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  • This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Karen Kwon.
  • 这里是科学美国人——60秒科学系列,我是凯伦·权。
  • That's a bird called the hermit warbler. It breeds along the U.S. West Coast.
  • 这种鸟名为隐莺。它在美国西海岸繁殖。
  • "They all kind of look the same. They have a cute little yellow head and a gray body."
  • “它们看起来几乎一样。它们有可爱的黄色小脑袋和灰色的身体。”
  • Brett Furnas, a biostatistician at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
  • 加州渔业和野生动物局的生物统计学家布雷特·福纳斯说到。
  • Typically, birds sing the same one song within one region because the song attracts mates.
  • 通常,鸟类在一个区域内唱同一首歌,因为这首歌会吸引配偶。
  • And different regions can have slightly different dialects of the song.
  • 不同地区会有稍微不同的歌曲方言。
  • "But what we also noticed that there are some places that were exceptions to this rule—that some places, there was more than one song in the same place.
  • “但我们也注意到,有些地方是这条规则的例外,有些地方,同一地区不止有一首歌。
  • And so we were curious why that would be the case."
  • 因此我们很好奇为什么会这样。”
  • To investigate, Furnas and his team recorded hermit warbler songs. Lots of them.
  • 为了调查,福纳斯及其团队录制了隐莺的歌声。他们录制了许多首歌。
  • "We had to go all over California, so we went to 100 different locations throughout the state and all the different potential habitats of the species."
  • “我们要走遍加州,所以我们去了全州100个不同的地点,以及这一物种的所有不同的潜在栖息地。”
  • The researchers analyzed all the hermit warbler songs they collected
  • 研究人员分析了他们收集的隐莺的所有歌声,
  • and discovered that the hermit warbler doesn't just violate the usual one-song-per-region rule—they positively demolish it.
  • 发现隐莺不仅违反了一个地区一首歌的常规,而且还积极地破坏它。
  • "Doing this over a period of 10 years, we found, actually, an amazing 35 different dialects across the state."
  • “通过10年的研究,我们发现全州有35种令人惊讶的不同方言。”
  • Here are just two examples of dialects, slowed down for easier comparison.
  • 下面只是两种方言的例子,为了便于比较,我们放慢了速度。
  • But why would the bird repeatedly alter its song when any changes could affect its ability to attract a mate? The answer is wildfire.
  • 但是,当任何变化都可能影响到吸引配偶的能力时,为什么隐莺还要反复改变其歌声呢?答案是因为野火。
  • "Basically, the idea is that hermit warblers are very sensitive to fire in the short term.
  • “基本上,这个想法是,隐莺短期内对火非常敏感。
  • And so they will abandon an area temporarily, even if it's just an understory or a low-severity fire that doesn't destroy the whole stand.
  • 因此,它们会暂时放弃一个地区,即使那只是林下植被着火或不会摧毁整个林场的低强度火灾。
  • And so this creates a vacuum. And then other hermit warblers singing rival dialects move in into this vacuum.
  • 这就产生了真空地带。之后唱着其他竞争方言歌曲的隐莺进入这个真空地带。
  • And then you end up, maybe a few years later, with two or more different dialects in the same place."
  • 也许几年后,你会看到同一地区出现两种或以上不同的方言。”
  • The study was published in the journal The Auk: Ornithological Advances.
  • 这项研究发表在《海雀:鸟类学研究进展》期刊上。
  • Even though the California Hermit Warblers sing multiple songs, Furnas says that such musical diversity might actually work in the hermit warblers' favor.
  • 尽管加州隐莺会唱多种歌曲,但福纳斯表示,这种音乐的多样性可能对隐莺有利。
  • "They may have greater resiliency to things like—that are stressors to our natural habitats, like climate change.
  • “对于气候变化等我们自然栖息地的压力源,它们可能有更强的恢复力。
  • And so understanding that helps us to make better conservation decisions to protect biodiversity.
  • 因此,了解这一点有助于我们做出更好的保护决定,以保护生物多样性。
  • But it's also what makes the outdoors interesting and a beautiful place to be,
  • 但这也让户外变得有趣,同时成为美丽的地方,
  • because you can go to one part of the state and hear hermit warblers singing a certain way, and you can go to another part of the state, and they sing a different way.
  • 因为你可以去加州的一个地方,听隐莺以某种方式歌唱,然后再去加州的另一个地方,听它们以不同的方式歌唱。
  • And even though you might not know it's a hermit warbler, your experience outdoors is enriched by that diversity."
  • 尽管你可能不知道这是隐莺,但这种多样性也丰富了你的户外体验。”
  • Thanks for listening for Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Karen Kwon.
  • 这里是科学美国人——60秒科学系列,我是凯伦·权。




1. all over 到处;遍及;
We have 10 000 members spread all over the country.
2. slow down (使)放慢;(使)减速;
The body's metabolism is slowed down by extreme cold.
3. be sensitive to 过敏的;易受影响的;敏感的;
Such companies are highly sensitive to the economy.
4. even if/though 即使;尽管;纵然;
Even if the weather's awful there's lots to do.
Even though I'm quite a reserved person, I like meeting people.








