition movie of the heavens above. [qh]
NEO勘测器将在每晚拍摄数次完整的、全景式的、高分辨率的天空图像,每晚几乎都能拍摄出高清的太空图像 。[qh]
And it'll be able to see little points of light moving around, some of which could be Earth threatening asteroids. [qh]
NEO勘测器能捕捉到四处移动的小光点,其中一些可能是威胁地球的小行星 。[qh]
Oh, and then that's named after Vera Rubin, right. [qh]
Indeed. One of the discoverers of dark matter, I believe, right? [qh]
Yes, yes. We also know that researchers with the help of amateur astronomers are continuing to comb through the DART data to find out more about the physics, geology and chemistry of these two asteroids. [qh]
是的DART(航天器)的数据 。[qh]
Lee, what are you looking forward to the most to finding out in the near future?[qh]
Well, honestly, I kind of considered Didymos and Dimorphos a little done and dusted. [qh]
We’ve already smacked the space rock, we've seen what's happened. [qh]
I'm interested in getting this catalogue. I'm interested in knowing more about the properties of a wide diversity of asteroids, because it may not be a rubble pile that comes at us every time. [qh]
What if it's a big ball of metal? What if it's made of ice? I don't know. [qh]
如果它是个巨大的金属球体呢? 如果它由冰组成呢? 我不知道qh]
That’s true. [qh]
So clearly, the answer is to just smack more cows into pyramids, to send out more of these sorts of missions and get a sense of what happens when we whack things really hard in the solar system.[qh]
That said, I have to say, I don't think this is going to be enough to save us. [qh]
There's a lot of situations where something could still hit us real hard and fast and DART definitely wouldn’t save us. [qh]
仍会有很多天体又快又猛袭击我们的情况,而DART航天器绝对救不了我们 。[qh]
I will definitely rest easy. [qh]
I hope you do. [qh]
Thanks for listening to Science, Quickly. I'm Tulika Bose.[qh]
And I'm Lee Billings.[qh]