The world outside of central Maine almost never got to know Stephen King. If not for his wife's diligence and her confidence in her husband, the book that launched a million pages might never have come into being. When his wife Tabitha rescued the start of the manuscript of "Carrie" from the trash and insisted her husband finish it, King was working as an English teacher and writing on the side. Tabitha's judgment was right, Carrie became a smash hit, and Stephen King is one of the world's most famous and most prolific authors. So what's the story behind the stories? Let's delve into his life ...
Early Life
Stephen King was born in Portland, Maine, the largest city of the mostly rural state that serves as the setting for so many of his famous stories. Stephen was the second son born to Nellie and Donald King, but the family of four soon became a family of three. When Stephen was only two years old, and his brother only four, their father went out, telling the family he was buying a pack of cigarettes. He never returned. King's mother worked several jobs, moving with the boys from Maine, going from state to state to find work and a place she could afford to live and raise two boys on her own. But Maine was home, and it's where the family eventually settled for good. When they moved back to Maine, the family didn't have indoor plumbing. And this was the 1960s. King's life growing up was a far cry from the wealth he has now. But King didn't see his childhood as exceptional or out of the ordinary. Though he does acknowledge he's always liked scary things.

"My childhood was pretty ordinary, except from a very early age I wanted to be scared. I just did. I was scared afterward. I wanted a light on because I was scared. There was something in the closet. My imagination was very active even at a young age." Some have said that King might also be inspired to write such horrifying stories by a childhood event he doesn't even remember. "According to Mom, I had gone off to play at a neighbor's house - a house that was near a railroad line. About an hour after I left I came back (she said), as white as a ghost. I would not speak for the rest of the day; I would not tell her why I'd not waited to be picked up or phoned that I wanted to come home; I would not tell her why my chum's mom hadn't walked me back but had allowed me to come alone. It turned out that the kid I had been playing with had been run over by a freight train while playing on or crossing the tracks (years later, my mother told me they had picked up the pieces in a wicker basket)."
As traumatic as that event must have been, it was not the only explanation for King's vivid imagination. Friends of the King tell stories about how the family was known for their attention to literature. If their mother couldn't find - or couldn't afford - a babysitter, she'd leave her sons alone with the expectation they would read aloud to each other. King's love of stories and the written word was fostered from an early age. And, the tradition stuck - King and his wife Tabitha also made their own kids read aloud to each other, and to them. He'd even record them on cassettes to make the family their own collection of audiobooks.
Growing up, King also wrote material for his brother's newsletter. Called "Dave's Rag," they made copies on a mimeograph machine and distributed it to their friends. But King was soon able to move beyond just writing for his sibling's newsletter. In 1965, when he was still in high school, King was published in Comics Review. The story was right in line with the frightening plots we all know King for today. King had been working as a gravedigger to earn money as a teenager. The job inspired him to write a story called "I Was A Teenage Grave Robber," and its publication was his first taste of published success. The only downside - he didn't get paid for the work. His first paid published work didn't come until he was in college and earned $35 for a story called "The Glass Floor."
King graduated from Lisbon Falls High School, the high school in the town that later became the setting for portions of the book "11/22/63." Lisbon Falls was a milltown, and King spent time working in the town's mill when he was a teenager.