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来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • All right, so we move to this: Texas public safety department says Uvalde district police chief has stopped cooperating with the investigation into the massacre that left 19 children and two teachers dead.
  • 好的,接下来我们来看一下:德克萨斯州公共安全部门表示,乌瓦尔德区警察局长已经停止合作调查造成19名儿童和两名教师死亡的大屠杀。
  • I wonder why and the first funerals for the victims started yesterday as 10-year-olds Maite Rodriguez and Amerie Jo Garza are laid to rest.
  • 我想知道为什么,昨天,随着10岁的梅特·罗德里格斯和艾米丽·乔·加尔扎被安葬,第一批遇难者的葬礼开始了。
  • Todd Piro is here with more.
  • 托德·皮罗带来了更多信息。
  • Yes, the first funerals are held for the 21 victims including 10-year-old Maite Rodriguez and Amerie Jo Garza, the little girl being held a hero for trying to call for help.
  • 是的,第一批葬礼是为21名遇难者举行的,其中包括10岁的梅特·罗德里格斯和艾米丽·乔·加尔扎,这名小女孩因试图呼救而被视为英雄。
  • Her friend and classmate describes the moment she watched her friends and teacher died.
  • 她的朋友同时也是她的同学描述了自己看着朋友和老师去世的那一刻。
  • My friend Amerie, she started trying to call the police with her friend’s phone and when they did that, he started saying, “You’ll die.”
  • 我的朋友艾米丽,她开始用她朋友的电话报警,当他们这么做的时候,他开始说,“你们要死了。”
  • And my, my teachers, they were screaming, saying no.
  • 我的,我的老师们,他们尖叫着说不。
  • Ms. Garcia was.
  • 加西亚老师当时就是这样。
  • And he shot my friends and my teachers and then after that, he said good night and he started shooting everybody.
  • 然后他枪杀了我的朋友和老师,然后,他说了声晚安,然后开始枪杀所有人。
  • What a horrible thing for a little girl to go through.
  • 对于一个小女孩来说,这是一件多么可怕的事情。
  • Grieving community still searching for answers as a teacher who propped open a door says she did shut it before the gunman entered.
  • 悲痛的社区仍在寻找答案,因为一名撑开一扇门的老师说,她确实在枪手进来之前关上了门。
  • According to her lawyer, “She remembers pulling the door closed while telling 911 that he was shooting.
  • 据她的律师说,“她记得在告诉911他在开枪的时候把门关上了。
  • She thought the door would lock because that door is always supposed to be locked.”
  • 她以为门会锁上,因为那扇门应该一直是锁着的。”
  • And for the first time, hero off-duty CBP agent Jacob Alvarado describes how he was getting a haircut when his wife, a teacher at that school texted that an active shooter was on campus.
  • 美国海关和边境保护局不当班的英雄特工雅各布·阿尔瓦拉多第一次描述,他在理发时,他担任该学校老师的妻子发来短信,说校园里有一名活跃的枪手。
  • As I went in, I just saw a whole bunch of kids running out, running, running off campus, jumping through the windows, cops breaking windows.
  • 我进去的时候,我就看到一群孩子跑出来,跑出校园,跳过窗户,警察正在破窗。
  • And just a complete chaos pretty much.
  • 几乎完全是一片混乱。
  • Victims’ families are still struggling to understand why it took school district police 45 minutes from the time the shooting started to breach that classroom.
  • 遇难者家属仍在努力理解,为什么学区警察从枪击事件开始后,花了45分钟才过来攻破教室。
  • And according to Texas DPS, the district police chief, Pete Arredondo has stopped cooperating.
  • 根据德克萨斯州公共安全部门的说法,地区警察局长皮特·阿雷东多已经停止合作。
  • “The Uvalde Police Department and Uvalde CISD Police have been cooperating with investigators.
  • “乌瓦尔德警察局和乌瓦尔德综合独立学区警方一直在配合调查人员。
  • The chief provided an initial interview but has not responded to a followup interview with the Texas Rangers that was made two days ago.”
  • 局长提供了最初的采访,但没有回应两天前对德克萨斯游骑兵队的后续采访。”
  • That a quote from Texas DPS.
  • 这是德克萨斯公共安全部门的言论。
  • Regardless Arredondo was sworn in to his new spot on the city council after being elected earlier this month, but Uvalde mayor Don McLaughlin canceling his inauguration ceremony.
  • 尽管阿雷东多在本月早些时候当选市议会议员后宣誓就职,但乌瓦尔德市市长唐·麦克劳克林取消了他的就职仪式。
  • Back to you.
  • 切回你们那里。
  • Yeah, they said it would not be appropriate to have a ceremony and so they did not do it, all right, Todd, thank you very much.
  • 是的,他们说举行仪式不合适,所以他们没有这样做,好的,托德,非常感谢。


All right, so we move to this: Texas public safety department says Uvalde district police chief has stopped cooperating with the investigation into the massacre that left 19 children and two teachers dead.


I wonder why and the first funerals for the victims started yesterday as 10-year-olds Maite Rodriguez and Amerie Jo Garza are laid to rest.


Todd Piro is here with more.


Yes, the first funerals are held for the 21 victims including 10-year-old Maite Rodriguez and Amerie Jo Garza, the little girl being held a hero for trying to call for help.


Her friend and classmate describes the moment she watched her friends and teacher died.


My friend Amerie, she started trying to call the police with her friends phone and when they did that, he started saying, “Youll die.”


And my, my teachers, they were screaming, saying no.


Ms. Garcia was.


And he shot my friends and my teachers and then after that, he said good night and he started shooting everybody.


What a horrible thing for a little girl to go through.


Grieving community still searching for answers as a teacher who propped open a door says she did shut it before the gunman entered.


According to her lawyer, “She remembers pulling the door closed while telling 911 that he was shooting.


She thought the door would lock because that door is always supposed to be locked.”


And for the first time, hero off-duty CBP agent Jacob Alvarado describes how he was getting a haircut when his wife, a teacher at that school texted that an active shooter was on campus.


As I went in, I just saw a whole bunch of kids running out, running, running off campus, jumping through the windows, cops breaking windows.


And just a complete chaos pretty much.


Victimsfamilies are still struggling to understand why it took school district police 45 minutes from the time the shooting started to breach that classroom.


And according to Texas DPS, the district police chief, Pete Arredondo has stopped cooperating.


The Uvalde Police Department and Uvalde CISD Police have been cooperating with investigators.


The chief provided an initial interview but has not responded to a followup interview with the Texas Rangers that was made two days ago.”


That a quote from Texas DPS.


Regardless Arredondo was sworn in to his new spot on the city council after being elected earlier this month, but Uvalde mayor Don McLaughlin canceling his inauguration ceremony.


Back to you.


Yeah, they said it would not be appropriate to have a ceremony and so they did not do it, all right, Todd, thank you very much.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
chaos ['keiɔs]


n. 混乱,无秩序,混沌

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

district ['distrikt]


n. 区,地区,行政区
vt. 把 ... 划

inauguration [in.ɔ:gju'reiʃən]


n. 就职典礼,落成典礼,开幕仪式

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

appropriate [ə'prəupriət]


adj. 适当的,相称的
vt. 拨出(款项)

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





