US Doctors Aid Syrians With 'Virtual Surgery'
Published September 13, 2013
A field hospital near Aleppo was destroyed Wednesday by shelling, killing the six medical personnel inside, and patients. The Syrian American Medical Society says that hospital was the third that has been destroyed in the town in two years - in a war that has killed more than 100,000 people. A group of surgeons in the United States - through the Union of Syrian Medical Relief Organizations and the Syrian American Medical Society - is assisting with the increasing medical needs - without ever entering a Syrian operating room. VOA's Carolyn Presutti takes us into a secret Skype surgery session for this exclusive report. We should warn you, this story contains some graphic images that may offend sensitive viewers.
周三,阿勒波附近的一家战地医院被炮弹摧毁,院内6名医护人员以及大量病人因此死亡skype进行神秘的手术 。我们需要提醒您,这段故事包含一些血腥场面,敏感者请谨慎 。 。美国医学协会驻叙利亚分会表示,这次医院在镇内被毁已经是两年内的第三次了,而战争已经导致了100,000人死亡 。一群美国手术医生正在通过叙利亚医疗救助工会组织与美国医学协会驻叙利亚分会帮助着叙利亚应对其增长的医疗需求,而这次他们不需要再进入手术室 。美国之声记者卡洛琳·普莱稣帝为我们带来独家报道,看看他们如何使用