Since this past february, VOA has talked to scores of refugees in Turkey who have tried and failed to get into Greece.
Back then the Turkish government was openly encouraging them to make the trip,
but the Greek government has told them not to come and many refugees report being beaten, robbed and then expelled after they arrived.
In recent months the stories have grown even more harrowing.
Families tell of being abandoned at sea by Greek authorities on rubber boats without motors or fuel.
They dragged our rubber boat to water that seemed to be hidden by mountains and circled around us until we were bailing water out with our own hands.
I thought the children would drown. Najma and her family were on their third attempt to reach Greece when their boat was stopped
and their fuel was seized by what appeared to be Greek security forces.

But they were lucky a passenger had enough fuel hidden away to get them back to Turkey.
When they caught our boat, I woke up as we were dragged back into Turkish waters.
I wasn't scared until I thought they were going to rip open our boat with pikes.
On a previous trip they made it to the Greek islands, but they were soon arrested and left on rafts at sea
before they were rescued by the Turkish coast guard.
The New York Times recently reported greece has secretly expelled more than 1 000 people in recent months,
abandoning many of them at sea outside of Greek territorial waters.
But Greece has denied any illegal activity noting that it has rescued tens of thousands of asylum seekers in recent years.
The government adds it protects European Union borders vigorously with tough, but fair policies.
Heather Murdock, VOA news, Istanbul