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来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Students at the University of Idaho returning to campus this week with a great sense of relief after Bryan Kohberger is charged with the murder of four students.
  • 布莱恩·科伯格被指控谋杀四名学生后,爱达荷大学的学生们本周如释重负地回到了校园。
  • DNA evidence playing a major part in the case, watch.
  • DNA证据在此案中发挥了重要作用,请看。
  • They have additional DNA that I've been told by a source and that DNA is being processed.
  • 他们有额外的DNA,我从一个消息来源得知,DNA正在处理中。
  • Two of the victims allegedly fought back.
  • 据称,其中两名受害者进行了反击。
  • They may very well have DNA under the fingernails of those victims that fought back.
  • 他们很可能在那些反击的受害者的指甲里找到了DNA。
  • So they have a very, very strong case.
  • 所以他们有一个非常非常有力的证据。
  • A knife sheath was left behind at the crime scene which our next guest says could help indicate who exactly the killer was targeting.
  • 犯罪现场留下了一把刀鞘,我们的下一位嘉宾称,这可以帮助确定凶手的确切目标。
  • Forensics expert, distinguished scholar of applied forensics, Jacksonville State University, Joseph Scott Morgan joins us now.
  • 杰克逊维尔州立大学的法医专家、杰出的应用法医学学者约瑟夫·斯科特·摩根现在与我们连线。
  • Good morning, sir, thank you for joining us.
  • 早上好,先生,感谢您参与今天的节目。
  • Give me your top line thoughts of why it indicates who the killer might have been targeting.
  • 来讲讲您最主要的想法吧,为什么刀鞘可以告诉我们凶手当时的目标可能是谁。
  • Good morning, Emily.
  • 早上好,艾米丽。
  • Yeah, you know, we have to think about these two victims.
  • 是可以的,我们得想想这两个受害者。
  • These two female victims were actually co-sleeping.
  • 这两名女性受害者当时实际上是睡在一起的。
  • They were, according to the affidavit, they were actually found in the same bed.
  • 宣誓书表明,在发现她们时,她们实际上是在同一张床上的。
  • And this sheath which we’ve been talking about for some time, certainly we’ve been talking about the knife, the sheath was actually found immediately adjacent to one of the remains there.
  • 我们已经谈论了一段时间的这个刀鞘,当然,我们一直谈论的都是刀,这个刀鞘实际上是在现场的一具遗骸旁边发现的。
  • And the recovery of the DNA from this sheath actually originates from what’s referred to as the button snap.
  • 而从这个刀鞘上提取出的DNA实际上是从所谓的按钮式扣子处发现的。
  • This is the location on the sheath that holds the knife in place.
  • 这是刀鞘上将刀固定到位的地方。
  • If you’re wearing it on your hip, for instance, it keeps it from falling out.
  • 举个例子,如果你把它戴在臀部,它可以防止刀掉下来。
  • But in order to release the knife from the sheath, that button snap has to be flipped at that moment in time.
  • 但为了将刀从刀鞘中拿出来,这个按钮式扣子就必须在那个时刻及时翻转过来。
  • So if you think about the dynamics of this event, if the intruder, if the accused enters into the bedroom, and begins to attack these two victims simultaneously, he would have essentially, hate to say this, would have actually pounced on them in the bed perhaps because they’re both there together.
  • 所以,咱们来想想这一事件当时的情况,如果入侵者,也就是被告进入卧室,开始同时袭击这两名受害者,那么他基本上就会——我不想说(这么残忍的话)——实际上可能会扑向在床上的她们,因为她们都在同一张床上。
  • He would have unsheathed the knife and then begun to do his work at that point in time.
  • 他会把刀拔出来,然后在那个时候开始袭击受害者。
  • And I think, probably, dropping the sheath right there.
  • 我认为刀鞘很可能就是在那个时候掉下来的。
  • Essentially what you’re arguing here is that he unsheathed the knife at the primary point where he started to execute these four teenagers, these four kids which means the primary target is the first place he did it.
  • 基本上,您所说的是,他在开始杀害这四名青少年的第一个地方拔出了刀,这意味着他的主要目标就在他下手的第一个地方。
  • What is the probability of transfer DNA which is thrown around by many people who probably don’t have anywhere near your qualifications?
  • 许多人多半完全不懂法医学,他们将DNA转移出去的可能性有多大?
  • Well, it is very real.
  • 嗯,这个问题非常真实。
  • There is an old principle in forensics called “Locard principle of exchange”-- every contact leaves a trace.
  • 在法医学中有一条古老的原理,叫做“罗卡定律”--每一次接触都会留下痕迹。
  • That's over 100 years old.
  • 它已经有100多年的历史了。
  • It applies here.
  • 在此次案件中也适用。
  • So if you think about the perpetrator just absolutely devastating these individuals, these poor victims, blood will transfer to him.
  • 所以,凶手对这些可怜的受害者进行了绝对可怕的袭击,血液就一定会转移到他身上。
  • Now anything that comes off of him conversely transfers to their bodies as well.
  • 而他身上的任何东西也会反过来转移到这些受害者的尸体上。
  • And it’s not just blood.
  • 不仅仅是血。
  • We’re talking about any kind of touch DNA, like dead skin cells that are sloughing off.
  • 我们谈论的是任何形式的触碰DNA,比如正在脱落的死皮细胞。
  • You also have hair transfer, fiber transfer, all of these things are going through and here’s, here’s key.
  • 也包括毛发转移,纤维转移,所有这些都包括在内,这是关键。
  • If he has blood on him he’s gonna contact the surfaces he is walking on and touching.
  • 如果他身上有血,他就会接触到他行走和触摸的表面。
  • Powerful evidence.
  • 这是很有力的证据。
  • Joseph Scott Morgan, thank you so much for your expertise.
  • 约瑟夫·斯科特·摩根,非常感谢您的专业知识。
  • We will absolutely stay with you for developments in this case as they arrive.
  • 我们绝对会和您一起随时关注此案的进展。


Students at the University of Idaho returning to campus this week with a great sense of relief after Bryan Kohberger is charged with the murder of four students.


DNA evidence playing a major part in the case, watch.


They have additional DNA that I've been told by a source and that DNA is being processed.


Two of the victims allegedly fought back.


They may very well have DNA under the fingernails of those victims that fought back.


So they have a very, very strong case.


A knife sheath was left behind at the crime scene which our next guest says could help indicate who exactly the killer was targeting.


Forensics expert, distinguished scholar of applied forensics, Jacksonville State University, Joseph Scott Morgan joins us now.


Good morning, sir, thank you for joining us.


Give me your top line thoughts of why it indicates who the killer might have been targeting.


Good morning, Emily.


Yeah, you know, we have to think about these two victims.


These two female victims were actually co-sleeping.


They were, according to the affidavit, they were actually found in the same bed.


And this sheath which we’ve been talking about for some time, certainly we’ve been talking about the knife, the sheath was actually found immediately adjacent to one of the remains there.


And the recovery of the DNA from this sheath actually originates from what’s referred to as the button snap.


This is the location on the sheath that holds the knife in place.


If you’re wearing it on your hip, for instance, it keeps it from falling out.


But in order to release the knife from the sheath, that button snap has to be flipped at that moment in time.


So if you think about the dynamics of this event, if the intruder, if the accused enters into the bedroom, and begins to attack these two victims simultaneously, he would have essentially, hate to say this, would have actually pounced on them in the bed perhaps because they’re both there together.


He would have unsheathed the knife and then begun to do his work at that point in time.


And I think, probably, dropping the sheath right there.


Essentially what you’re arguing here is that he unsheathed the knife at the primary point where he started to execute these four teenagers, these four kids which means the primary target is the first place he did it.


What is the probability of transfer DNA which is thrown around by many people who probably don’t have anywhere near your qualifications?


Well, it is very real.


There is an old principle in forensics called “Locard principle of exchange”-- every contact leaves a trace.


That's over 100 years old.


It applies here.


So if you think about the perpetrator just absolutely devastating these individuals, these poor victims, blood will transfer to him.


Now anything that comes off of him conversely transfers to their bodies as well.


And it’s not just blood.


We’re talking about any kind of touch DNA, like dead skin cells that are sloughing off.


You also have hair transfer, fiber transfer, all of these things are going through and here’s, here’s key.


If he has blood on him he’s gonna contact the surfaces he is walking on and touching.


Powerful evidence.


Joseph Scott Morgan, thank you so much for your expertise.


We will absolutely stay with you for developments in this case as they arrive.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
trace [treis]


n. 痕迹,踪迹,微量
vt. 追踪,找出根源

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

relief [ri'li:f]


n. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

probability [.prɔbə'biliti]


n. 可能性,或然率,机率

expertise [.ekspə:'ti:z]


n. 专家的意见,专门技术

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

transfer [træns'fə:]


n. 迁移,移动,换车
v. 转移,调转,调任

execute ['eksikju:t]


vt. 执行,处决,实行,完成
[计算机] 执

release [ri'li:s]


n. 释放,让渡,发行
vt. 释放,让与,准





