For many of us, getting and staying healthy is usually top-of-mind, a typical go-to -- vitamin.
After all, Americans spent nearly 50 billion dollars alone on supplements last year.
But a new analysis published in The Journal of the American Medical Association says, for the average healthy adult, they may not be necessary.
They reviewed 84 studies to assess the impact of vitamins and supplements in preventing heart disease and cancer.
Dr. Michael Barry is the vice chair of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

"We don't have enough evidence to recommend for or against them with those two exceptions of vitamin E and beta-carotene, which we recommend people not to take."
According to the analysis, beta-carotene was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer and death from heart disease, while vitamin E had no proven effects.
But the vitamin industry, which spent nearly a billion dollars on marketing in 2021, refutes those statements.
Doctors do say children and those with chronic illnesses can stand to benefit from vitamins, as well as those who are pregnant.
But ultimately, the key to a healthy, long life: good old-fashioned diet and exercise.