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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "We could hear them singing," the old warrior said.
  • “我在这里都能听见他们唱歌,”老战士说,
  • "It was a good song, and they sang it bravely."
  • “唱得不错,唱得勇猛。”
  • "They sang better than they fought.
  • “唱的比做的好。
  • Harps would have done them as much good as their lances did."
  • 他们应该拿竖琴而不是提长枪。”
  • "How many men are lost?"
  • “死了几个?”
  • "Of ours?" Theon shrugged.
  • “我们?”席恩耸耸肩。
  • "Todric. I killed him for getting drunk and fighting over loot."
  • “只有托德利克。他酗酒,为战利品还动手伤人,我宰了他。”
  • "Some men are born to be killed."
  • “有的人生来便是该杀。”
  • A lesser man might have been afraid to show a smile as frightening as his,
  • 别人或许会顾忌把如此可怖的笑容展现人前,
  • yet Dagmer grinned more often and more broadly than Lord Balon ever had.
  • 不过达格摩即使当着巴隆大王的面也是无所畏惧,笑口常开。
  • Ugly as it was, that smile brought back a hundred memories.
  • 笑容虽丑,却牵起席恩无数的回忆。
  • Theon had seen it often as a boy, when he'd jumped a horse over a mossy wall, or flung an axe and split a target square.
  • 幼童时代,这笑容伴随着他,每当他驱策小马跨过生苔的矮墙,每当他掷出飞斧击中竖立的靶标,
  • He'd seen it when he blocked a blow from Dagmer's sword, when he put an arrow through a seagull on the wing,
  • 每当他挡下达格摩的攻击,每当他射中海鸥的翅膀,
  • when he took the tiller in hand and guided a longship safely through a snarl of foaming rocks.
  • 每当他操纵舵柄指引长船穿过纠结的暗礁,这笑容总是不离左右。
  • He gave me more smiles than my father and Eddard Stark together.
  • 他给我的笑,比父亲、比艾德·史塔克给的都多,甚至比罗柏……
  • Even Robb... he ought to have won a smile the day he'd saved Bran from that wildling,
  • 那天他从野人手中拯救布兰,本该赢得微笑,
  • but instead he'd gotten a scolding, as if he were some cook who'd burned the stew.
  • 结果却是责骂,仿佛他才是始作俑者。
  • "You and I must talk, Uncle," Theon said.
  • “我们得谈谈,叔叔。”席恩说。
  • Dagmer was no true uncle, only a sworn man with perhaps a pinch of Greyjoy blood four or five lives back, and that from the wrong side of the blanket.
  • 其实达格摩不是他亲叔叔,只是父亲的部属,四五代前似乎有那么一点葛雷乔伊的血统,还是从私通苟合中得来。
  • Yet Theon had always called him uncle nonetheless.
  • 虽然如此,席恩仍旧一直喊他叔叔。
  • "Come onto my deck, then."
  • “好,那就上我的甲板吧。”
  • There were no mlords from Dagmer, not when he stood on his own deck.
  • 从达格摩口中,你别想听到大人老爷的称呼,尤其是他踩在自己甲板上的时候。
  • On the Iron Islands, every captain was a king aboard his own ship.
  • 铁群岛的传统历来如此,每个船长都是自己船上的国王。
  • He climbed the plank to the deck of the Foamdrinker in four long strides,
  • 他跳上厚木板,来到豪饮号四跨宽的甲板上,
  • and Dagmer led him back to the cramped aft cabin, where the old man poured a horn of sour ale and offered Theon the same.
  • 达格摩领他去狭窄的船尾舱室,给自己和席恩分别倒了一角杯酸麦酒。
  • He declined. "We did not capture enough horses.
  • 席恩谢绝了,“我们没有逮到足够的马。
  • A few, but... well, I'll make do with what I have, I suppose.
  • 抓到几匹,可是……好吧,我想也只能将就着用了。
  • Fewer men means more glory."
  • 人越少,分享的光荣就越大。”
  • "What need do we have of horses?"
  • “我们拿马来做什么?”
  • Like most ironmen, Dagmer preferred to fight on foot or from the deck of a ship.
  • 和大多数铁民一样,达格摩更欣赏徒步作战或在甲板上战斗。
  • "Horses will only shit on our decks and get in our way."
  • “马只会在船上拉屎拉尿,碍手碍脚。”


"We could hear them singing," the old warrior said.


"It was a good song, and they sang it bravely."


"They sang better than they fought.


Harps would have done them as much good as their lances did."


"How many men are lost?"



"Of ours?" Theon shrugged.


"Todric. I killed him for getting drunk and fighting over loot."


"Some men are born to be killed."


A lesser man might have been afraid to show a smile as frightening as his,


yet Dagmer grinned more often and more broadly than Lord Balon ever had.


Ugly as it was, that smile brought back a hundred memories.


Theon had seen it often as a boy, when he'd jumped a horse over a mossy wall, or flung an axe and split a target square.


He'd seen it when he blocked a blow from Dagmer's sword, when he put an arrow through a seagull on the wing,


when he took the tiller in hand and guided a longship safely through a snarl of foaming rocks.


He gave me more smiles than my father and Eddard Stark together.


Even Robb... he ought to have won a smile the day he'd saved Bran from that wildling,


but instead he'd gotten a scolding, as if he were some cook who'd burned the stew.


"You and I must talk, Uncle," Theon said.


Dagmer was no true uncle, only a sworn man with perhaps a pinch of Greyjoy blood four or five lives back, and that from the wrong side of the blanket.


Yet Theon had always called him uncle nonetheless.


"Come onto my deck, then."


There were no mlords from Dagmer, not when he stood on his own deck.


On the Iron Islands, every captain was a king aboard his own ship.


He climbed the plank to the deck of the Foamdrinker in four long strides,


and Dagmer led him back to the cramped aft cabin, where the old man poured a horn of sour ale and offered Theon the same.


He declined. "We did not capture enough horses.


A few, but... well, I'll make do with what I have, I suppose.


Fewer men means more glory."


"What need do we have of horses?"


Like most ironmen, Dagmer preferred to fight on foot or from the deck of a ship.


"Horses will only shit on our decks and get in our way."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
axe [æks]


n. 斧,乐器,突然去除
vt. 用斧砍,突然

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

stew [stju:]


n. 炖汤,焖,烦恼 v. 炖汤,焖,忧虑

frightening ['fraitniŋ]


adj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的 动词frighten的

cramped ['kræmpt]


adj. 狭促的,难懂的,难辨的

pinch [pintʃ]


n. 捏,一撮,少量,困苦,偷窃
vt. 掐,

blanket ['blæŋkit]


n. 毛毯,覆盖物,排字版
vt. 用毯子裹,

stark [stɑ:k]


adj. 僵硬的,完全的,严酷的,荒凉的,光秃秃的 ad

capture ['kæptʃə]


vt. 捕获,俘获,夺取,占领,迷住,(用照片等)留存<

glory ['glɔ:ri]


n. 光荣,荣誉,壮丽,赞颂
vi. 为 ..





