The legalization of cannabis in the United States -- the biggest change in policy for an illegal substance since Prohibition ended -- has been an unqualified success for approximately no one.
The drug is widely available for commercial purchase, many marijuana-related charges have been dropped, and stoner culture has become more aligned with designer smoking paraphernalia featured on Goop than the bumbling spaciness of Cheech and Chong.
大麻已广泛用于商业销售,许多与大麻有关的指控已被撤销,"瘾君子 "文化更多地向时尚网站 Goop 上的设计师品牌吸烟用具看齐,而不是像喜剧电影《切奇与钟》那样笨拙滑稽。
Despite its wide availability, cannabis is still illegal under federal law.
Since 1970, it's been listed as a Schedule I drug, meaning the government believes it carries a high likelihood of abuse and no medical value. Starting in the 1970s, states began passing laws lowering penalties for cannabis possession and allowing it for medical purposes and, eventually, recreational use.
In 2013, U.S. Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole issued a memo declaring that the Justice Department would not strictly enforce federal marijuana laws in states that legalized it.
Americans were eager to buy marijuana as states launched legalization programs, but in most states, cannabis hasn't proved to be a great legal business.
Because cannabis is still illegal at the federal level, many entrepreneurs don't benefit from many of the tax breaks that other businesses do, meaning the industry essentially pays billions in extra taxes, according to an analysis by a cannabis-research firm.
One promise of legalization was its potential benefit to Black and Latino communities, who were disproportionately affected by the War on Drugs, but as of 2017, members of these communities accounted for single-digit percentages of state-sanctioned cannabis entrepreneurs.
大麻合法化的一个承诺是将为黑人和拉丁裔族群带来潜在益处,这些族群在禁毒战争中受到的影响尤为严重,但在 2017 年,这些族群的成员在州政府批准的大麻企业家中所占比例仅为个位数。
Because legal weed is sometimes more expensive than old-school dealer prices, plenty of people simply stick with the unregulated underground. In states like New York, the gap between what's legal and what's enforced has allowed illicit stores to pop up among the legitimate ones.
In the 12 states where even medical marijuana is illegal, the only cannabis products legally available are a handful of medications that have been approved by the FDA, all for a narrow set of indications, such as vomiting among chemotherapy patients, AIDS-related anorexia, and certain kinds of seizures.
Active clinical trials to study cannabis are few and far between, which means that the drug currently has no clear pathways to be federally approved for other indications.