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第五章 萨拉见到了贝基(7)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • She crept toward her quietly, and stood looking at her. Becky gave a little snore.
  • 萨拉悄悄挪近她,站在那里看着她。贝基发出轻轻的鼾声。
  • "I wish she'd waken herself," Sara said. "I don't like to waken her.
  • “我希望她自己醒来,”萨拉说。“我不愿意叫醒她。
  • But Miss Minchin would be cross if she found out. I'll just wait a few minutes."
  • 可是铭钦女士若是发现了就会发脾气。我且等她几分钟吧。”
  • She took a seat on the edge of the table, and sat swinging her slim, rose-colored legs, and wondering what it would be best to do.
  • 她在桌子边缘上坐下来,摇摆着那双玫瑰色的细腿,迟疑着不知做什么好。
  • Miss Amelia might come in at any moment, and if she did, Becky would be sure to be scolded.
  • 阿米莉亚小姐随时会进来,如果她来了,贝基肯定会受到叱责。
  • "But she is so tired," she thought. "She is so tired!"
  • “可是她是那么累,”萨拉想,“的确那么累啊!”
  • A piece of flaming coal ended her perplexity for her that very moment. It broke off from a large lump and fell on to the fender.
  • 一块闪着火焰的煤顷刻间结束了萨拉的困惑。它从一大块煤上爆开,落到炉子的围栏上。
  • Becky started, and opened her eyes with a frightened gasp. She did not know she had fallen asleep.
  • 贝基惊醒了,睁开眼睛,吓得倒抽了一口气。她不知道自己睡着了。
  • She had only sat down for one moment and felt the beautiful glow—and here she found herself staring in wild alarm at the wonderful pupil,
  • 她只不过想坐一会儿,感受一下那炉火的美丽光辉——而此刻却发现自己正惊惶失措地望着那位了不起的学生,
  • who sat perched quite near her, like a rose-colored fairy, with interested eyes.
  • 那学生居高临下,离她很近,像一个玫瑰色的仙女,带着关切的眼神。
  • She sprang up and clutched at her cap. She felt it dangling over her ear, and tried wildly to put it straight.
  • 贝基一跃而起,去抓自己的帽子。她发觉帽子挂在耳朵上,心急慌忙地着手把它戴正。
  • Oh, she had got herself into trouble now with a vengeance! To have impudently fallen asleep on such a young lady's chair!
  • 唉,她这下可陷进了大麻烦啦。竟然冒冒失失地在这样一位小姐的座椅上睡熟了!
  • She would be turned out of doors without wages. She made a sound like a big breathless sob.
  • 她会被赶出大门,拿不到工钱。她透不过气来似的猛然硬咽了一声。
  • "Oh, miss! Oh, miss!" she stuttered. "I arst yer pardon, miss! Oh, I do, miss!" Sara jumped down, and came quite close to her.
  • “呀,小姐!呀,小姐!”她结结巴巴地说,“我求你原谅,小姐!啊,我求你,小姐!”萨拉从桌子边上跳下来,上前紧靠着贝基。
  • "Don't be frightened," she said, quite as if she had been speaking to a little girl like herself. "It doesn't matter the least bit."
  • “不要害怕,”她说,像是在对同自己一样的小姑娘说话一样。“一点儿也不要紧。”
  • "I didn't go to do it, miss," protested Becky. "It was the warm fire—an' me bein' so tired. It—it wasn't impertience!"
  • “并不是我要那样做的,小姐,”贝基申辩道。“都是那暖和的炉火——而我又是那么疲倦。这——这可不是故意冒犯!”
  • Sara broke into a friendly little laugh, and put her hand on her shoulder.
  • 萨拉忍不住友好地轻声笑起来,把手放到贝基肩上。


She crept toward her quietly, and stood looking at her. Becky gave a little snore.


"I wish she'd waken herself," Sara said. "I don't like to waken her.


But Miss Minchin would be cross if she found out. I'll just wait a few minutes."


She took a seat on the edge of the table, and sat swinging her slim, rose-colored legs, and wondering what it would be best to do.


Miss Amelia might come in at any moment, and if she did, Becky would be sure to be scolded.


"But she is so tired," she thought. "She is so tired!"


A piece of flaming coal ended her perplexity for her that very moment. It broke off from a large lump and fell on to the fender.


Becky started, and opened her eyes with a frightened gasp. She did not know she had fallen asleep.


She had only sat down for one moment and felt the beautiful glowand here she found herself staring in wild alarm at the wonderful pupil,


who sat perched quite near her, like a rose-colored fairy, with interested eyes.


She sprang up and clutched at her cap. She felt it dangling over her ear, and tried wildly to put it straight.


Oh, she had got herself into trouble now with a vengeance! To have impudently fallen asleep on such a young lady's chair!


She would be turned out of doors without wages. She made a sound like a big breathless sob.


"Oh, miss! Oh, miss!" she stuttered. "I arst yer pardon, miss! Oh, I do, miss!" Sara jumped down, and came quite close to her.


"Don't be frightened," she said, quite as if she had been speaking to a little girl like herself. "It doesn't matter the least bit."


"I didn't go to do it, miss," protested Becky. "It was the warm firean' me bein' so tired. Itit wasn't impertience!"


Sara broke into a friendly little laugh, and put her hand on her shoulder.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

lump [lʌmp]


n. 团,块,瘤,笨重的人
v. 使成块,形成

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

perplexity [pə'pleksiti]


n. 困惑,混乱

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

pardon ['pɑ:dn]


n. 原谅,赦免
vt. 宽恕,原谅





