Voice 1: African Christians point out that to not follow witchcraft does not mean to deny all tradition and culture. The African Church has moved a long way from old colonial thinking. Traditions and culture are very much central to people's lives. One preacher wrote about an African Church that he visited. The church was far from Africa. It was in the USA. He said:
Voice 6: "It is a church I love because they celebrate being African. They light the Kwanazaa candles every Sunday. They end each prayer with 'Ashe, Alleluia, Amen.' They wear African clothes. They talk, pray and sing about Africa. I loved it. I felt so at home. I felt so complete. This is a church where African people can celebrate their faith with the context of their social and historical lives."
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202006/613535.shtml