On a quiet Monday evening, young female soldiers play volleyball as the sun goes down over their base, a converted schoolhouse.
It may not be possible to find a Yazidi person in this region who doesn't have a tale to heart from 2014 IS takeover. But it made the pain young women arguably had the worst.
Thousands were kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery, thousands more remain missing.
"Militants took our daughters and sisters and sold them in other cities, I joined the Peshmerga to defend my homeland."

Since the IS takeover of much of this region, this brigade has grown from 1 to hundreds. And thousands more Yazidi women have asked to join.
When IS swept in committing crimes, United Nation says amounts to genocide. Tens of thousands of Yazidis fled to the mountains surrounding Sinjar. Thousands died of exposure, others were slaughtered in the city and thrown into mass graves they had been forced to dig.
"Any weapons we use on the frontlines are to defend our daughters and our people. As Yazidis, we do not believe in attacking and murdering people. But nowadays terrorists are blowing themselves up and killing people. They are like fire. We must fight fire with fire."
She said she fought on the frontlines since Sinjar was captured by Peshmerga soldiers a year ago. And her troops are training to defend not just other Yazidis, but Kurdistan, their semiautonomous region in Iraq, from anyone that will do them harm.