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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A massive, massive effect: we would all be distracted all the time.
  • 影响显著: 我们所有人都会一直被干扰。
  • And a very, very tiny effect: it would be meaningless.
  • 影响微小: 那就是不相关。
  • And this is somewhere in between.
  • 而这项研究结果介于这两者之间。
  • But it is a smaller effect than the earlier research has shown.
  • 这种影响比先前研究表明的要小。
  • Parry’s meta-analysis is a preprint, which means that it hasn’t been peer-reviewed yet.
  • 帕里的元分析论文只是预印本,这意味着论文还没有经过同行评审。
  • When I talked to Ward about that paper’s findings, he said he was glad there’s now been enough work on brain drain to look at evidence combined together,
  • 当我和沃德谈论那篇论文的研究结论时,他表示,他很高兴现在有关认知流失的研究很充足,可以把证据结合在一起看,
  • and that, overall, Parry’s work reinforces the notion that phones are interfering with our working memory over other cognitive functions such as sustained attention—or what you’re paying attention to consciously.
  • 总的来说,帕里的研究加强了这样一个概念,即,手机正在干扰我们的工作记忆,而非其他认知功能,比如持续性注意力--有意识地关注某物。
  • When you’re doing great at sustained attention, you know, you’re thinking you’re doing awesome because you’re not looking at your phone.
  • 当你在持续性注意力上表现很好时,你在想你做得很好,因为你没有看手机。
  • It’s on the desk in front of you, but you’re not paying attention to it, right?
  • 手机放在身前的桌子上,但你没有在关注它,对吗?
  • And so that’s showing us no difference in sustained attention.
  • 这表明在持续性注意力方面不存在差异。
  • But that process of not paying attention to it is using some of your working memory capacity.
  • 但这个没有注意的过程使用了部分工作记忆能力。
  • So that shows up as that significant, significant negative effect on working memory capacity.
  • 这就显示出手机对工作记忆能力的显著负面影响。
  • Parry thinks that his findings actually raise more questions for further study, such as whether there’s something about the individuals in the past studies that led to a stronger brain drain effect for certain cognitive effects.
  • 帕里认为,他的研究结论实际上为进一步的研究提出了更多的问题,例如,在过去的研究中,是否有一些个体差异导致了更强的认知流失,造成某些认知影响。
  • For instance, for some people, their phones might be more important to them.
  • 例如,对一些人来说,他们的手机可能更重要。
  • If you’re very involved, and your whole life is mediated through that, the way you’re orientated to its presence is going to be different.
  • 如果你时刻刷手机,整个生活都是通过手机来调节的,那么,手机放在哪里对你来说是不同的。
  • Another factor could be how susceptible a person is to FOMO, or the fear of missing out.
  • 另一个因素可能是一个人有多容易受FOMO的影响,FOMO指的是害怕错过任何新消息。
  • There is an official psychologically validated scale for FOMO from 2013 that Parry says could be used alongside measuring brain drain to see if that influences the effect.
  • 帕里说,2013年有一个经过官方心理验证的FOMO量表,可以与测量认知流失一起使用,看看这是否会影响效果。
  • The reality is like, “We’re not going to get rid of our phones. They’re going to be around, and [we’re] probably going to become even more dependent on them over time.”
  • 现实是,“我们不会放弃手机。它们将继续伴在我们左右,我们可能会随着时间的推移变得更加依赖它们。”
  • Like, I just had a kid, and I track every time this kid has a diaper on my phone, right?
  • 比如,我刚生了孩子,每次这个孩子换尿片,我都会在手机上跟踪记录,对吧?
  • Like, my whole life is recorded in this little device. They are just woven into every aspect of our lives.
  • 我的一生都记录在这个小小的设备上。手机已经融入了我们生活的方方面面。
  • Knowing that the presence of a phone influences working memory could lead to having more targeted technology harm reduction, or keeping an eye out for that specific effect.
  • 了解手机的存在会影响工作记忆,可能会减少更有针对性的技术性伤害,从而密切关注这种特定的影响。
  • In the end, this meta-analysis indicates we might not have to be super distressed about what a phone in our vicinity is doing to us.
  • 最后,这项元分析表明,我们可能不必为身旁的手机对我们造成的影响感到超级痛苦。
  • For some people, there still could be a significant brain drain, but for others, it could be more of a drip.
  • 一些人可能存在严重的认知流失,而另一些人则可能只流失了一点点。
  • Thanks for listening! For 60-Second Science, I’m Shayla Love.
  • 谢谢大家收听科学美国人——60秒科学。我是谢拉·洛夫。


A massive, massive effect: we would all be distracted all the time.

影响显著: 我们所有人都会一直被干扰。

And a very, very tiny effect: it would be meaningless.

影响微小: 那就是不相关。

And this is somewhere in between.


But it is a smaller effect than the earlier research has shown.


Parrys meta-analysis is a preprint, which means that it hasnt been peer-reviewed yet.


When I talked to Ward about that papers findings, he said he was glad theres now been enough work on brain drain to look at evidence combined together,


and that, overall, Parrys work reinforces the notion that phones are interfering with our working memory over other cognitive functions such as sustained attentionor what youre paying attention to consciously.


When youre doing great at sustained attention, you know, youre thinking youre doing awesome because youre not looking at your phone.


Its on the desk in front of you, but youre not paying attention to it, right?


And so thats showing us no difference in sustained attention.


But that process of not paying attention to it is using some of your working memory capacity.


So that shows up as that significant, significant negative effect on working memory capacity.


Parry thinks that his findings actually raise more questions for further study, such as whether theres something about the individuals in the past studies that led to a stronger brain drain effect for certain cognitive effects.


For instance, for some people, their phones might be more important to them.


If youre very involved, and your whole life is mediated through that, the way youre orientated to its presence is going to be different.


Another factor could be how susceptible a person is to FOMO, or the fear of missing out.


There is an official psychologically validated scale for FOMO from 2013 that Parry says could be used alongside measuring brain drain to see if that influences the effect.


The reality is like, “Were not going to get rid of our phones. Theyre going to be around, and [were] probably going to become even more dependent on them over time.”


Like, I just had a kid, and I track every time this kid has a diaper on my phone, right?


Like, my whole life is recorded in this little device. They are just woven into every aspect of our lives.


Knowing that the presence of a phone influences working memory could lead to having more targeted technology harm reduction, or keeping an eye out for that specific effect.


In the end, this meta-analysis indicates we might not have to be super distressed about what a phone in our vicinity is doing to us.


For some people, there still could be a significant brain drain, but for others, it could be more of a drip.


Thanks for listening! For 60-Second Science, Im Shayla Love.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
parry ['pæri]


vi. 挡开武器或打击 vt. 挡开, 回避 n. 挡开

factor ['fæktə]


n. 因素,因子
vt. 把 ... 因素包括

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

sustained [səs'teind]


adj. 持久的,经久不衰的

drain [drein]


n. 下水道,排水沟,消耗
v. 耗尽,排出,

device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

ward [wɔ:d]


n. 守卫,监护,受监护人,病房,行政区





