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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1206期:填满心和胃

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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dialogue 1

Jingjing: Hey, Mark. What's that you're ____?

Mark: This? I just ____ it to see what it was. I wasn't _____ it. I guessit's one of those ____ videos.

Jingjing: Oh, I hope you're _____ those. Some of the people on therereally ______with food.

Mark: Yeah. It looks like this ____ is doing that. She has enough food for_____people on her table and she's ______pretty fast.

Jingjing: That's a real _____: chocolate cake, something that lookslike _____ in that big _____, ____.

Mark: It'sinteresting for a _____. I really don't get what's _____, though.

Jingjing: Well, for people who are _____, at ___ or at a _____, one of these videosmakes it feel like they have a _______.

Mark: Huh, acompanion with ______ food.

Jingjing: Not always, I've seen a few that _____ the _____ from ___ chainrestaurants, even _____ food from _____ stores.

Mark: Andpeople ______ in by that? Amazing.

Jingjing: Hey, different ____ for different ____.

Mark: Yeah,but those are some very different _____, for some very very ______, the way Isee it.

Jingjing: Everybody has something a ______________. This one seems pretty______.

Mark: Iguess so, except for the ______, andwell, I doubt if they can ________ everytime.

Jingjing: Hence a _________.

Mark: Uh, OK. Well, ___________.

Jingjing: Yeah, ________. Rome wasn't _____ in a day.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, since our ______ earlier, I found an _____ about those _______.

Mark: Ohyeah? Did it _______for their _______ popularity?

Jingjing: It____ did. That's what it was _____ about.

Mark: Well,give me the _______.

Jingjing: Itstarted as kind of a ___ social media activity in ______. The videos thatgot viewed the most were_________

Mark: Let meguess, very ——- girls eating like ———?

Jingjing: Yes, that's it. So, now that it's ——- so widely, experts have ———.

Mark: Right. So, how do they —— it?

Jingjing: Well, ——- is one of the factors.

Mark: Hmm,you mean people who ———watch these videos?

Jingjing: Yes. They get the ———of a —— meal, while theythemselves —— on ——- sticks or ——.

Mark: Thatmakes —— sense. I sometimes play a video of someone's ——-run-through whenI'm doing ——-work. It keeps me from feeling too ——- with the ——- I have,and —— keeps me from being ——-.

Jingjing: Isuppose that's ——.

Mark: Whatelse did the experts say?

Jingjing: ——else. You said “———,” right?

Mark: I did. Thanks, Jingjing.

new words andphrases

from dialogue 1

stuff face:

Roman feast:

get taken in by:

different strokesfor different folks:

hold down:

from dialogue 2

broad strokes:

weigh in:

a lavish meal:

重点单词   查看全部解释    
popularity [.pɔpju'læriti]


n. 普及,流行,名望,受欢迎

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

lavish ['læviʃ]


adj. 大方的,丰富的,浪费的 vt. 浪费,慷慨给予

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.





