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  • Remarkable relics
  • 三星堆又有新发现,开启宝物大清点
  • A gold mask and some bronze artifacts have been discovered at the Sanxingdui Ruins site recently.
  • 最近在三星堆遗址出土了一张黄金面具和一些青铜器。
  • Considered one of the greatest archaeological finds of mankind in the 20th century,
  • 被誉为20世纪人类最伟大的考古发现之一,
  • the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Sichuan province has continued to amaze the world.
  • 四川三星堆遗址至今仍令世人惊叹不已。
  • Since May, more than 500 cultural relics have been found at the site.
  • 自今年5月以来,该遗址已发现500多件文物。
  • Unique bronze artifacts
  • 独特的青铜器
  • Some of the bronze artifacts discovered during the current excavation have never been seen before, according to experts.
  • 据专家介绍,此次挖掘出土的一些青铜器,此前从未现世。
  • They were beyond “our previous understanding of bronze wares and posed great challenges to our research”, said Xu Feihong, a lecturer at Shanghai University.
  • 上海大学讲师徐斐宏表示,这些工艺品超出了“我们之前对青铜器的理解,对我们的研究构成了巨大挑战”。
  • A unique bronze artifact from the No 3 pit features a man carrying a bronze vessel known as a zun that has a round rim and a square body,
  • 3号坑出土了一件独特的青铜器,形状为一铜人头顶一“尊”,即一件圆口方体的青铜容器
  • said Ran Honglin, a researcher with Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute.
  • 四川省文物考古研究院研究员冉宏林说道。
  • Three bronze figures, with their palms pressed together and their heads twisted to the right, have been excavated from the No 4 pit.
  • 4号坑出土了3尊铜像,人像双手合十,扭头向右。
  • These three bronze figures are a unique find among Sanxingdui items in terms of their shape and decorative pattern,
  • 冉宏林说道,这三尊青铜人像形状独特,花纹精美,在三星堆出土的文物中别具一格,
  • and they provide further material for studying the bronze casting technology of the Shu people
  • 也提供了进一步的材料,以便研究古蜀人的青铜铸造技术,
  • as well as their art, religious beliefs, social system and cultural exchanges with surrounding areas, Ran said.
  • 以及他们的艺术、宗教信仰、社会制度和与周边地区的文化交流。
  • Shu was an ancient state in what is now Sichuan.
  • 古蜀国是一个古老的国家,位于今天的四川。
  • A complete gold mask
  • 完整黄金面具
  • Again, a gold mask is catching the world’s attention.
  • 一张黄金面具再次吸引了全世界的注意。
  • It is the biggest of its kind unearthed at the site so far.
  • 这是三星堆迄今为止出土的黄金面具中体量最大的一件。
  • It is 37.2 centimeters wide, 16.5 cm high and weighs about 100 grams.
  • 该面具宽37.2厘米,高16.5厘米,重约100克。
  • Another thing that makes it stand out is that it is complete.
  • 这张黄金面具另一点令人瞩目的在于它很完整。
  • It was discovered in June at the No 3 pit.
  • 该面具于6月在3号坑出土。
  • Earlier this year, a similar, but less complete gold mask was found at the No 5 pit.
  • 今年早些时候,5号坑出土了一个类似的、但不太完整的黄金面具。
  • Gold items were found at the Sanxingdui Ruins site as early as 1986,
  • 早在1986年,三星堆遗址就发现了黄金制品,
  • including gold foil pieces that show how the precious metal was used by the ancient Shu people.
  • 其中包括金箔片,展示出古蜀人如何使用这种贵重金属。
  • The finding further illustrates the custom of the ancient Shu people to use gold items, experts said.
  • 专家说,这一发现进一步说明了古蜀人使用黄金制品的习俗。
  • Radiocarbon dating has shown that the No 3 and No 4 pits, at 3,000 to 3,200 years old,
  • 根据放射性碳年代测定显示,3号坑和4号坑距今已有3000到3200年的历史,
  • go back to the late Shang Dynasty (16th century-11th century BC), Xu said.
  • 据徐斐宏介绍,可以追溯到商朝晚期(公元前16世纪至11世纪)。
  • Excavation of the No 4 pit was completed on Aug 19, and digging at the No 3 pit will be completed in the next two months.
  • 4号坑已于8月19日挖掘完毕,3号坑的挖掘将在未来两个月完成。
  • What other treasures will the pit bring us? Only time will tell!
  • 3号坑还会带给我们什么宝藏?只有时间能回答了!


Remarkable relics


A gold mask and some bronze artifacts have been discovered at the Sanxingdui Ruins site recently.


Considered one of the greatest archaeological finds of mankind in the 20th century, the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Sichuan province has continued to amaze the world.


Since May, more than 500 cultural relics have been found at the site.


Unique bronze artifacts


Some of the bronze artifacts discovered during the current excavation have never been seen before, according to experts.



They were beyond “our previous understanding of bronze wares and posed great challenges to our research”, said Xu Feihong, a lecturer at Shanghai University.


A unique bronze artifact from the No 3 pit features a man carrying a bronze vessel known as a zun that has a round rim and a square body, said Ran Honglin, a researcher with Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute.


Three bronze figures, with their palms pressed together and their heads twisted to the right, have been excavated from the No 4 pit.


These three bronze figures are a unique find among Sanxingdui items in terms of their shape and decorative pattern, and they provide further material for studying the bronze casting technology of the Shu people as well as their art, religious beliefs, social system and cultural exchanges with surrounding areas, Ran said. Shu was an ancient state in what is now Sichuan.


A complete gold mask


Again, a gold mask is catching the world’s attention.


It is the biggest of its kind unearthed at the site so far. It is 37.2 centimeters wide, 16.5 cm high and weighs about 100 grams. Another thing that makes it stand out is that it is complete.


It was discovered in June at the No 3 pit. Earlier this year, a similar, but less complete gold mask was found at the No 5 pit.


Gold items were found at the Sanxingdui Ruins site as early as 1986, including gold foil pieces that show how the precious metal was used by the ancient Shu people. The finding further illustrates the custom of the ancient Shu people to use gold items, experts said.


Radiocarbon dating has shown that the No 3 and No 4 pits, at 3,000 to 3,200 years old, go back to the late Shang Dynasty (16th century-11th century BC), Xu said.


Excavation of the No 4 pit was completed on Aug 19, and digging at the No 3 pit will be completed in the next two months. What other treasures will the pit bring us? Only time will tell!


重点单词   查看全部解释    
archaeology [.ɑ:ki'ɔlədʒi]


n. 考古学,古迹,文物

archaeological [.a:kiə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 考古学的,考古学上的

artifact ['ɑ:tifækt]


n. 人工制品,典型产物

twisted ['twistid]


adj. 扭曲的 v. 扭动(twist的过去式)

lecturer ['lektʃərə]


n. 演讲者,讲师

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制

decorative ['dekərətiv]


adj. 装饰的,可作装饰的

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

precious ['preʃəs]


adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会





