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Hello again欢迎来到Happy Hour英文小酒馆。关注公众号璐璐的英文小酒馆,加入我们的酒馆社群,邂逅更精彩更广阔的世界

Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Lulu's TV Picks. 欢迎回来【璐璐荐剧】.

Now this one is going to be very different because I'm not so much as recommending a particular show to you, but more using this as an opportunity to talk about something I've always been interested in.

今天荐剧的目的其实并不是要给大家推荐什么神剧, 主要是璐璐想“夹带私货”, 用这个机会聊聊我一直感兴趣的一个话题.

Now this might come as a surprise to you. Ever since I was a little kid, I've always been interested in dinosaurs. And I find the Jurassic franchise absolutely fascinating.

我从很小的时候就开始很喜欢恐龙, 整个侏罗纪系列也是看了无数遍.

If you ask me why, I think it's because I've always been fascinating by gigantic ancient beasts, monsters; and dinosaurs just fit that idea and that description perfectly.

So the whole Jurassic franchise整个的侏罗纪系列is started off as a book and then the first movie by Steven Spielberg came out in 1993, from then on they had the Jurassic park trilogy and then the Jurassic world trilogy.

But since this is TV picks, we're not gonna talk about those movies. Instead, we're gonna talk about a very new animated series now going on to season five under the Jurassic franchise called Camp Cretaceous.

不过既然是荐剧的板块, 咱们不聊电影, 聊聊侏罗纪系列里的一个动画连续剧, Camp Cretaceous, 白垩纪营地.

This is really new. The first season was released in September 2020 and it was jointly produced by Dreamworks and Netflix. I think the original target audience probably are teenagers or young adults, because this Camp Cretaceous is centered on a group of six teenagers or six campers, they went to Jurassic park to join this summer camp called Camp Cretaceous, there are three boys and three girls. Let me introduce them.

Let's start with the boys. So you have Darius who is a dinosaur fanatic, a dinosaur nerd, he calls himself. He knows everything about dinosaurs. And then you have Kenji who is a rich kid. He is the self-appointed VIP camper. But when it comes to real life experience, he's pretty much useless. The other boy is Ben, very sensitive, bit of a germophobe and very shy in the beginning. But after going through so many challenges, he's learned a lot of survival skills. And he also takes care of a cute dinosaur he names Bumpy.

Let's then move on to the girls. You have Brooklynn who is a famous influencer, vlogger.

In the beginning of the show, she's constantly shooting videos about her experience in the Jurassic Park. And then you have Yasmina or Yas who is a teen athlete, extremely fit, she's been training for years and she always shines when there's a need for speed and agility. The last one is Sammy, Sammy is full of energy, is one of those people that has such a bubbly personality that she's always able to cheer everyone up.

So these are the characters, pretty stereotypical, rightThe story line is very simple. These six teenagers, the original plan was they would go to this camp at the Jurassic Park. And they would enjoy a fascinating camp experience, seeing all the dinosaurs doing all the activities. But then you know as with any of the Jurassic movies, things go horribly wrong.

And these teenagers were left on the island, having to survive and defending themselves, and trying to eventually get off the island. So that's pretty much the background of the story.

And of course the biggest story line is about dinosaurs. So let's take a look at dinosaurs.

The word dinosaur was coined by sir Richard Owen in 1841 to describe the fossils of these reptiles. So he came up with the word dinosaur combining the Greek wordsdeinos”, which means terrible, andsauros”, which means lizard, terrible lizards, 恐怖的蜥蜴, and there you have dinosaur.

The study of dinosaurs belongs to the field of Paleontology. If you watch Friends youd know that, that's Rossfield. The dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic era, Mesozoic era中生代被称为the age of dinosaurs, because dinosaurs were the dominant species of the age, that was about 252 to 66 million years ago.

Mesozoic era included three consecutive geological time periods. 中生代又分为三个季Triassic period 三叠纪, Jurassic period 侏罗纪, and Cretaceous period白垩纪, whenever we watch any movies within the Jurassic franchise, what most of us are interested in are dinosaurs themselves. What types of dinosaurs are we seeing

There are many ways to categorize dinosaurs, the basic ones by what they eat, like other species, we can categorize dinosaurs as carnivore, the meat eaters, 肉食; Herbivore, the plant eaters, 植食; and Omnivore, the everything eater, 杂食.

Dinosaurs who eat other animals can be called predators, 掠食者. And if no one can eat them or hunt them in the food chain then they are Apex predator, 顶级掠食者.

Any animals they hunt are called prey. But then obviously there are more complex ways to categorize dinosaurs.

So the two major categories that most dinosaurs seem to fall into are Saurischians, meaning lizard hipped, and Ornithischian or bird hipped. 按照更专业的分类, 恐龙主要的两大类分别是Saurischians 蜥臀目也叫龙盘目, and Ornithischian鸟豚木, 或者叫鸟盘木.

Let's start with Saurischians . Under Saurischians, there are two major sub categories. The first category is called Theropods beast-footed.

在龙盘目或者蜥臀目下面有两个主要的亚目, 第一个是Theropods 兽脚亚目, they tend to be meat eaters, they have powerful legs and short arms. Any particular dinosaur comes to mind. Yes, the tyrannosaurus暴龙.

Lets face it, it simply wouldn't be a good dinosaur movie if it doesn't have tyrannosaurus in it. But it's not just a tyrannosaurus, pretty much all these fake scary creatures that appear in the Jurassic franchise and also more specifically in this TV series, belong to the Theropods category.

For example, you have Carnotaurus 食肉牛龙, Allosaurus 异特龙, Baryonyx 重爪龙, and of course, my childhood nightmare, the Raptors 伶盗龙也被叫做(迅猛龙).

They are all Theropods. This category also includes some of the smaller dinosaurs. I'm sure you still remember these little guys who like shining objects, who always hunt in packs. If you see one of them, that's fine. But if you encounter a group of them, you are in big trouble, again, you pretty much see them in all of the Jurassic movies and TV shows, they are called Compsognathus 美颌龙, nicknamed compy.

So that was the Theropods. The other subcategory underneath Saurischians is called the Sauropods. 刚才说了兽脚亚目, 龙盘目下面的另外一种亚目叫做蜥脚亚目, Sauropods or the lizard-footed.

They are the herbivores, the plant eaters. They have long necks, long tails, walked on all 4 feet.

For example, dinosaurs like Brachiosaurus 腕龙, Brontosaurus 雷龙, theyre gigantic creatures but thank god, they're plant eaters.

So weve just talked about Theropods and Sauropods, two subcategories of the Saurischians. 刚才说到了蜥臀目或者龙盘目下面的两个亚目.

The other big category of dinosaurs is Ornithischian, or bird hipped 鸟臀目或者叫鸟盘目.

Dinosaurs in this categories, they were also vegetarians and usually have a very distinctive feature like armor, horn, or plates.

Underneath this category, you have Ankylosaurus 甲龙, 就是那种长得跟装甲车一样的. Actually in Camp Cretaceous, remember one of the kids Ben, he takes care of a dinosaur and that is Ankylosaurus named Bumpy, really cute and comes real handy when you need protection.

The other major type of dinosaur of this category is Stegosaurus. 鸟臀目下除了甲龙还有Stegosaurus 剑龙.

They don't really play a major part most of the times, but you see them again in pretty much all the dinosaur movies.

They're the ones with these plates or spikes all the way along their back. Although they look tough, but they're actually one of the dumber dinosaurs. They've got brain the size of a walnut.

Also in this big category you have Ceratopsians 角龙 . To me they just look like ancient rhinos. Triceratops 就是三角龙. Again, theyre the recurring character in a lot of the movies and TV series.

Another type, their name is a mouthful. They're called Pachycephalosaurus, theyre the ones was an extremely strong skull. 厚头龙或者肿头龙。

I'm sure you remember the really cute Pachycephalosaurus in Jurassic World Two.

Honestly, if you're vocabulary fanatic, if remembering long words makes you happy, you should really learn more about dinosaurs because there's so many interesting long names.

So weve just talked about some of the major types of dinosaurs that actually existed. If you think about the meat eaters, the Theropods, their strength are usually the speed and their extremely strong jaw. But for the herbivores, the plant eaters, they're usually protecting themselves by having solid horn, spikes, plates, or armor all by natures beautiful design.

And of course in Camp Cretaceous, its not just these real types of dinosaurs you gotta watch out for, there's also the genetic hybrid made at Jurassic World by these crazy scientists, which is usually a combination of different animal genes. So that's the bit of dinosaur one on one.

Now why do I recommend this seriesFirst of all, if you're a fan of the Jurassic franchise, then you will see many interesting references to the movies. 这里面有很多和侏罗纪系列电影的小链接, you might see a lot of familiar scenes or items.

And also if you're like me, you're a dinosaur fan, then you are in for a treat.

虽然算不上神剧, 但这个绝对是恐龙粉的福利, because dinosaurs is what it's all about.

It has got a nice story line, especially for a teen story, which is usually a bit boring. And it has many gripping scenes. I have to admit I can get really nervous watching their near escapes every time.

故事线ok. 有不少的惊险的场景, 其实还蛮抓人的, but obviously there are things to watch out for because this series is completely focused on dinosaurs, if you don't like dinosaurs, this is simply not the series for you.

And it also includes a lot of specific dinosaur related terms, 恐龙相关词汇秘籍, which might be a challenge.

And also because it's a teen story, it has its limitations. For instance, no matter what they do, kids simply won't die or even get hurt. And the adults are always either stupid or evil.

If you plan to show this to younger kids, some of the scenes might be quite graphic, might be too terrifying for them.

And that ends today's TV picks. I don't know about you, but I thoroughly enjoyed recording today's episode.

So if you don't like dinosaurs, just consider this a special episode to clear away some of your blind spots; and for those of you who are fellow fans of dinosaurs, leave us a comment in the comment section, which is your favorite dinosaur. I'll see you next time.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
distinctive [di'stiŋktiv]


adj. 独特的

description [di'skripʃən]


n. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型

hybrid ['haibrid]


n. 混血儿,杂种,混合物

skull [skʌl]


n. 头骨,骷髅头
vt. 击打头部

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

complex ['kɔmpleks]


adj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的
n. 复合体

survival [sə'vaivəl]


n. 生存,幸存者

recurring [ri'kə:riŋ]


adj. 再发的,循环的 动词recur的现在分词

nightmare ['nait.mɛə]


n. 恶梦,使人极其痛苦的事情或经历,梦魇

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类





