英语导读1000句[54]:Games etc.
Section 54Games etc.Sometimes it is difficult to identify exactly what is a game and what is not.For example, football is a game, and so is chess. So what really is a game?Is fishing a game, a sport2007-03-16 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 53ToysThe first toy I remember being given was a doll.You probably had other toys, you know, squeaky tings when you are a baby.Maybe. What was the first toy you can remember?I think it was pr2007-03-16 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 52WashingDid you know that the use of soap to wash the body is quite a relatively recent thing?No. What did they use before?Powders and perfume, I suppose.But people didn’t used to wash as m2007-03-16 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 51ToiletDo you know what euphemism is?Sure. It’s when we use a polite word instead of a more accurate one.That’s right. And I was thinking that there are probably more euphemisms for toilet2007-03-16 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 50PositionsHow many different positions can you think of?Positions of what? Body positions, you mean?Yah. You know, like standing, sitting, lying.Well, even those you mentioned have different2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 49WaterH2O, have you ever thought how important it is to us?Ah, that’s water, isn’t it?Yes. And without it, we can’t live.I know that. I drink it everyday in tea, coffee and juices.And jus2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 48MagazinesFor just about every interest in life, there is a magazine.What do you mean?Well, you think of a subject, and you can be sure there is magazine you can buy for it.Yes, I suppose yo2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 47BooksHave you any idea how many different kinds of books there are?No, I don’t. But I’m sure you are going to tell me.Well, I don’t know exactly. But I do know there are a lot.For exampl2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 46HolidaysHow often do you go on holidays?Do you mean to have a break from work or to travel?I mean to travel out of your area.Ah, well, that depends how much money I have to spend.What do yo2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 45Swimming etc.The crawl, the backstroke, the breathstoke and the butterfly, what are these?They are the different strokes we can use when swimming.There are others, but these are the main on2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
英语导读1000句[44]:At Sea
Section 44At SeaThroughout history, people have left the land and taken to the sea.This has been done to catch food by fishing or to visit other lands.Boats and ships have been used for this purpose.2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 43HospitalsIf we are very ill or need surgery, we go to the hospital.Hospitals are usually very big places, especially in developed countries.The hospital will be separated into departments.E2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
英语导读1000句[42]:Visiting the Doctor
Section 42Visiting the DoctorIn China, when people get ill, they usually go to the hospital.In the west, people will go to their doctor.Every person will be registered with a doctor, who gets to know2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 41ShoppingA western supermarket is so unlike what we see in China.In fact, China does not have many real supermarkets outside of the major cities.To enter a huge building and buy anything fro2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
Section 40GeographyWhat is the capital of this country?Where is such and such a country?This is what we think of when we think of geography.In fact, geography covers not just countries and cities, bu2007-03-15 编辑:alex 标签:
在更衣室中细致谈论各种避孕方式,以及这些避孕方式优缺点的频率有多高?[ -
碳酸氢盐的浓度在不同组织中变化不大,但有一个明显的例外。 - 3
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